KTV is a nightlife gathering place that many young people are keen on, but KTV during the day has a different scene. The occupancy rate of many KTVs in the afternoon is generally above 60%, and it is reported that more than half of the consumers in this period are with an average

Issue 1736 Cultural Industry Review

KTV is a nightlife gathering place that many young people are keen on, but KTV during the day has a different scene. The occupancy rate of many KTVs in the afternoon is generally above 60%, and it is reported that most of the consumers in this period are senior citizens with an average age of 65. Low price is an important reason why they choose this form of entertainment.

Such a phenomenon not only reflects the development and changes of the times, but also reflects the changes in the concepts of the elderly and businesses. It can be seen that the entertainment and leisure demands of the elderly are being respected and understood step by step, and the benefits of the "silver entertainment economy" are gradually revealed.

Source: Cultural Industry Review Comprehensive

Editor: Liang Xin

"If you are buying in a group, you need a luxury box for 12 people. Remember to bring snacks in." Aunt Wu handled the registration skillfully, and gathered a group of white-haired, fancy-dressed, chattering people. The peers followed the usher to the designated KTV box.

You read that right, KTV is no longer just for young people. With the emergence of new karaoke methods such as mini KTV, online KTV APP, and professional recording studios, young people’s choices are no longer limited to traditional KTV.

For some time now, the public opinion field seems to be less tolerant towards uncles and aunties. Previously, topics such as aunties dancing in the square to "occupy" the basketball court, and gangsters taking to the road to "occupy" the motorway have caused heated discussions, forming a series of series targeting the elderly on the Internet such as "Fang Shiyu squeezed into the car, Lin Daiyu got into the car, and Zhang Wuji was beaten up". of verbal and written criticism. However, the "occupation" of KTV by the uncles and aunties has been widely praised and affirmed. It can be seen that the entertainment and leisure demands of the elderly group are being respected and understood step by step, and the benefits of the "silver entertainment economy" are gradually revealed.

Grandpas and aunts occupy the KTV afternoon session: the average consumption per person per time does not exceed 10 yuan

html On September 2, according to the Wuhan Morning News, starting from 12:30 noon, Lingjiao Lake Grandpas and aunts in a KTV began to flock to the front desk. They registered and walked into the box. Soon, songs with characteristics of the era such as "Liuyang River" and "Liu Hai Chopping Wood" rang in their ears. The feasting and feasting turned into a sunset red. Aunt Wu said that they are all classmates in the vocal music class of the senior college. often comes to sing in the afternoon, an average of 2 to 3 times a week. The average consumption per person each time is no more than 10 yuan. After the group purchase, everyone will share it equally on an AA basis.

Many KTVs in business districts such as Jianghan Road Pedestrian Street and Vanke Xintang have an attendance rate of over 60% in the afternoon, and some KTVs are even full. Most of the consumers during this period are with an average age of 65. Elderly people.

"My children don't have time to go to work, so we met new friends at the senior college. We can sing karaoke to connect emotionally and get in touch with society, so we don't have to isolate ourselves at home when we retire." Aunt Hu, a "hardcore fan" of KTV, said that singing in the afternoon is cheap and fun. He did not delay taking care of his grandson to do housework. "I met many people of the same age and felt quite comfortable."

"In the beginning, KTV was not open during the day. In the past two years, as the price per customer has dropped sharply, it has also begun to operate during the day. Group purchases are the main focus, and we only talk about attendance, not making money, so as to gain popularity." Several KTVs All the sales staff said that the afternoon session was dominated by elderly people aged 55 to 70 years old. “Most of them are 8 to 10 people. Except for group purchases, they rarely consume other drinks, drinks and food. There is no requirement for the song library, and they sing all the songs.” "Old songs." It is reported that some KTVs have specially prepared first-aid medicines and free hot water for the elderly.

The rise of the uncles and aunts: realizing entertainment and leisure demands in "enjoyment for the elderly"

A battle with loudspeakers in community squares; dance performances in front of the Louvre in Paris; impromptu dances in train carriages; the annual college entrance examination is coming, and the uncles and aunts decided to show mercy and stop Three days of dancing... Accompanied by the strong rhythm of square dancing and the high-pitched old songs of KTV, the somewhat tough social group of uncles and aunts has unexpectedly captured people's attention.

In fact, the uncles and aunts who once "occupied" basketball courts and "occupied" motorways are no different from the uncles and aunts who "occupied" KTVs. The main body of refers to a group of people who have reached old age and still have hope for life. Essentially, stemming from a conflict of needs.When considering square dancing as a spiritual and cultural activity for the elderly, it must be noted that it is also a deformity for the elderly to have only one spiritual and cultural activity or to focus too much on a certain spiritual and cultural activity.

To improve this situation, supply-side reform is necessary. The fundamental way is to expand and optimize supply to increase the spiritual and cultural consumption choices of uncles and aunts so that they can be entertained as they age. Nowadays, young people support aunties in "occupying" KTV, which also shows that both parties have found the greatest common denominator.

At present, many cities have put increasing the construction of public places on their important agenda. Due to the expansion of venues, the phenomenon of elderly and young people competing for venues has been alleviated. This makes people think of the popularity of senior universities - a project that can gain the support of young people and provide them with something to do and enjoy. If the government and the market can provide more "production-marketing" activities to meet the diverse entertainment and leisure needs of the elderly, will square dancing still be so "one's own way"?

The benefits of the "silver entertainment economy" are gradually being revealed.

The aging society is becoming a topic of great concern, and delaying the retirement age is becoming a whirlpool of widespread debate. Many people feel that quitting a professional position where they have worked for many years and retiring is tantamount to being thrown to the margins of society and returning to an individual state. "No worries about food and clothing, but empty spirit" is a true portrayal of many elderly people today.

However, the sudden activity of the elderly group seems to declare that professional positions are not the only institution that organizes members of society. Dance music in the square and old songs in KTV can also act as good organizers. As a social group, the cultural concepts of the elderly, their consumption characteristics, their secret desires, their social demands... So far, these issues have not received enough attention. How is it possible that there is an amazing market in this area? Most people turned a blind eye and turned away.

But this also provides some ideas for reference for some industries: For KTV merchants, the "afternoon show" is a useful attempt to enter the "silver entertainment economy". In the face of increasingly fierce competition, merchants can make full use of the "off-season" resources in the afternoon session and expand the blue ocean market for the elderly, which can not only make small profits but quick turnover, but also avoid idleness and waste of resources.

According to relevant estimates, between 2015 and 2050, the consumption potential of my country's elderly population will increase from about 5 trillion yuan to about 106 trillion yuan. Nowadays, the elderly are emerging from every corner of society. They are happy, unrestrained, crowded in front of each other, and their families are short of family. Amid the hustle and bustle, can people start their thinking and discover something behind the rolling dust?


Needless to say, our country has entered an aging society, but the various cultural consumption needs of the elderly are still marginalized. The huge consumer market of the elderly deserves social attention. In some developed countries, companies that have emerged around the elderly consumer market have initially formed an industrial extension chain of modern goods and services. The "silver entertainment economy" is even forming new industry standards, professional classifications, large-scale production, marketing channels and trading markets. Therefore, companies should grasp market trends in a timely manner, conduct in-depth research on the elderly population, and actively explore the "silver hair market" to achieve dual benefits of social and economic benefits.

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