Financing balances have risen for four consecutive times for the first time since this round of adjustments. After the market rose sharply on Monday, A-shares have shrunk in recent days, indicating a lack of market willingness to go long. Databao statistics show that the latest S

The Shanghai Stock Index has repeatedly seen action around 3,000 points. The financing balance of the two cities has increased for 4 consecutive trading days. During this period, which stocks have leveraged funds increased significantly?

Financing balance has risen for four consecutive times for the first time since this round of adjustment

After the market rose sharply on Monday, A-shares have shrunk in recent days, showing that the market is not willing to do long. However, leveraged funds have continued to increase against the market trend. Statistics from

data treasure show that the latest Shanghai and Shenzhen financing balance was 920.750 billion yuan, which increased for 4 consecutive trading days. During the period, the total balance of the two financing increased by 9.933 billion yuan; the latest financing balance was 911.334 billion yuan, which also increased for 4 consecutive trading days. During the period, the total financing balance increased by 9.372 billion yuan. It is worth noting that this is the first time since the market adjustment on April 22 that the financing balance has increased four consecutive times.

Looking at industries, under the trend of continuous increase in the balance of financing and financing, Shenwan belongs to 28 industries, a total of 23 industries have increased financing balance. The food and beverage industry has the largest increase in financing balance, with an increase of 2.097 billion yuan in financing balance during the period. . The industries with the largest increase in financing balance include electronics, non-bank finance, etc.; the industries with decreasing financing balance include household appliances, automobiles, etc.

According to statistics by magnitude, the leisure service industry has the highest growth rate in financing balance, reaching 14.58%; followed by food and beverage, national defense and military industry, with increases of 8.91% and 4% respectively.

12 stocks’ financing balance increased by more than 20%

Judging from stocks , Databao statistics show that during the period when the two financing balances continued to rise, nearly 60% of the financing balances of the underlying stocks increased. Among them, 12 stocks were significantly increased by financing customers, and the financing balance An increase of over 20%.

Home appliance stock Supor has the largest increase in financing balance during the period . The latest financing balance was 89 million yuan, an increase of 74.31% during the period. Its stock price has recently fluctuated near historical highs.

is followed by Haid Group , with the latest financing balance of 168 million yuan, an increase of 54.02%. The performance of this stock during the year can be called a slow bull. Yesterday, the white horse stocks collectively "slumped", and the share price of Haid Group fell sharply by 6.4 %, but leveraged funds increased their positions against the trend, and the financing balance increased by nearly 9% yesterday; the top increase in financing balance was Shanghai Airport , Baiyun Airport , etc. According to statistics from

, among the stocks with financing balances increasing by more than 20%, the electronics, transportation, and food and beverage industries are relatively concentrated, with two stocks each being shortlisted. In terms of

market performance, among the stocks whose financing balances increased significantly, their stock prices fell by an average of 0.91% during the period, which was weaker than the broader market. Kangyuan Pharmaceutical rose by 7.87% during the period, the best performance; among the top increasers were Lingyizhizao , Wuliangye , etc.

28 stocks received leveraged funds to increase their positions to over 100 million yuan.

Based on the absolute amount statistics, during the period when the balance of financing and financing increased continuously, the total financing balance increased by 9.372 billion yuan. Among them, 28 companies had an increase of more than 100 million yuan in financing balance.

The company with the largest increase in financing balance was Wuliangye . During the period, the financing balance increased by 882 million yuan, an increase of 24.05%. The financing balances of BOE A and Kweichow Moutai increased by 544 million yuan and 525 million yuan respectively, ranking second and third. .

Disclaimer: All information content on Databao does not constitute investment advice. The stock market is risky, so investment needs to be cautious.