▼Yesterday, the official blog of Nazha Studio announced that the Beijing Internet Court held a public hearing and conducted mediation in the case of Guli Nazha suing netizens for online infringement liability disputes.

▼Yesterday, the official blog of Nazha Studio announced that the Beijing Internet Court held a public hearing and conducted mediation in the case of Guli Nazha suing netizens for online infringement liability disputes. At present, the defendant has issued an apology statement and also thanked Nazafang agreed to reduce the compensation. Support rights protection!

▼Yesterday Julian Cheung posted on Weibo: "At the airport, we parted ways today." Some netizens commented: "Did Julian Cheung use the wrong idiom?" Let's popularize this idiom! It means "walking separate ways. It's a metaphor for having different goals, each going his own way or doing his own thing." Doesn't that seem right? ?

▼Yesterday, Su Xing posted a chat record with He Jie , which led netizens to suspect that He Jie was pregnant with three children. So He Jie personally refuted the rumor and said that Su Xing was the one who was not weaned. As a result, Wang Yuexin was also mentioned in their chat history, causing him to become a hot search topic. Afterwards, Wang Yuexin responded and chose Wei Chen ... You guys are really and . Let Juzijun guess, will Wei Chen be the next one to pick up the idiom?

▼The classic Taiwanese drama "The Fairy Wife" is about to be remade! The play is produced by Guo Jingyu and . The director of the old version of "The Fairy Wife" Wu Zongde is the chief director/chief screenwriter. Preparations have begun. In the new version of "Fairy Wife at Home", the names and professions of the four main characters are different from the old version, but the setting of the old version of "The Fairy Bracelet" continues. Are you looking forward to it?

▼ Some netizens reported that they met Chun Xia and Jin Dachuan while eating, and said that the two were suspected of being in love. They also said that they saw the two kissing? Do you want to eat this melon?

Yi Yang Qianxi , Hu Xianxu , Li Landi final exam photos were exposed. The three of them were dressed simply. They waited patiently aside when they were not on stage. They were well-behaved~ I wish all the students who took the exam will achieve good results. oh!

▼ According to Japanese media reports, 29-year-old female singer Nishino Kana published an open letter to fans on her official website on the 8th, stating that after the Yokohama concert held on February 3, she will suspend music activities indefinitely because she wants to "not Set deadlines for yourself and try various challenges.” Nishino Kana won the 2010 Japanese female singer sales champion and the 2016 Japan Record Award.

▼ According to Hong Kong media reports, Jackie Chan met a reporter at the Taipei West China Hotel the day before yesterday. When he was asked if he had heard of the rumors that his son Jaycee Chan was in love with Ouyang Nana, Jackie Chan was "scared" at first, and then asked: "Who?" When the reporter repeatedly mentioned his ancestor's name, Jackie Chan actually burst out: "Who is Jaycee Chan?" Ha? ....

▼ Recently, some netizens met Jiang Jinfu at a barbecue restaurant in Changsha. In the picture, Jiang Jinfu is wearing a black sweater and looks very low-key, but his beard is slightly haggard. While waiting for the meal, I kept chatting with my friends across from me, looking relaxed and at ease.

▼ Foreign media revealed that British Prince Charles and Camilla have signed divorce documents. Prince Charles married Princess Diana in 1981, but soon after Prince Charles said he had no hope for this marriage. Later, Prince Charles and Camilla fell in love, and the emotional entanglement between the three became a royal emotional drama... Now that Prince Charles and Camilla are divorced, this emotional entanglement is a bit complicated...

[Daily Guess]

Today’s topic is, have you all looked at your Alipay annual bills?

Some pictures come from the Internet. If you have any questions, please contact Orange Jun

(The copyright belongs to Orange Entertainment. Reproduction without permission is prohibited. Infringement will be prosecuted)