(Text: Huang Qing and Li Yun'ao) On the occasion of the 111th "March 8th" International Women's Day, the Harbin Municipal Public Security Bureau organized a series of celebration activities to deepen the special significance of women's festivals and amplify the demonstration and

(Text: Huang Qing and Li Yun'ao) On the occasion of the 111th "March 8th" International Women's Day, the Harbin Municipal Public Security Bureau organized a series of celebration activities to deepen the special significance of women's festivals and amplify the demonstration of female role models. It encourages female police officers to follow the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, strengthen the "four consciousnesses", strengthen the "four self-confidences", achieve "two safeguards", stay committed to their posts, forge ahead with determination, and contribute to the public security in the new era. Contribute women's strength to work and present outstanding achievements to the party's centenary anniversary!

In 2020, in the face of the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic, under the strong leadership of the Harbin Municipal Party Committee, Municipal Government and higher-level public security organs, more than 1,600 female police officers across the board worked hard to prevent risks, protect safety, and maintain stability. He has made outstanding contributions to various tasks such as security control, window services, maintaining stability and creating security, and fighting crime. In order to commend advancement and promote integrity, the Party Committee of the Municipal Public Security Bureau decided to award 90 female police officers the honorary title of "Advanced Individuals with Contributions to Women" and 10 police wives with the honorary title of "Top Ten Police Wives". At the same time, the Exit-Entry Administration Bureau won the title of "March 8th Red Flag Collective" of Heilongjiang Province, and Zhang Yuzhu, the third-level police sergeant of Rongshi Street Police Station of Nangang Branch, was awarded the honorary title of "March 8th Red Flag Bearer Model" of Heilongjiang Province, adding luster to the overall situation.

On the eve of the March 8th Festival, the Municipal Public Security Bureau organized a theme activity of "Giving Gifts to the Centenary of Building the Party - Telling Stories of Heroines". In the party building column learning area of ​​the global website, the deeds of a heroine were introduced every day for the general public. Policewoman learns. By learning the touching deeds of heroic struggles of heroines under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, inheriting the red gene, fulfilling their original mission, and inspiring overall female police officers to faithfully perform their duties, have the courage to take on responsibilities, and forge ahead.

All units of the city’s public security organs carried out colorful celebration activities based on their respective work realities. On March 4, the Women's Federation of the Xiangfang Public Security Bureau carried out the "Welcoming March 8th, Showing Love, and Sending Warmth" volunteer service activity. The Women's Federation of the branch organized female police officers to make shortbread, buns and other snacks in the branch canteen. After careful packaging, the women The police officers delivered handmade snacks to the homes of the poor elderly people they often take care of, showing their love and warmth to commemorate March 8th Day in a different way.

html On March 4th, the Pingfang Public Security Bureau organized female police officers, auxiliary police officers and their families to carry out a movie viewing activity with the theme of "Happy March 8th" theme day. They watched the movie "Hello, Li Huanying" to express their gratitude to the female police officers and their families. Send a sense of relaxation and bring a sense of joy. The female police officers said that they will devote themselves to public security work with fuller enthusiasm and optimal working conditions in the future.

html On the morning of March 5, the Household Management Detachment organized a symposium to celebrate the March 8th Day. The detachment leaders and all female police officers, auxiliary police, and female employees attended the symposium. At the symposium, the detachment leaders sent flowers and movie tickets to the lesbians who participated in the symposium, as well as holiday blessings.

html On March 5, the supervision detachment held a symposium and commendation meeting for the city's supervision front to celebrate the "March 8th" Festival and a commendation meeting for the "Supervisory Epidemic Prevention Women" selection and commendation meeting. It called on the female police officers who stick to the supervision front to be dedicated to their jobs, work hard to study the supervision business, and be in supervision. Show the style of female police officers on the front line.

html On the morning of March 7, the Criminal Investigation Detachment held a symposium to celebrate Women's Day. The female police officers and female auxiliary police officers who attended the meeting made speeches about their thoughts, gains, and life insights in work, family, and life. Everyone heard the voices of lesbians pursuing happiness and the pursuit of ideals, and also heard the voices of the female comrades in the entire criminal investigation detachment. The voice of the police team being proactive and working hard in criminal investigation.

The series of activities carried out by the Harbin Municipal Public Security Bureau to celebrate the "March 8th" Festival and the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Party received enthusiastic responses from female police officers across the board.They all expressed that under the strong leadership of the Municipal Public Security Bureau Party Committee, guided by the party's political construction, with new responsibilities and new actions in maintaining security and stability, they will create new achievements and new images that satisfy the people, and strive to create a new era of public security In the new situation of work, we will forge ahead on the road to implement the spirit of the precepts, respond to the people's new expectations for public security work with true feelings and hard work, and present outstanding achievements to the centenary anniversary of the Communist Party of China!