Since the Russia-Ukraine conflict broke out on February 24, 2022, the attitudes of Russia's neighboring countries towards joining the EU and NATO have changed significantly, especially Finland.

Since the Russia-Ukraine conflict broke out on February 24, 2022, the attitudes of Russia's neighboring countries towards joining EU and NATO have changed significantly, especially Finland . A recent poll conducted by Finnish broadcaster YEL showed that more than half of the respondents believed that NATO should join. Other countries that hold a similar position to Finland are Sweden, Austria, Ireland, Malta, Cyprus and other countries. These countries are reconsidering the need to join NATO.

Countries participating in NATO’s “Membership Action Plan” are considered NATO candidate countries. Currently, only one country, Bosnia and Herzegovina, has joined NATO’s “Membership Action Plan”. Finland and Sweden have no territorial disputes with their neighbors and are more in line with NATO's "Membership Action Plan" standards. NATO Secretary-General Stoltenberg has said that to a large extent, Sweden and Finland meet NATO defense standards; if (Finland and Sweden) make a decision, the two countries can quickly join NATO.

There is a border line of about 1,300 kilometers between Finland and Russia, which is the longest border line with Russia among the European Union member countries. If Finland and Sweden join NATO, the only non-NATO countries between Russia and NATO will be Belarus , Ukraine and Moldova . Belarus is a staunch ally of Russia. Moldova has always had a bad relationship with Russia due to the Transnistria issue. Even if Ukraine cannot join NATO, "my heart already belongs to NATO." It seems that there will be little buffer zone left between Russia and NATO, which will make Russia feel even more insecure.

(1) Finland - the happiest country in the world

Finland's full name is the Republic of Finland (the Republic of Finland), one of the five Nordic countries, with an area of ​​33.8 square kilometers (twice the area of ​​Guizhou Province), and is administratively divided into 19 administrative regions . The population in 2020 is 5.527 million (one-seventh of the population of Guizhou Province), and the main ethnic group Finns account for about 93%. Finns are blond and blue-eyed and belong to the Nordic type of Europa race, but genetic studies show that the most significant genetic monophyletic (haploid genotype shared with ancestors) N1C of Finns came from Asia between 12000 and 14000, that is to say The Finns are the European ethnic group closest to the Han Chinese. Finland is the happiest country in the world. In the "World Happiness Report" released by United Nations , Finland has been the happiest country for five consecutive years.

Finland was originally an autonomous grand duchy under the rule of Tsarist Russia. became independent in 1917. In addition to inheriting all the territory of the former Grand Duchy of Finland, the newly independent Finland also acquired areas such as Bechamo along the Arctic Ocean , with a total land area of ​​more than 380,000 square kilometers. In the Soviet-Finnish War in 1939, Finland was defeated and was forced to cede Karelia , the Rybach Peninsula, and part of the Sara region. Finland lost more than 40,000 square kilometers of territory and therefore lost its outlet to the Arctic Ocean. Unfortunately, northern Finland is only 20 kilometers away from the closest point to the Arctic Ocean, but it can only look at the ocean and sigh, which is similar to the situation in Hunchun City, Jilin Province.

(2) Sweden - a high welfare country from cradle to grave

Sweden's full name is the Kingdom of Sweden (the Kingdom of Sweden), one of the five Nordic countries, with an area of ​​450,000 square kilometers (about the same size as Gansu Province), and is the largest area in Northern Europe. The country is administratively divided into 21 provinces and 290 municipalities. Provinces and local counties and cities are relatively independent and have no direct affiliation. In 2020, Sweden has a population of 10.333 million (approximately 40% of the population of Gansu Province), and the main ethnic group is Swedes, who account for 90%. The ancestors of the Swedes are the northern branch tribes of the ancient Germanic people. They are tall, fair-skinned, blond and blue-eyed.

Sweden has a highly developed economy and is world-famous for its high income, high taxes, and high welfare. Sweden has a complete social security system and a developed medical and health system, which is known as "cradle to grave" security. Nobel Prize , welfare social system, Volvo cars, and IKEA are all national symbolic elements.Swedish people have high cultural quality and live a relaxed and unrestrained life. They do not attach much importance to money and power. People who have money will not receive respect or special care.

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