She was born in an ordinary family in Manila, Philippines. She was once a much-anticipated beauty pageant champion. She got married to her husband only 11 days after they met. After that, she assisted her husband in creating the glorious Marcos dynasty.

She was born in an ordinary family in Manila, Philippines. She was once a much-anticipated beauty pageant champion. She got married to her husband only 11 days after they met. After that, she assisted her husband to create the glorious Marcos dynasty.

She is eager for power, is good at dancing, and plays both sides between China and the United States. even uses the "tape" of her husband 's cheating as a bargaining chip to gain more political power.

She was extravagant and extravagant, leaving behind more than 3,000 pairs of exquisite shoes and hundreds of gorgeous clothes when she fled, but she was extremely sophistical about her extravagance.

"I plead guilty, but to me, greed is about giving. I have been the first lady for 20 years, you have to be greedy first to give to everyone. This is natural!"

This legendary woman with strong words is the one who once The 93-year-old Imelda is known as the "Mother of Philippines " in world politics.

html On May 11, Marcos, the son of former Philippine President Marcos and nicknamed "Bang Bang", announced that he had won the election and would succeed Duterte as the new president of the Philippines.

This election is seen as a victory for the two powerful political alliances of the Marcos family and the Duterte family, . As the partner of Marcos Jr., Duterte's eldest daughter also won the vice presidential position.

This is not the first time Marcos has participated in a presidential campaign. As early as many years ago when he ran for vice president, Marcos recalled his mother Imelda in this way in the documentary "Kingmaker".

htmlWhen he was 08 years old, his mother Imelda hoped that he could run for president in the future. This was not just talk. At that time, Imeldai was asking people everywhere, "Please help my son."

Little Marcos thought it was too early, so he said to his mother: "Mom, we haven't decided to run for election yet!"

Imelda replied, "It doesn't matter, once you decide, everything will be ready."

You know, before Imelda became the first lady of the Philippines at that time, she already imagined that her son would become the president in the future. What kind of courage and foresight is this!

His son's victory once again brought the legendary woman behind him to the public eye. What kind of woman can create a glorious life where father and son are both presidents?

On July 2, 1929, Imelda was born in Manila, the capital of the Philippines. His father is a lawyer, and his mother is a Xixian, and a housewife.

Although their family is considered a well-known family in the local area, Imelda's living environment was not good since she was a child. There are 12 children in the family.

As a stepmother, Imelda's mother has always been resisted and rejected by her ex-wife's children, and was once reduced to living in a simple garage with her children.

When Imelda was 7 years old, her mother fell ill due to physical illness and died of double pneumonia a year later.

Weibo’s income could not cover the high cost of living, so ’s father took the family back to his hometown of Takraban to live.

Imelda is very smart and ranks among the best in studies. At the age of 18, won the "Miss Takraban" beauty contest with her outstanding appearance. became famous locally.

After that, he studied in the music department of Philippine Women's University with a scholarship and developed a beautiful singing voice.

The arrogant Imelda was unwilling to stay in a small place all her life. In 1952, she took her poor 5 pesos to join her cousin in Manila, and lived a humiliating life of being dependent on others.

In 1953, Imelda participated in the Miss Manila beauty pageant, and finally won the honor of "Miss Manila" with her outstanding figure, beautiful image, and inspirational experience.

When helping her cousin run for Congress, Imelda met Marcos, who was still a member of the House of Representatives at the time. It is said that Marcos proposed to Imelda after only 20 minutes of meeting.

11 days later, the two got married in a flash marriage. At this speed, it was definitely true love.

A woman who lacks love is always looking for someone who loves her. When her mother passed away, Imelda once said: "I seem to have lost everything."

When she married Marcos, Imelda felt, "Maybe this is it." The love I have been waiting for, maternal love," she said, saying that she was "lucky to have a husband and a mother."

I have to say that Imelda does have the ability to be a "wonder". When she married Marcos, he was just a man. MP.

However, with the full help of Imelda, who is both talented and beautiful, the young Marcos rose from the congressman to the speaker, from the speaker to the president, and finally entered the Malacañang Presidential Palace, where he stayed for 20 years.

During that time, Imelda gave birth to three children: daughter Imi, son Ferdinand Jr. and daughter Irene.

Her husband Marcos told her that he is now the father of the Philippines, is responsible for the development of the Philippines, and she is the mother of the Philippines, and wants to make the country more beautiful.

wants to make the Philippines beautiful, and he is the best spokesperson for the Philippines. often visits foreign countries frequently on behalf of Marcos. Coupled with the smooth life, Imelda has never given up on the luxurious life. Return.

A luxurious life mostly starts with buying. Every time she visits, Imelda will buy brand-name bags, shoes, clothing, jewelry, watches, antique calligraphy and paintings, etc. in the visiting country.

What’s terrible is that after buying these things home, 伊美dai are often not used even once, and are simply thrown into the warehouse to collect dust.

Imelda suffers from the syndrome of difficulty in choosing, and she is very rich. If she encounters something she likes a little bit, she will buy it without hesitation.

Imelda's friends recalled, "She was very casual about shopping, and she would buy whatever she liked when she saw it."

Once, Imelda spent 2,000 US dollars on chewing gum at San Francisco International Airport. Another time, because she forgot to check in at Rome, Buying cheese, She forced a plane to turn around in the air, which shows her strong character.

Imelda is also obsessed with saving a house. Her long-term friend said in the documentary, "I think to some extent, this may be related to her (childhood) family being not wealthy enough."

She purchased a large number of real estate in the United Kingdom and the United States, She once spent $51 million to buy the Crown Building in Manhattan, New York, so that she could relax when visiting these countries or traveling.

Of course, there was an episode. In 1968, ’s husband had an extramarital affair with the third-rate American movie star Dovi Beams. was unfortunately recorded, which made the media expose it.

After Imelda learned about it, she was furious. and Marcos had a big quarrel and almost divorced.

But he finally regained his senses, took advantage of her husband's control, took the opportunity to ask for more political power, and continued his luxurious life.

It doesn’t matter if the money is legal. The key is illegal gains. According to statistics, during the 20 years in power, the wealth of the Marcos family skyrocketed from tens of thousands of dollars at the beginning to 5 billion to 10 billion dollars later.

The Filipino people were so poor that they could not even eat enough to eat. As expected, in 1986, Marcos and his wife were surrounded by mutinous crowds at the presidential inauguration ceremony and were eventually forced to go into exile in Hawaii.

When people rushed to the luxurious Presidential Palace, they were extremely shocked by the extravagance inside, and felt uncontrollable anger.

Expensive French perfumes filled Imelda's dressing table, even the basin for washing her face was gold-plated.

What is even more shocking is the huge and spacious wardrobe. In addition to hundreds of European luxury clothes, also has 2,000 pairs of gloves, more than 1,700 small handbags, 5,000 pairs of shorts, and as many as 3,000 pairs of shoes. It is a valuable brand, and as for other brands such as bras and socks are even more difficult to list.

The shoes are a mix of local and imported brands - Ferragamo, Givenchy, Chanel, Christian Dior, Charles Jordan and Bally, as well as well-known local brands.

They have heels, flats, sandals, boots and slippers, many sparkling and all still in top condition.

Local manufacturers in Manila deliver 10 pairs of shoes every week. If there is a pair that suits her, Imelda will order the manufacturer to make more handbags for her and match them more often.

3,000 pairs are statistics from the Philippine Presidential Commission on Good Governance. Imelda herself retorted in 1987, "I don't have 3,000 pairs of shoes, I have 1,060 pairs!" People smack their tongues!

Of these shoes, seven hundred and twenty pairs are at the Marikina Shoe Museum in Metro Manila , 253 of which are on display and 467 of which are still in storage.

As of 2016, the government has only recovered approximately US$3.3 billion. Among the seized collections, a 25-carat barrel-shaped diamond worth at least US$5 million and a Cartier diamond tiara appeared in public.

However, Imelda remained unmoved from beginning to end and still insisted that everything she did was for the Filipino people.

Imelda said, "When I became the first lady, the requirements for me became higher and higher. I had to dress myself up to make myself more beautiful, because ordinary people are always looking for stars."

Although Imelda lives a very luxurious life, but she also uses various methods to win the hearts of the Filipino people, such as constantly giving money to the poor.

Imelda is now 93 years old, but she is still active in Philippine politics. With her support, her son became the new president of the Philippines, and her legendary life continues.