In October last year, at a critical moment in the recall case of former Taichung Second District Legislator Chen Baiwei, Yang Zhidou, the deputy spokesman of the Kuomintang, posted a memorial message on Facebook. If the Q was deleted and passed, "I will send another 200 chicken c

▲ Yang Zhidou, deputy spokesman of the Kuomintang, was accused of bribery and not prosecution in the Delete Q recall case. (Picture/File Photo)

Reporter Liu Changsong/Taipei Report

Kuomintang Deputy Spokesperson Yang Zhidou In October last year, at the critical moment of the recall case of former legislator Chen Baiwei in Taichung’s second district, he posted a memorial message on Facebook. If the Q was deleted, " I will send out 200 more chicken chops." As a result, he was reported by the public for bribery and violation of the "Election and Recall Law." However, the Taipei District Prosecutor's Office investigation concluded that Yang did not require people to vote for recall, and there should be no Taichung people for this. The chicken steak arrived in Taipei, but on the 12th, it was decided not to prosecute for reasons such as insufficient crime.

Yang Zhidou, a former assistant to Kuomintang city councilor Luo Zhiqiang and Wang Hongwei, recently announced his candidacy for the city council in Wenshan District, Da'an, Taipei City. In 2021, the "Zhao Jieyou Rebellion" broke out at the Taipei City Party Headquarters of the Democratic Progressive Party. At that time, consultant Huang Chengguo was exposed After resigning from the gangster background, Yang Zhidou distributed 200 chicken steaks and deleted the Q with pictures and texts.

Yang Zhidou posted on Facebook: "Chen Baiwei was dismissed, I distributed 200 more chicken steaks." "This afternoon, I distributed 200 chicken steaks at the junction of Wenshan District in Da'an to celebrate the resignation of underworld consultant Huang Chengguo." "If After deleting the Q and passing the procedure, I will also distribute 100 chicken steaks in Da'an District and Wenshan District #each. Everyone is welcome to celebrate together."

Some netizens reported that Yang Zhidou’s sacrificial article has involved the crime of soliciting bribes for scheduled appointments of people with voting rights in violation of the "Public Officials Election and Recall Act". The prosecutor believes that Yang Zhidou’s post did not limit the recipients of chicken steaks to people from Taichung’s second district, or to vote for recall. Objectively, the deadline for the request was not met, but subjectively, the place where the chicken steaks were distributed In Taipei, it is hard to imagine that people with voting rights in Taichung would go north to get chicken steaks. Therefore, Yang Zhidou's bribery charge is not considered sufficient.