Taiwanese actress Big S (Xu Xiyuan) has a flash marriage with Koo Junye, a member of the Korean group "Cool Dragon". The romantic story of the two has also created a topic on the Internet. Goo Junye, who returned to South Korea a few days ago, continued to express his love for Bi

Taiwanese actress Da S ( Hsu Hee-won ) got married in a flash marriage to Gu Junye , a member of the Korean group " Cool Dragon ". The romantic story of the two also sparked a topic on the Internet.

Goo Junye, who returned to South Korea a few days ago, continued to express his love for Big S on the show, and even released sweet photos of the two kissing each other. Pink bubbles popped up at the scene. However, today (27th), Goo Junye suddenly announced a major piece of good news on IG, which surprised many fans.

Recently, Goo Junye appeared on the talk show "Liu QUIZ ON THE BLOCK" hosted by his friends Liu Jae Suk and Cho Se Ho . He talked about his beloved wife with a sweet smile on his face, recalling the isolation in Taiwan. The moment Wan saw Big S for the first time, Big S ran over and hugged him tightly, "Running over and hugging me, it's so cute."

Not only that, he also directly took out his mobile phone to share a photo of the two of them with the host, praising his beloved wife with a happy face, "She looks like an angel, right?", "She is still a girl to me now," which was even more exposed. There are many unpublished photos from the collection, and the joy of the wedding cannot be hidden at all.

Talking about the process of meeting Big S again, Gu Junye recalled that after learning that she was divorced, he was thinking about it while looking at old photos of himself and Big S, and finally plucked up the courage to shoot that 20-year-old gun. Number.

Gu Junye then mentioned that when Big S picked up the phone, he said in Chinese, "Hi, I'm bald", and Big S replied in Korean, "I'm Heewon", and that moment made him All the memories of that year came to mind, and both of them greeted each other in the language they were most familiar with. From a small angle, it could be seen that both sides were thinking about each other.

Gu Junye, who is proud of his love, has also received good news in his career. Today, Gu Junye revealed that his NFT has been sold out again. "Thanks to your love, my NFT works have been sold out again! I am really grateful to everyone." In order to thank fans and friends for their support, Gu Junye also announced that he will hold an encore exhibition and will also donate part of the proceeds from NFT.

After knowing the news, many fans left comments under Goo Junye's post, "Oppa is great," "Oppa is full of talent," "Awesome," and "Congratulations Oppa, I wish you and your wife happiness again. Happy", "Oppa is so talented and caring", "Oppa is great! Your works are popular, I really like your talent. I hope Oppa will continue to have a steady stream of creativity and good-sounding music. Music, I also hope Oppa and Hee Won can produce works."

In addition, there is also good news about Big S, who has appeared in front of the camera for a long time. Big S's agent said that Big S is currently having work plans in progress, but because he signed a confidentiality agreement with the customer, based on the position of protecting customers and product promotion The schedule is different, so it is not convenient to disclose.

As for whether Big S will fly to South Korea to reunite with Gu Junye, Big S's manager emphasized that he will try his best to coordinate so that Big S can balance work and family. After Ku Junye is busy with work in Korea, he will also I will return to Taiwan as soon as possible to be with my wife.