, Speaking of Kunling, everyone is no stranger. As the beloved wife of the king "Jay Chou", Kunling, the "sister-in-law of the king", frequently appears in public today. The queen's wife Kun Ling has a good figure at a glance. She gave birth to her second child in three years. He

Preface: Many girls work out to lose fat and lose weight. However, they don’t know that fitness without paying attention to the method may cause damage to the body. Therefore, with a healthy and correct fitness method, we can lose fat and lose weight while also developing a plump and beautiful figure. The ultimate goal of fitness is our body shape! ,

When it comes to Kunling , everyone is familiar with it. As the beloved wife of the king "Jay Chou", Kunling, the "sister-in-law of the king", frequently appears in public today. The queen's wife Kun Ling has a good figure at a glance. She gave birth to her second child in three years. Her shapeless figure is comparable to that of a young model, and her strength highlights the charm of a woman.

As a mother born in the 1990s, Queen Kunling has a slender, hot and extremely sexy figure. Even some fans who have not yet given birth are very envious.

Kunling's arms in the photo are slender and slender, and she has no fat after giving birth to her second child. Standing on one leg, the center of gravity is super stable, and the simple fitness clothes also look very fashionable. You must know that Kunling needs to be good-looking and good-looking, and even the king "Jay Chou" can't help but start joining the fitness army.

I wonder if the attentive netizens have noticed? The background of this photo is the Eiffel Tower in France. Queen Kunling did not forget to keep exercising during the trip. She lay casually on a piece of green grass, raised her legs and hips, and did waist and abdominal strength training. The strength is in place. Therefore, as long as we work hard and use fragmented time to exercise, we can also gain a good figure!

In addition to her slender figure, Queen Kun Ling’s body flexibility is not something that can be denied. Against the backdrop of the Eiffel Tower, Kunling was dressed in a black printed tight-fitting sports-style dress, with her head propped up on her elbows and her legs stretched to the side while standing upside down. She showed off her good figure and flexibility, and her real name is enviable.

This photo has a different background, with misty palm trees in full bloom. Kunling, with a slender and sexy figure, is wearing fitness clothes, standing on one leg, raising one leg upward, straightening the instep, and keeping balance on both arms. The back line is very eye-catching. Kunling, who is already the mother of her second child, has no fat on her waist and her arms are slender. Even her back is so sexy and beautiful!

Seeing that Sister-in-law Tianwang works so hard on body management and maintains good fitness habits, and has gained such an enviable figure, we should also act quickly while we are still in front of our mobile phones. Today I will introduce three yoga movements to you. Use fragmented time to exercise, and you can also become more beautiful!

Action 1: Do this to create a peach butt!

Posture breakdown;

1. Lie prone on the ground, use your waist and hips to lift your legs;

2. Lift your hips, straighten your legs slightly apart, and support your feet on the wall;

3. Stretch your arms forward Stretch straight and lift your head slightly upward.

Action 2: Stand on one leg to exercise balance ability

Asana breakdown:

1. Stand on one leg, lift one leg and then bend it;

2. Bend the body downward and hug the side of the thigh with both hands;

3. Face and Keep the ground parallel and breathe evenly.

Action Three: Stand on one leg to make the limbs more coordinated.

Asana breakdown;

1. Stand on one leg, lift and straighten the other leg, as close to the head as possible;

2. Hold the raised leg with both hands, body Stand upright;

3. Stretch your head and neck and maintain even breathing. The three yoga movements

introduces to you today can effectively train your own balance and body coordination. With long-term persistence, you can achieve the perfect shape of your body lines. Let's get moving together, exercise diligently when the spring is warm and the flowers are blooming, and wear the enviable mini skirts in the summer to show off your beautiful long legs! #springsports# #practice yoga life# #Qingfeng plan#