[Comprehensive report from China Jingwei.com] Taiwan's legislative body yesterday reviewed the personnel case of Chen Ju, the nominee for the director of the "Supervisory Yuan". The "Blue Committee" strongly boycotted and prevented Chen Ju from entering the forum for questioning.

Taiwan’s legislative body held a qualification review meeting on the 14th for Chen Ju, the candidate for the post of " Supervisory Yuan ". In order to prevent Chen Ju from going to Taiwan's legislative body, the KMT "legislator" had a fierce physical conflict with the DPP "legislator". The "legislators" of the ruling and opposition parties shouted and pulled each other. In the process, the glass of the meeting hall was smashed, and the "legislator" of the Kuomintang Fei Hongtai (right) was injured and bloodied. (Photo by Wang Yinghao) Image source: Taiwan's "China Times Electronic News"

[Comprehensive report from China Jingwei Network] Taiwan's legislative body yesterday reviewed the personnel case of Chen Ju, the nominee for director of the "Supervisory Yuan". The "Blue Committee" strongly boycotted and prevented Chen Ju from entering. During the meeting, a fierce conflict broke out with the "Green Committee". The "Blue Committee" finally captured the rostrum. Chen Ju returned without success and left early. Taiwan's legislative body was idling all day yesterday. How does

handle the personnel case of Chen Ju, the nominee for Taiwan's "Supervisory Director"? When the Kuomintang regiment was discussing countermeasures the day before yesterday (13th), it split into the "ask down (Chen Ju) faction" and the "fighting faction". During the heated debate, the "fighting faction" was in the majority, and finally decided to fight yesterday. The "government and opposition parties" and "legislators" usually engage in bickering, rebuking each other, and bluffing. However, yesterday in Taiwan's legislative body, blue and green had long-standing grievances, punching and kicking, and it seemed that they were really "getting angry." All the throat tactics have been used, the confrontation between the "government and the opposition" has deepened, the violence in Taiwan's legislative body has escalated, and it may become even more out of control in the future.

Chen Ju’s personnel case conflict splattered blood Blue Camp “Eager for a battle”?

A member of the "Blue Committee" admitted privately that Chen Ju is already a veteran, and when he comes to Taiwan's legislative body to ask questions, he must be well prepared. Chen Ju is very good at asking questions and answering false questions. No matter what the "Blue Committee" asks, he may end up making a big deal out of it. Solve the "Blue Committee".

Some members of the "Blue Committee" believe that in order to oppose Chen Ju's appointment as "President of the Supervisory Yuan", the "Blue Committee" had secretly occupied the forum on June 28. If Chen Ju's personnel case was reviewed according to normal procedures yesterday, it would be tantamount to an endorsement of Chen Ju. , and it seems that the Kuomintang's attitude is inconsistent, so it is better to oppose it unanimously to the end.

The opposition faction believes that the inquiry process should be used to influence public opinion and drive social attention. However, most of the opposition faction believes that based on the trend, the average person feels very alienated from the personnel of the "Supervisory Court" and it is difficult to achieve anything in the short term. On the contrary, Supporters of the blue camp are paying high attention, and supporters of the blue camp have been "looking forward to a battle."

Therefore, most of the "Blue Committee" began to prefer not to let Chen Ju enter the game, start the fight directly, take care of the blue camp supporters first, and stick to the basic market. Some "blue committee members" bluntly said in private that if even their basic supporters are gone, how can they win the support of middle voters?

It is understood that the current "legislators" encountered the COVID-19 epidemic as soon as they took office. With the epidemic prevention being a priority, the supervisory Democratic Progressive Party authorities were easily blamed. The "Blue Committee" found it difficult to stretch its fists and became sulky. What's more, Many supporters have repeatedly blamed the "Blue Committee" for failing to fulfill its supervisory responsibilities.

Therefore, whether it was a sneak attack to occupy the meeting place before the impromptu meeting, or yesterday's refusal to let Chen Ju take the stage, it was the outlet for the Blue Camp to vent. In the atmosphere of the Blue Camp's "desire for a war", the cadres of the party and league could not stop it, and decided to fight. But the Kuomintang group should think carefully about what strategies can break the DPP's advantage of being completely in power. Is it necessary to continue to fight with flesh and blood during this four-year term?

The Kuomintang is holding on, the DPP plans to clear the field, and the decisive battle will begin on Friday!

Taiwan’s legislative body held an extraordinary meeting on the 14th to review the qualifications of Chen Ju, the nominee for the director of the "Supervisory Yuan". The "legislator" of the Taiwan People's Party brought a large poster of the "Supervisory Yuan" with a seal into the meeting hall (below), expressing the abolition of the "Supervisory Yuan". The position of the "examination supervisor" later joined the Kuomintang "legislators" (top) to shout "Cooperate with the opposition and return Chen Ju" (Photo by Yao Zhiping) Picture source: Taiwan's "China Times Electronic News"

The "Blue Committee" slogan will be day and night Regardless, the fight will continue until Friday, the voting day for the "Supervisory Committee" personnel case. At that time, it is expected that the "Green Committee" will completely clear the place and vote strongly to allow the "Supervisory Committee" list to pass.

According to the agenda of Taiwan's legislative body, for three consecutive days starting yesterday, the "government and opposition" political parties reviewed the qualifications of 27 "Supervisory Committee" nominees. Blue and Green have been planning for this battle for many days.The "Green Committee" stayed at the meeting place all night last night. The "Blue Committee" began to gather at 4 o'clock in the morning last night. The troops were divided into two groups to surround Chen Ju. The female "legislator" was responsible for guarding the Qingdao sentry entrance, while the male "legislator" It's at the gate of the forum. Lin Yihua, the chief deputy secretary-general of the Kuomintang League, believes that the Qingfu case and the smuggling case have not yet been clarified. Chen Ju is in charge of the "supervision court" and is equivalent to a player and referee. The Kuomintang Central Committee also mobilized thousands of people to support the "legislators" outside Taiwan's legislative body and protest against Chen Ju's personnel case.

At around 7:15, Chen Ju avoided the Qingdao East Road intersection where the "Blue Committee" was stationed, and instead entered from the Zhenjiang Street intersection. The "Green Committee" rushed to escort and had the first wave of conflicts with the "Blue Committee". Chen Ju was They entered the hospital under multiple police guards. During the pushing, the glass at the back door of the conference venue was shattered. "Blue Committee member" Fei Hongtai was cut on his right wrist, bleeding profusely, and was rushed to the hospital.

It was close to 11 o'clock. The "Blue Committee" expected that Chen Ju would leave and gathered at the back door of the conference venue to prepare to "send off Chen Ju." Chen Ju drove at 11:27 under the escort of Ke Jianming, the chief convener of the Democratic Progressive Party group, and a large number of police officers. Leave. Afterwards, the Democratic Progressive Party sent several "legislators" to the forum to clamor, but the Kuomintang remained unmoved and the two sides continued to be in a stalemate at the forum.

"Blue Committee" Lai Shibao said that he was too arrogant and that Chen Ju should stay until the end of the inquiry time at 12 o'clock. Lin Yihua questioned that Chen Ju fled in a panic and left in the car yesterday. Even if she takes over as the "dean" in the future, it will not be an honor. The Kuomintang said bitterly, "Is running away a guilty conscience?"

As for the next attack and defense, Lin Weizhou, the general convenor of the Kuomintang League, threatened that yesterday was just an appetizer, and Friday's Supervisory Committee personnel vote is the feast. The "Blue Committee" has completed its schedule and will be working day and night. The fight continues until Friday regardless. Zhong Jiabin, secretary-general of the Democratic Progressive Party, pointed out that because the venue equipment had been damaged and malfunctioned by the Kuomintang, the DPP did not have to schedule, station, or forcibly clear the venue, but it still voted and passed the meeting on Friday in accordance with the original agenda.

The confrontation between the "government and the opposition" deepens. The violence in Taiwan's legislative body is out of control.

There was a fierce physical conflict between the blue and green "legislators" on the 14th. "Blue committee member" Ye Yulan was choked. (Photo by Wang Yinghao) Image source: Taiwan's "China Times Electronic News"

Although "legislators" have differences in political parties, they are also colleagues in Taiwan's legislative body. For major bills, shoving and other physical actions occurred in the meeting hall. It is inevitable that everyone has a tacit understanding that after this fight is over, they will still have to review the case together, and everyone will restrain unnecessary violence.

However, the violence that occurred in Taiwan's legislative body yesterday has obviously escalated, and there is anger between blue and green. It is reported that both the blue and green sides have a "blacklist", specifically targeting a certain "legislator" from the other camp, and taking the opportunity to "serve" them.

Especially in the conflict on June 29, "Green Committee" Wu Bingrui choked "Blue Committee" Hong Mengkai, which caused great dissatisfaction in the Blue Camp, and they have been thinking about how to repay; vice versa, the Green Camp also questioned Hong Mengkai's collision with the Green Committee" Qiu Yiying came first and constantly mocked Hong Mengkai as a "mom's baby". Yesterday's push was also directed at Hong, and Wu Bingrui was also "attentioned"

"Blue Committee" Lin Weizhou and "Green Committee" Lin Junxian also broke out yesterday. Lin Junxian suffered a contusion on the right side of his face, and Lin Weizhou's neck and chest were also red and swollen. There were also dangerous conflicts outside the meeting hall between "Blue Committee members" Lin Weizhou and Lin Siming and "Green Committee members" Wu Bingrui, Su Zhenqing , Qiu Zhiwei and others "locked each other's throats" at the same time, saying "Do you want to let me go?" After "Green Committee" Liu Jianguo and "Blue Committee" Lin Wenrui came forward to pull it apart.

On the day of the conflict on June 29, Wu Yijing, the "Blue Committee" who took off the glasses of "Green Committee" Guo Guowen, poured water on the crowd yesterday, attracting 7 green camp men. The "legislators" surrounded him angrily. Taiwan's Foundation Progressive Party Chen Baiwei was so angry that his face turned red and he accused Wu, "Why did you throw water? " Wu Yijing left under the protection of a wall of assistants.

On Friday, Taiwan's legislative body will handle the "Supervisory Yuan" personnel consent vote. Blue and green are bound to have another big fight, and physical conflicts between blue and green are expected to continue to escalate. The "ruling and opposition" political parties use violence as a means to vent their dissatisfaction. This is the worst example

of Taiwan's highest public opinion organization for the Taiwanese people.