Ling Tao said yesterday that Chen Baiwei often asks questions in Hokkien. As for how to say "ractopamine" in Hokkien, should he tell it to the Taiwanese people and see if they can accept it? Ling Tao further mentioned that since Chen Baiwei was elected, he has labeled people, " "

The "Legislative Yuan" group of the Chinese Kuomintang recently boycotted the Democratic Progressive Party authorities' opening of lean and exquisite pigs. As a result, Chen Baiwei, the "Taiwan Foundation Progressive" representative, criticized him as a "giant baby party". Former New Taipei Mayor Zhu Lilun ridiculed Chen "learn more" Little knowledge serves as a flanker.” Chen Baiwei immediately posted on Facebook to curse Zhu Lilun, saying, "Zhu Lilun must be very jealous that Hou Youyi can now be the head of the county and city." Last night, Ling Tao, spokesperson for Zhu Lilun's office, responded to Chen that the brain is a very useful tool, and only by studying more can we protect the DPP.

Ling Tao said yesterday that Chen Baiwei often asked questions in Hokkien . As for " ractopamine " (commonly known as "clenbuterol"), how do you say it in Hokkien? Should you tell it to the Taiwanese people and see if they can accept it?

Ling Tao further mentioned that since Chen Baiwei was elected, labeling and "smearing" people is nothing new. As a flanker, Chen Baiwei has a flanking role, which is understandable, but he still needs to be reminded that "the brain is very useful." "Things", you need to read more to properly protect the DPP. If the discussion only contains adjectives and no content, voters will not accept it.

Ling Tao also sarcastically said that Chen Baiwei once said that "the mainland is digging sand to attack Taiwan," but the Taiwan military complained that "it will take a long time to dig." It's a joke; he once said that "23 million people pay for 1.4 billion Chinese people to use health insurance", which is simply ridiculous.

Ling Tao reminded that Chen Baiwei should focus more on running the constituency, make less criticism and not turn it into a joke, and "don't eat beautiful pigs". , support Taiwanese pigs", lest they lose the election in three years. (Straits Herald)