Here, "槜爱this flavor" new cherry derivatives are about to be released, allowing you to taste cherry soda, beer, juice, ice cream, with more than half of the juice content, containing all the sweetness, sweetness and sourness of the cherry, and in each After the impact of the burs

Three months ago, the garden was filled with plum blossoms and was so beautiful. Now, the blush has quietly climbed up the branches, and we are enjoying a bumper harvest and fruitful results.

We ushered in the opening ceremony of the second Tongxiang Plum Culture Festival early adopter season of "Working Together to Help Dream of Taoyuan".

槜李 Cultural Festival Early Season


By the Propaganda Department of Tongxiang Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, Office of the Tongxiang Rural Revitalization Leading Group, Tongxiang Municipal Agriculture and Rural Affairs Bureau, Tongxiang Municipal Culture, Radio, Television, Tourism and Sports Bureau, Tongxiang Municipal Education Bureau, the Communist Party of China Sponsored by Wutong Street Committee and Wutong Street Office, and organized by Wutong Street Propaganda Office, Cultural and Sports Station, Agricultural Economic Center, Taoyuan Village, Tongxiang Taoyuan Jali Culture Co., Ltd., Shanghai Shanmai Company, and Bishan Village Craft Brewing, the "Together with Li Zhumeng" The opening ceremony of the 2nd Tongxiang Jali Cultural Festival Taoyuan Taoyuan Taste Season will be held this Saturday!

Without further ado, I will “spoiler” you the highlights of the event in advance!

Event Preview

1. The 2nd Tongxiang Jiali Cultural Festival

Early adopter season launching ceremony

6 20th June 9:00 am

Taoyuan Village Jiali Cultural Plaza

In the fruity summer, how can we miss out on sweet spices? . Here, "槜爱this flavor" new cherry derivatives are about to be released, allowing you to taste cherry soda, beer, juice, ice cream, with more than half of the juice content, containing all the sweetness, sweetness and sourness of the cherry, and in each After the impact of the bursting small bubbles, it turns into the purest sweetness for your taste buds to capture.

2. "Who is King Li in 2020 "

Mr. Li Tasting and Selection Event

html June 20, 14:00 pm1

Taoyuan Village Water Bar

The claws pinched the fiber marks, leaving small traces, and the fine wine was sucked up to moisten the throat of the poem. Here, many farmers who grow cherry plums will come to compete with their high-quality cherry plums. The flushed, plump and plump plums exude a fresh and attractive fruity aroma. Experts will conduct on-site tastings and select the 2020 "Grand Li King".

Tongxiang has outstanding people and is the hometown of the famous painter Mr. Feng Zikai. Culture has become an indispensable business card of Tongxiang. Here, the "Fengya Tongxiang, Taoyuan Art Taoyuan" exhibition of art works by Tong-born artists and the unveiling ceremony of the "Peach and Plum Garden" art teachers' sketching base will also be grandly opened. At that time, you will be able to feast your eyes on various paintings by Tong-born artists.

3. "Tonight, Taoyuan, Taoyuan is dynamic"

Taoyuan Sakura Beer Music Festival

June 20th at 18:30

Taoyuan Village Sakura Plaza

Stars are everywhere, cicadas are chirping in the countryside, a music festival in a paradise. , take pleasure in wine, raise glasses and drink together. Here, there is sweet cherry beer, passionate midsummer, and exciting band performances.

Wu Yanrui

In 2012, he formed the "You Me and Him Group" with Wang Yu

In 2013, he and Wang Yu participated in the Anhui Satellite TV Spring Festival Gala

In 2016, he participated in the Mango TV talent show entertainment program " Super Girl " and won the Tieba singing award District champion

On April 26, in the fourth game of the top 100 birth competition of Mango TV's "Super Girl", he was successfully promoted to the top 100 in the country.

On May 1, in the first game of the top 100 division competition of Mango TV's "Super Girl", he was successfully promoted Top 20 in the country

Anzi and Jiumei

An outstanding band with excellent singing and composition

Phenomenal short video musician

2015 Asian Beat Band Competition Mainland China Champion

In early 2016, the first album "Singing over Wine" was released.

2016 Won the Micro Award One of the top ten most influential musicians in the world, he was invited to participate in "Tiantian Shang Shang" in the same year. In 2016, he completed the "In Case of You" 24-city national tour. National tour in the city


blues in the northern border townYouth

The style is mainly blues and pop rock

Retro guitar and vocals, looking for the true meaning of music

Served as Hefei's "Internet Celebrity" Anhui Division Music in 2018 Judge

In 2018, he served as a guest performer at the Outlet New Year's Eve performance


html. His identity as a rock musician/producer for more than 0 years makes his scene particularly solid. On this basis, he hardly refuses any style of work, which makes him in the house. /techno’s heavy hits will often give you unexpected surprises, coupled with imaginative sampling, he calls these three things: mountains, clouds, and shooting stars.

html On June 20th, let’s gather together in Taoyuan Village, drink cherry wine and taste “smokable plums”. Enjoy the summer carnival and see you there~