The Municipal Government Information Bureau announced this morning that the director of culture will be Lin Siling, a former deputy director of the Ministry of Education and current professor at the Institute of Teaching and Research at Fu Jen Catholic University. Han Guoyu said

The small "cabinet" of the Kaohsiung Mayor of the Chinese Kuomintang Han Guoyu has finally been found! The Municipal Government Information Bureau announced this morning that the director of culture will be Lin Siling, a former deputy director of the Ministry of Education and current professor at the Institute of Teaching and Research at Fu Jen Catholic University. Han Guoyu said that during the general inquiry period, important people were not released in advance and were released after the general inquiry was over. Regarding the personnel of the Cultural Affairs Bureau, Han said that Lin Siling is an optimistic and cheerful person with academic expertise.

The newly appointed Kaohsiung City Cultural Director Lin Siling holds a master's degree in political science from National Taiwan University, a master's degree in education from Harvard University, and a doctorate in educational science and technology from Florida State University. He was a professor at the Institute of Educational Leadership and Development at Fu Jen Catholic University, a political secretary at the Ministry of Education, and a Wenzao President of a foreign language university and other positions.

In addition to announcing the Director of Culture of Kaohsiung City, the city government also announced that the new Director of the Narcotics Prevention and Control Bureau will be replaced by Ruan Qingyang. Ruan is a graduate of the Central Police University 41 and has served as the Chief of the Fifth Security Police Corps of the "Ministry of the Interior" and "Police Administration" Captain, Deputy Chief of the Kaohsiung City Police Department; and the new Kaohsiung City Fire Chief is Huang Jiangxiang. Huang is a graduate of the Fire Department of the Central Police School and has served as the Municipal Fire Brigade Captain and Deputy Chief.

The media asked Han today why the personnel announcement happened to be during the flood season? Han said that this has nothing to do with the flood season, but was prepared to be announced after the parliamentary general inquiry.

Source: Hong Kong China Review Society