If a child does not have a solid foundation in mathematics, it will be difficult to improve his or her mathematics scores. So, what content is basic knowledge? The method required to master calculations is vertical calculation. Write the dividend in the division sign, write the d

It is difficult for children to improve their math scores if they do not have a solid foundation in mathematics. So, what are the basics?

First, calculate

. The first grade is required to be able to calculate the addition and subtraction of advance and retreat positions within 20, the addition and subtraction of integers, the addition and subtraction of advance and retreat positions of two-digit and one-digit numbers;

is required to master the calculation method by making up. Ten methods (look at large numbers, split decimals, make ten, and count), square ten methods and break ten methods.

. The second grade is required to be able to calculate division with remainders, addition and subtraction of hundreds and whole tens;

is required to master the calculation method by vertical calculation, write the dividend in the division sign , and write the divisor in the division sign On the left side of , write the product of the quotient and the divisor under the dividend, and draw a horizontal line to write the remainder.

. The third grade is required to be able to calculate single-digit division and multiply two-digit numbers by two-digit numbers;

requires mastering the calculation method of multiplying two-digit numbers by two-digit numbers. The same digits must be aligned, and the second multiplier is used first. Multiply the first number by the ones digit, then multiply the first number by the tens digit of the second multiplier, and add the resulting products.

. The fourth grade is required to be able to calculate two-digit division, addition and subtraction of decimals, and simple operations;

simple operation laws include the commutative law of addition, the associative law of addition, the commutative law of multiplication, the associative law of multiplication and the distributive law of multiplication.

requires mastering the conversion between different units, multiplying the large and small units by the progress rate, and dividing the large and small units by the progress rate.

. The fifth grade requires the ability to calculate multiplication and division of decimals, addition and subtraction of fractions with similar and different denominators, and solve equations;

Solving equations mainly involves flexible use of the properties of equations to deform the left and right sides of the equation,

According to the properties of the equation 1 ( If the same integer is added (or subtracted) to both sides of the equation, the equation still holds) Solve the equation of the form x±a=b.


Solution: x+a-a=b-a



Solution: x-a+a=b+a


According to the property 2 of the equation (multiply both sides of the equation simultaneously or Divide by the same integer that is not 0, the equation still holds) Solve the equation of the form ax=b (a≠0)


Solution: ax÷a=b÷a


x÷a= b

solution: x÷a×a=b×a


The addition and subtraction of fractions mainly involves the flexible use of the greatest common factor and the least common multiple to carry out general divisions and reductions.

6. The sixth grade students are required to be able to calculate squares and solve proportions.

To solve the ratio, the ratio sign can be regarded as the division sign, so solving the ratio becomes solving the equation. Transform proportions into solution equations based on the fact that the product of the inner terms of a ratio is equal to the product of the outer terms of the ratio.

Second, basic formula concepts

In primary school, the main formulas are the relationship between numbers, the relationship between numbers and shapes, and the relationship between shapes. Mastering basic concepts and applying them flexibly are the basic requirements and prerequisites for solving problems.

Third, understanding of the topic

. Some children cannot read the questions, which directly affects the children's understanding of the questions.

. Find the shaded area of ​​a quarter of the circumscribed circle

. Find the simplest fraction of recurring decimal

Questions that seem difficult are not necessarily difficult in fact. On the contrary, questions that look simple are more likely to make mistakes.

When doing a question, you should first read the question, find the problem, circle the known conditions, and if there is a formula, you can write the formula next to it first.

It is easy to say and easy to do. Mathematics can be improved quickly as long as you can master the methods. If parents have any questions, please leave me a message and I will try my best to help you answer them.