When the mainstream media revealed on October 30 that Trump intended to abolish “birthright citizenship” by signing an executive order, on the one hand, many voices applauded Trump on social platforms such as Twitter; on the other hand, there were many voices applauding Trump on

[Overseas Chinese News reporter Chen Lin reported on October 31, Houston ] When the mainstream media revealed on October 30 that Trump intended to abolish " birthright citizenship " by signing an executive order, a group of people On the one hand, there are many voices applauding Trump on social platforms such as , Twitter, and ; on the other hand, people are questioning the feasibility of Trump's move. The reporter learned from several legal professionals in Houston that because there is a certain amount of room for interpretation in the U.S. Constitution , it is not impossible for Trump to cancel "birthright citizenship" by executive order.

Chinese lawyer Chen Wen said that the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution itself leaves room for controversy. "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside..." The original text of the Constitution is "all persons born in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, A person is a citizen of the United States.” Considering the legal “personality” principle, the original text leaves room for controversy over whether the United States has jurisdiction over foreigners or illegal immigrants in the United States. The procedure for amending the Constitution is complex, but Trump’s cancellation of “birthright citizenship” can be argued to be “not an amendment to the Constitution,” but an “interpretation of the Constitution.” With the majority of Republican justices on the Supreme Court, this has the potential to succeed.

Attorney Chen Wen further explained that if the 14th Amendment to the Constitution is interpreted from the above perspective, the broadest definition can cover all "non-citizen" children, including green cards, non-green cards but legal residence, and illegal immigrants; it can also Children who are only narrowly defined as "illegal immigrants", how to interpret it depends on how big Trump's heart is.

On the morning of October 31, Trump tweeted continuously, continuing to express his views on "natural birthright citizenship." (Source: Twitter screenshot)

Since the news was exposed on October 30, the White House has not announced the specific content of the president’s executive order. But on the morning of October 31, Trump sent out several tweets, once again demonstrating his determination to repair loopholes in U.S. immigration laws and safeguard national security. He also said that his views have been recognized by many legal experts, and he was one of them. A tweet stated, "The 'anchor baby' issue will ultimately be resolved by the Supreme Court."