On the morning of the 22nd, Mr. Wang, a citizen of Fuzhou, reported on the "Smart Haidu" platform that on the afternoon of the 21st, a python suddenly appeared on the hiking trail near Xianzong Zen Temple, Nanyu Town, High-tech Zone, and a young couple was trapped on the road 2 F

N Haidu All-Media Reporter Mao Chaoqing Text/Photo


A python was discovered on a hiking trail near the Xianzong Zen Temple in Nanyu Town, Fuzhou.

A young couple was trapped.

The police and the rescue team were dispatched.

On the morning of the 222nd, Fuzhou citizen Mr. Wang reported on the "Smart Sea City" platform that, On the afternoon of the 21st, a python suddenly appeared on the hiking trail near Xianzong Zen Temple in Nanyu Town, High-tech Zone. A young couple was trapped on the road for more than 2 hours and did not dare to go down the mountain. They were finally rescued by the rescue team and the police. Successfully sent down the mountain. Mr. Wang hopes to remind citizens through Haidu News that when summer is coming, they must pay attention to safety when climbing.

The reporter learned that at about 15:00 on the 21st, the couple exercised together on the hiking trail of Xianzong Zen Temple near their home. When they went down the mountain at about 17:00, they found a large python coiled on the stone steps in the middle of the road. The two were too frightened to move forward, so they could only call 110 to call the police. The police contacted the local Gaoqi rescue team, and the rescue team quickly rushed to the scene with tools and police.

It was getting dark. The police and rescue workers turned on their flashlights and used bamboo poles to gently stir the python. After half an hour of hard work, the python was finally released into the grass.

Mr. Wang told reporters afterwards that the snake was about 3 meters long, as thick as the mouth of a bowl, and weighed about 30 kilograms.

The police said that pythons are large reptiles, with a common body length of 3 to 5 meters, and are national second-level protected wild animals. The presence of pythons in the surrounding area proves that the ecological environment is well protected.

Mr. Wang reported the clue fee 30 yuan