Pearl milk tea, also known as Boba milk tea, or pearl milk for short, is a tea drink popular in Taiwan. After adding powder balls to the milk tea, it becomes pearl milk tea. Pearl milk tea is a type of Taiwan's "bubble black tea" culture. Although it only adds tapioca rice balls

Pearl milk tea (Bubble tea), also known as Boba milk tea, or bubble tea for short, is a tea drink popular in Taiwan. After powder balls are added to the milk tea, it becomes pearl milk tea. Pearl milk tea is a type of Taiwan's "bubble black tea" culture. Although it only adds tapioca rice balls to milk tea, it has become one of Taiwan's most representative drinks and snacks.

Pearl milk tea is an interesting drink that usually consists of black or oolong tea, milk or fruit flavours, most often in the form of tapioca pearls. The name "bubble tea" originally came from the bubbles that form when the milk tea is shaken, rather than from the interesting pearls in the drink. This drink is known by many other names, including "bubble tea," "boba tea," and "tapioca tea."

There are two shops in Taiwan claiming to be the inventors of bubble milk tea. One story is that Mr. Liu Hanjie, who runs a bubble tea shop "Chun Shui Tang" in Taichung City, claimed that he began experimenting with making milk tea in 1983. He also said that a female employee in the store made it successfully by accident. The ingredients added at that time were fruits, syrup, candied sweet potatoes, and rice balls. The milk tea he launched was not well received at first, but by chance, after being interviewed by a Japanese TV program, it finally attracted the attention of businessmen. Another theory is that it was invented by Mr. Tu Zonghe of Hanlin Tea House in Tainan City. It is said that he was inspired by seeing white powder balls in Yamuliao market around 1987. Therefore, early pearls were white, and later changed to black. However, neither store has applied for patent or trademark rights, making bubble milk tea the most representative people's drink in Taiwan.

01How to make pearl milk tea

Buy one kilogram of pearl balls (if the local supermarket does not sell them, you can buy them online). Add 10L of water and cook in the pot (boil the water first and then add the pearl balls and powder balls. Be sure to wait until the hot water boils before adding it, otherwise it will melt into powder immediately. Keep the water boiling over medium heat and stir with a strainer. The time is 15 to 20 minutes (you can add or subtract the time according to your preference, the longer it cooks, the softer it will be). When the time is up, cover the pot and turn off the heat and simmer for another 15 to 20 minutes (the longer it simmers, the more elastic it will be) or until it is cooked through. The powder balls are in a transparent state.

After the time is up, take out the pearls and rinse them with cold water. Put the powder balls in a large bowl and add sugar until the pearls are soaked and sweetened. Milk tea is basically tea with milk, but these two are the same. Things cannot be used casually~~ Otherwise it will greatly affect the taste. The production method (500ml milk tea as an example), first of all, you can use black tea or green tea. If you have never tried green tea, it is difficult to imagine the delicious taste of green tea and milk! (About 125 ml).

Then there is milk. This must be fresh milk, pure. I personally think pure milk tastes better (yoghurt is not recommended). MM during the weight loss period can use skim milk, the taste may be different. To make it lighter, you can also add more milk. Use boiling water to brew two bags of black tea at one time and stir thoroughly to enhance the tea flavor. Do not use too much boiling water. After 2 minutes, when the tea is very strong, pour in the milk (125ml) and press the milk. :Tea 1:1 ratio.

Then add 230G of ice cubes in summer and 230G of hot water in winter. If you like a stronger taste, you can add less ice cubes and hot water as appropriate, and finally add the pearls and Honey or sugar, add sweetness according to your preference.

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