Lin Jialong, the "Minister of Transportation" of the Taiwan authorities, said yesterday that the current Democratic Progressive Party is in a difficult situation. There were indeed some people who wanted to teach the DPP a lesson in the county and city elections last year, and he

Lin Jialong, the "Minister of Transportation" of the Taiwan authorities. (Picture source: Taiwan's "China Times Electronic News")

China Taiwan Network, March 10 According to Taiwan's "China Times Electronic News", Lin Jialong, the "Minister of Transportation" of the Taiwan authorities, said yesterday (9th) that the current Democratic Progressive Party The situation is difficult. Some people did want to teach the DPP a lesson in last year's county and city elections, and he was the "main victim" of being taught a lesson. He claimed that everyone should give the Democratic Progressive Party a chance and not be like him, which became louder after the election, but it was already too late. In response, KMT spokesperson Hong Mengkai angrily said, "Feel good about yourself?"

Lai Qingde, the "Executive Dean" of the Taiwan authorities, recently said that "the Democratic Progressive Party has its last breath," which aroused concern. Lin Jialong said yesterday that the current situation of the Democratic Progressive Party is indeed more difficult, but he still hopes that everyone will give the Democratic Progressive Party another chance and not be like him, who became more vocal after the election. Now it is too late.

Hong Mengkai criticized Lin Jialong’s statement on Facebook (facebook) that Lin Jialong’s voice was louder after the election. When Lin Jialongfu chose Yu Tian, he also said that his voice was louder after the election and he was very popular. This kind of self-feeling I don’t know where confidence comes from. Do you think everyone has forgotten the "China Airlines chaos" a month ago? Isn't it just that the "Ministry of Communications" is at a loss and is at a loss what to do? This kind of self-feeling is the best proof that it does not know how to reflect and review.

Hong Mengkai pointed out that after Lin Jialong Taichung Mayor was replaced, he thought he was now more popular. Have you ever reflected on why he was replaced by voters in the first place? Continuing to feel good about oneself without facing one's own shortcomings, and becoming a high official after losing the election means that those in power have no introspection at all.

Reviewing Lin Jialong’s performance as “Minister of Transportation” in the past two months, Hong Mengkai bluntly said that except for the China Airlines strike in Taiwan and the airport power outage, the rest was lackluster. In this way, there is no other way to describe the rebound in popularity except feeling good about himself. Hong Mengkai ridiculed that those in power continue to live in a parallel time and space. When voting next Saturday, they will use their votes to wake up the DPP. (China Taiwan Net Jia Ruolan)