While the domestic rolls are 996 and 007, Australia is preparing to implement a 4-day working day! Employees only need to maintain the productivity of the original five-day work during the four days of work, and then they can have two days off instead of three days off, and their


is being rolled into 996 and 007 in China, Australia is already preparing to implement a 4-day working day! Employees only need to maintain the productivity of the original five-day work during the four days of work, and then they can have two days off instead of three days off, and their wages will remain the same! Isn’t it great?

In 2021, "4 Day Week Global", a social organization in New Zealand, proposed the concept of a four-day work system for the first time.

The founder of “4 Day Week Global” is New Zealand entrepreneur and philanthropist Andrew Barnes. In February 2018, Andrew Barnes began trialling a four-day work week within the company. An employee works 30 hours and is paid for 37.5 hours while maintaining the same output as a standard 5-day work week. The results of the

experiment are gratifying. The survey shows that when working four days a week, 78% of employees believe that they can successfully balance work and life, which is higher than the previous 54%; employee stress levels have dropped by 7%; motivation, commitment and empowerment at work The sense of well-being also improved significantly, with overall life satisfaction increasing by 5%.

Andrew Barnes was also pleasantly surprised to find that employees' work enthusiasm has increased, everyone's willingness to work hard for the company has increased significantly, and productivity has not declined at all. "They know that their vacation has become longer, and their work efficiency has become higher."

Researchers said that the 3-day rest period gave employees a positive signal: "You have rested enough, and now you need to concentrate on work. . In this way, employees will not be lazy at work and delay time by doing unimportant things.

Due to the success of the experiment, Andrew Barnes decided to implement a formal four-day work week from November of that year. The success of this experiment has also aroused the curiosity and attention of companies around the world, and they want to follow suit.

On June 6 this year, the world's largest "four-day work system" experiment kicked off in the United Kingdom, which lasted for 6 months. More than 70 companies and more than 3,300 employees have participated.

Starting this week, more than 3,300 employees in 70 companies across the UK began to trial the four-day work week without reducing wages. The trial period is 6 months. Companies involved in the trial include software developers, financial firms, consultancies, recruitment firms, charities, educational institutions, retailers, restaurants and even the Royal Society of Biology.

As a member of the Commonwealth, New Zealand is also a good company. Neighbors, Australia is naturally not far behind.

Starting from August, many Australian companies plan to trial a "4-day work week" for eight months. Australian institutions participating in this work system reform include finance, retail, and health. , technology and construction industries.

While maintaining 100% of the original 5-day productivity and efficiency, employees' working hours are reduced to 80%, and the wages are still 100% of the original 5-day rate!

It is now known Participants in the experiment include mortgage brokerage More Than Mortgages, social agency Our Community, marketing agency The Walk and mental health organization Momentum Mental Health.

Are you looking forward to it?