For students whose student visa is about to expire but want to stay and work in Australia, the Australian 485 graduate work visa may be your best choice. Currently, the Australian government provides 485 work visas for up to 5 years to Australian graduates who meet the requiremen

For students whose student visa is about to expire but want to stay and work in Australia, the Australian 485 graduate work visa may be your best choice.

Currently, the Australian government provides Australian graduates who meet the requirements with a 485 work visa of up to 5 years. Australian immigration lawyers have summarized common questions about the 485 visa for students’ reference:

Q: Basic application requirements for the 485 visa What is it?

A: ’s basic requirements for applicants are as follows:

  • are under 50 years old;
  • are currently in Australia and hold a valid Australian visa* (due to the epidemic, graduates who are currently not in Australia also have the opportunity to apply);
  • have been in the past 6 years Hold a student visa within months;
  • have recently completed the CRICOS registration course;
  • The course is 2 years long and has been completed in Australia for no less than 16 months;
  • Purchase health insurance;
  • can only apply for one category of 485 visa , the category cannot be changed after application;

Q: How to choose the category of 485 visa?

A: For applicants applying for the 485 visa for the first time, depending on their academic qualifications, they can choose to apply in one of the following two 485 categories:

1. Graduate category (Graduate Work Stream):

is suitable for vocational and technical colleges such as TAFE. Students who have graduated from school must also meet the application requirements:

  • be engaged in a career on the Australian Medium and Long-term Strategic Skills List (MLTSSL); and
  • have a degree, diploma or trade certificate closely related to the occupation; and
  • Pass the evaluation of relevant professional assessment agencies;
  • Language requirements: IELTS total score is no less than 6 points, no individual score is less than 5 points;

2. High degree graduate category Post-Study Work Stream (PSW visa):

Suitable for completing higher education To apply for academic degree students, the application requirements that need to be met are:

  • Have a Bachelor (Bachelor / Bachelor Honors), Master (Master by coursework / Master by research), or a doctoral degree;
  • Language requirements: IELTS total score is not less than 6 points, No single item is less than 5 points;

Q: How long will the 485 visa last?

A: 485 The GW (graduate category) visa period is usually 16 months. According to the latest policy adjustments, due to the impact of the epidemic, VET graduates who apply for 485 can get a 2-year (24-month) visa.

485 The visa period for PSW (high degree graduate category) is related to academic qualifications. Undergraduate or Master by coursework degree students can obtain a 2-year visa, Master by research (Master by research) students can obtain a 3-year visa, and PhD students can obtain a 4-year visa.

** If you are a Hong Kong and British National Overseas passport holder, you can get a 5-year visa.

Q: How much is the application fee for the 485 visa?

A: Regardless of the type of 485 visa, the application fee for the main applicant is AUD 1,680. If there are secondary applicants such as spouses or children, additional fees will be paid based on the number of people.

Q: Do I have to be in Australia to apply for the 485 visa?

A: According to the latest policy adjustments, graduates affected by COVID-19 travel restrictions can now apply for and obtain a 485 visa outside Australia. However, applicants must currently hold or have held an eligible student visa.

Q: I am currently holding a 485 visa and it is about to expire. Can I apply for a second 485 visa?

A: is possible. According to Australia’s latest policy in early 21, the 485 visa of qualified applicants can now be extended for up to 2 years. The following conditions need to be met:

· Only applicable to the 485 Post Study Work Stream visa Holder;

· Need to meet the place of residence and residence time requirements;

· The second 485 visa does not need to provide new English proficiency test results and a new AFP;

In fact, the content involved in the 485 graduate work permit is very Many, where do I need to live to apply for the 485 visa? How long will you live there? How to prove it? Due to the limited length of this article, Australian immigration lawyers will explain it in the next updated article introducing the second 485 visa information.

Finally, I would like to remind everyone that March 15th is the peak expiration date for Australian student visas every year. Once the visa expires without applying for a new visa, you will be suspected of illegal stay.

Whether students want to apply for a 485 graduate work permit to stay and work in Australia after graduation, or continue their studies and renew their 500 student visa, please be sure to check the validity of your visa.