International students can now work full-time in Australia with unlimited part-time work, but do you know what benefits this can bring you?

International students can now work full-time in Australia, with unlimited part-time work.

But do you know what benefits this can bring you?

1. International students can work in Australia without restrictions

Morrison announced last week that the federal government will lift the restriction that international students can only work 40 hours every two weeks to solve the labor shortage caused by Omicron

This means that international students There will no longer be restrictions on working hours

After that, international students in Australia can work 80 hours every two weeks, which is completely equivalent to full-time work

Moreover, Morrison also encourages international students to return to Australia as soon as possible, and backpackers can also enter Australia with WHV. The condition is that you must be fully vaccinated

So after relaxing the restrictions on working hours, apart from the most direct benefits of work, what other hidden benefits are there?

2. Why is the Australian government relaxing study permit work restrictions?

Why is the Australian government willing to relax? In fact, it is very simple. It has two main purposes.

️⃣ First, Australia is indeed very short of grassroots labor.

For example, industries such as restaurant waiters, food delivery people, supermarket cashiers, and construction workers are all very short of people. There are workers everywhere. shortage

Then Australia needs many temporary visa holders, including international students to supplement these labor forces. If the requirements are relaxed, a certain labor shortage situation will soon be alleviated

At this point, some friends may ask, does Australia have any? Of course there are work visas

. These are the 482 and 186 visas that we are very good at, but these two visas have higher work and visa requirements

Applicants must have two or three years of relevant work experience, and there will also be A corresponding occupation list

Moreover, 482 and 186 can lead to PR. If you study engineering and science and have more than three years of relevant work experience, it is very simple to apply.

️⃣ Attract more Many people come to Australia to work

Although international students in Australia can now work without restrictions, which has alleviated some of the urgent labor shortages, it is not enough

What the federal government hopes is to attract more people to work in Australia in this way

But Many students will ask, if I spend hundreds of thousands or millions to study in Australia, how much money can I earn by working?

For example, apart from universities such as Monash University, there are still many people who come to Australia to study for work.

The tuition fees chosen by these students will be relatively cheap. For example,the cheapest one-year diploma only costs more than 6,000. Australian dollars

A one-year master's degree only costs 8,000-10,000 Australian dollars

After two years, you can get a 3-year 485 work visa. In these two years, you can also work full-time in Australia

At present, the minimum wage in Australia is about 20 Australian dollars per hour. Calculated based on full-time work under the new policy, the weekly salary is 800 Australian dollars, which is equivalent to more than 3,600 yuan.

This is only calculated based on the minimum wage. This is why Morrison hopes that some labor forces from other countries can come to Australia to work. To solve the current situation

A simple summary is that if you have a skill, meet the requirements of a student visa, and hope to get a 5-year Australian visa to work here, you can consider coming to an Australian school

3. Why come to Australia?

Although Australia's study abroad industry has been losing money, the high-end study abroad market has also been "destroyed" by the Australian government, universities and online courses after the epidemic.

There will indeed be fewer people coming to actually study abroad, or there will be no competition compared to Canada and the UK. So strong

but Australia has its own unique natural advantages, including a comfortable climate and the highest hourly wage in the world

This is why many ordinary laborers from other countries are attracted to work in Australia

So you understand now, why Will Morrison relax the work restrictions for international students?

If you also want to come to Australia to study or are looking for a way to stay and work in Australia, then come and consult us

We will work out the best plan for you to help you successfully stay in Australia.