With the opening of Australia's borders, some applicants for work-study programs with weak conditions have failed halfway. As easy as it was to get a work-study visa during the border blockade, how difficult it is for this group of people to deal with it now.

With the opening of Australia’s borders, some applicants for the work-study program with weak conditions have failed halfway. As easy as it was to get a work-study visa during the border blockade, how difficult it is for this group of people to deal with it now.

This is by no means alarmist, because when the borders open and a large number of international students pour into Australia, their own conditions and GTE become the first choice for visa officers to evaluate. After all, the ultimate purpose of the study visa is to encourage everyone to promote the development of Australia’s education industry, rather than going to Australia. Work and make money.

Because, for young friends who want to work and live, there is actually another option, that is, the Australian 462 Working Holiday Visa, also known as WHV, which not only has low application requirements, but also has a very low rejection rate.

Australia has reached an agreement with China to open working and holiday visas to Chinese citizens. This visa allows up to 5,000 young Chinese people with higher education and English skills to go to Australia for working holidays.

Chinese passport holders need to submit their first Working and Holiday (subclass 462) visa application by submitting an Expression of Interest (EOI). If the application letter of intent is selected, you can submit the 462 visa online

After Australian 462 visa holders are approved to enter Australia, they will have the opportunity to renew if they meet the conditions in Australia; if the renewal conditions are not met later, they can also submit before expiration If you continue to stay in Australia with a study visa, you can also minimize the risk of part-time application.

462 Visa application conditions

• Hold a valid Chinese passport;

• Be over 18 years old but under 31 years old when submitting the visa application;
• Cannot bring dependent applicants;
• Have sufficient funds to support a working holiday in Australia ( Approximately 5,000 Australian dollars);
• Have enough funds to purchase a return flight or continued travel at the end of the working holiday visa;
• No record of traveling to Australia with a 417 visa;
• Have a higher education qualification, or have completed at least two years of University study;
• Have basic practical English proficiency (equivalent to IELTS score 4.5 or above);
• Meet character and health requirements;
• Be a sincere visitor to Australia;

As mentioned before, the current 462 working holiday visa requires first Submit an EOI application, and then the Australian Immigration Bureau will randomly select applicants from the EOI application and issue invitations.

After the epidemic, Australia is in urgent need of overseas labor to help restore the economy. Australian immigration lawyers predict that there will be a lot of people invited in this round of EOI, and hope that applicants can seize the first round of EOI applications.

The EOI application for the first round of 462 visa is until March 28. I hope that friends who meet the conditions will seize the opportunity and start a new journey to Australia as soon as possible!