When it comes to Alexander Vucic, probably no one will be unfamiliar with him. From the beginning, he expressed all his help to China, and later he tearfully asked China for help.

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Due to the epidemic, Serbia has become a place that countless people yearn for.

When it comes to Alexander Vucic, probably no one is unfamiliar with him. From the beginning, he expressed all his help to China, and later he tearfully asked China for help.

Since the outbreak of the epidemic, he has never stopped for a moment. Even his son has gone to the front line to volunteer in the fight against the epidemic.

Unfortunately, two days ago, his son was diagnosed with the new coronavirus...

This news affects the hearts of countless netizens, but it also worries Vucic as a father.

However, in front of the public, he has no red eyes or any weakness.

just tells everyone firmly: I will always love my son.

"I will control my emotions and take care of my body before my son recovers, so that it will not affect my work."

This man who shed tears for the people did not cry for his son, not because he was ruthless,

It was he who knew: I am a child of Yugoslavia.


The most valuable thing is not the icing on the cake,

but the help in times of need

You may not be familiar with the name Serbia, but when you talk about Yugoslavia, you must suddenly realize it.

We have learned since childhood that Yugoslavia was the first European country to establish diplomatic relations with China.

However, this European country has a "bumpy fate."

In 1992, Yugoslavia disintegrated and was divided into seven countries, some joining the EU and some joining NATO.

Montenegro and Serbia were left alone to form the Yugoslavia Federation.

Yugoslavia, which has lost its glory, is now as weak as an ant.

However, such a weak Yugoslavia has always resolutely opposed NATO's demand for Kosovo's independence.

has nothing to do with the economy or the future, but Kosovo is to Yugoslavia what Taiwan is to China. They will not allow acts of secession under any circumstances.

Finally, in 1999, NATO, led by the United States, could not bear it anymore.

shelled Yugoslavia, killing more than two thousand civilian children.

The bandits behaved like this, but no country in the world dared to say anything at that time.

Only China constantly condemns the United States and supports Yugoslavia.

When Kosovo prepared for independence with the support of Western forces, hundreds of countries remained silent.

China alone has not hesitated to use its veto power to firmly safeguard the sovereignty of Yugoslavia.

They will remember this love for generations to come.

In May 1999, the Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia was bombed by the US military, causing serious casualties.

You must know that an embassy is not only a building, but also the dignity of a country. This move by the US military was out of Sima Zhao's heart.

However, China was not strong enough at that time, so we had to endure.

However, Yugoslavia was not relaxed. Not only did it erect a monument at the embassy site,

also took the initiative to send the downed American stealth fighter, as well as all the equipment and materials on the plane, to China for free.

They remember: A drop of kindness should be repaid by a spring.

And this monument still has flowers and water, and it is a Serbian tradition to give water to the deceased.

In 2006, Montenegro became independent from the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. After that, there was only Serbia in Yugoslavia.

Even so, it does not affect its relationship with China at all.

In 2008, after the Wenchuan earthquake, Serbia immediately donated 100,000 euros in supplies.

may not sound like a big number, but it is all of Serbia.

It is located in Europe, but it is one of the poorest countries in the Balkans. Until 2007, Serbia's per capita GDP was only a little over 5,000 US dollars.

Regarding the “One Belt, One Road” initiative, Serbia is one of the countries that has responded most quickly.

The bridge connecting the Danube River is called the "Chinese Bridge" by locals.

In 2016, Serbia became the first country to provide visa-free access to China.

In 2020, China was the first to encounter the new coronavirus. Almost the whole of Europe is watching China jokes, and there are many deliberately slanderous remarks.

The President of Serbia expressed his position through actions.

He spoke to the outside world: No matter what needs or difficulties China has, please feel free to tell us.

When the epidemic in China was at its worst, they held a concert with the theme of supporting China in its fight against the epidemic.

In this concert, "My Chinese Heart" won the most applause, and the most popular words on the message board were "Chinese brothers, come on"...

People in the streets and alleys held up Chinese flags to cheer for China.

Probably, this is the best interpretation of "sending goose feathers thousands of miles away".


Heroes come out of youth

All kinds of news about Serbia make people cry for this kind of friendship.

But few people remember the person who promoted the exchanges between the two countries behind the scenes: Alexander Vucic.

Even though he has a prominent beer belly now, Vucic also fascinated all living beings when he was young.

A handsome boy with red lips and white teeth

A melancholic boy with fair features and delicate eyes

However, he is not some kind of gold and jade, but his appearance is ruined.

Under this charming body, his brain is also the envy of others.

In 1970, Vucic was born into a family of intellectuals. His father was an economist and his mother was a journalist.

Since he was a child, he has been a good student with both good character and academic performance.

As a teenager, he won the Belgrade chess competition..

and then entered the Faculty of Law of the University of Begrade with excellent results.

This university is to the entire Balkans no less than Peking University is to the Chinese people.

Not long after graduating from college, he followed his mother's path and became a journalist.

In his short time as a journalist, he interviewed the first president of Serbia and played chess with a powerful general.

In 1993, at the age of 23, Vucic joined the Radical Party and was successfully elected as a member of the parliament.

At an age when countless people don’t know what life is about, Vucic has determined to enter politics and devote his life to serving the people.

Just five years later, Vucic was appointed Minister of Information, becoming Serbia's youngest Information Minister.

He worked in politics as an official, but he had no "official" temperament in his whole body.

is always good at singing and dancing. He even served as a guest judge in a singing competition during his tenure.

He did not forget to "play" twice when he expressed condolences to the basketball players.

Although it was not easy, his actions were still in place.

Similar to the Twitter maniac Trump, Vucic is also a "little social master" . Since

opened his own social account, his posting speed is amazing.

Other leaders make comments every now and then, but he posts several times a day.


In the picture, the father points at the beggar and says, if you don’t study, you will be just like him; the beggar replies: I have a master’s degree in nuclear physics! Vucic: I will not comment.

Funny and thoughtful

I asked Google how to bring in revenue, and it is still thinking about it

I often share my favorite cartoons (children's drawings)

Even though my handsome face has been ruined by the nationals, I don't forget to share it.

How can someone like Vucic be associated with a "political strongman"?


A straight man of steel

He defies the sky and the earth and defies the air

But Vucic is like this, and he was elected to the position of president by the people of the country.

The Yugoslavia bombing in 1999 not only bombed the embassy, ​​but the entire Yugoslavia was not peaceful either.

NATO did everything possible to make Kosovo independent. The hard method of

is to directly bomb, and the soft method is to use the media for publicity.

Vucic, who was 29 years old at the time, gave full play to his advantages as a media person and tried every means to control public opinion, thus avoiding Serbia's internal division.

Because of this, Serbia still vows not to join NATO, even if it does so, it may be fishy;

It will not let Kosovo become independent, even if it may make it difficult to enter the EU;

People who experienced the Yugoslav era are not only interested in the West The country has always had a grudge and has the strongest backbone.

In 2012, Vucic became the First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense. Just two years later, he was elected Prime Minister with a high vote. When

took office as Prime Minister, he fulfilled all his original promises to the people.

He reduced the size of the public sector, cut budgets, privatized state-owned enterprises...

In each case, he achieved the hearts of the people.

After being elected president as expected, Vucic appointed an openly gay cabinet member.

This is unique in Serbia.

had numerous questions, and he spoke eloquently, "I only pay attention to her ability to solve problems. If there are any problems with her professional resume, just tell me."

is as tough as Vucic, not only against his own people, but also outside the country, without the slightest timidity.

When a reporter asked about the EU and Russia, he responded directly:

Recognizing Kosovo’s independence is the key to joining the EU, but no one has ever said that recognition will definitely lead to joining the EU. Since you can't guarantee my joining the EU and want me to break off diplomatic relations with Russia, you might as well kill me.

When the EU criticized Serbia for warmly receiving Chinese aid but snubbing EU aid, he did not accept it.

"Serbia is very grateful to the EU for its help. But they only paid for the freight of the plane, and the ventilators and all aid supplies on the plane are from China. China has given Serbia the greatest help. The people should remember this."

China has given Serbia 100 ventilators, which many European and American countries cannot ask for.

So, some people are angry again. They can’t touch China, and they can’t touch a place as big as your palm.

Someone issued a warning to Serbia during an interview:

Vucic said some things that the people wanted to obey and dominated anti-Western public opinion. Naturally no one blames him in special times.

But in the long run, Serbia’s largest investment comes from the West. It has no competitiveness in the Chinese market and no trade preferences. Once we reduce investment in Serbia, they will not be able to do it.

The stubborn Serbia quickly replied:

When we asked the EU and its member states for help, the reply we received was that they are currently unable to help us! It is natural for us to turn to our traditional allies, and Serbia is not wrong in any way! "

He has always adhered to his position and has never been stingy with his gratitude to China.

That night, Vucic was waiting on the tarmac and greeted Chinese experts with the highest respect he could express.

He was interviewed , repeatedly said "Thank you China".

He posted words of gratitude to China more than once.

He said, "I want to write Chinese on all road signs."

Because of such a president, his. The people also know how to be grateful.

They commented in Chinese, "Thank you very much, Chinese brothers."

For more than half a century, Serbia and China have been supporting each other despite hardships.

It is because of such a president. More people understand the importance of the word "China".

Regardless of whether you are high or low, the most precious friendship in the world is nothing more than not expecting icing on the cake, but only providing help when it's time.


Today’s interactive Q&A

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