Chen Baiwei is a "legislator" of the "Taiwan Foundation Progressive Party" who advocates "Taiwan independence". He has long been criticized for his unqualified speeches: he is suspected of supporting the legalization of marijuana, supports the United States' "Lai Zhu", and even p

( Observer Network news) Please enjoy the version of Chen Baiwei, a "legislator" who advocates "Taiwan independence", "Although I was hit and run, suspected of gambling and drug abuse, I am a good 'legislator' and I am willing to walk 100 kilometers for democracy. Everyone, look at my determination. No matter how strong the storm is, I feel dizzy, I am rolling around, but I am not afraid.”

html On the 17th, Chen Baiwei’s “asking for trouble” was directly ridiculed by Taiwanese netizens, “So touching. , please continue to play!"

Chen Baiwei is a "legislator" of the "Taiwan Foundation Progressive Party" who advocates "Taiwan independence". He has long been criticized for his unqualified speech: he is suspected of supporting the legalization of marijuana and supporting the United States' "lai pig". He praised it as extremely delicious, talked nonsense in the live broadcast, said that he could beat 35 KMT "legislators" by himself, called people who did not support him "fake citizens", etc. In addition to the negative news that he had been involved in hit-and-run accidents, suspected of gambling (his home opened a casino) and drug abuse, and suspected of false declaration of property, people who were dissatisfied with him, including some civil groups, launched a "recall" campaign.

If the recall motion is passed, Chen Baiwei will be relieved of his duties from the date of announcement. The official vote will be held this Saturday (23rd).

At the beginning, the DPP could not sit still. On the 13th, Tsai Ing-wen said at the Democratic Progressive Party meeting, "We must strongly support Chen Baiwei" and said that people who work seriously should not be left alone. Later, she claimed to respect the "Basic Progressive Party" strategy on the recall case. To this day, there are still Democratic Progressive Party "legislators" who come out to support Chen Baiwei. The reason for their support is nothing more than four words, the so-called "for democracy..."

Some netizens on the island angrily denounced the "completely indifferent" and "double-standard party" "Even this guy can survive. It can be seen that if it is beneficial to the DPP, it is called democracy, and if it is detrimental to the DPP, it is called fighting."

In this regard, Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun once asked Tsai Ing-wen, do you want to stand with drugs, gambling, and hit-and-run accidents? He called on Tsai Ing-wen to work with the Kuomintang to remove Chen Baiwei and fight against drugs, gambling, and hit-and-run.

With such high attention, Chen Baiwei himself is also "working hard".

On the day that Tsai Ing-wen publicly supported him, Chen Baiwei launched a "10-day, 100-hour walk" campaign. From now until the recall case is held, he will walk 100 hours for the purpose of opposing the recall. Amid the skepticism that he was "not doing anything serious", Chen Baiwei began his "ascetic" life. Several assistants accompanied him and distributed leaflets to the public.

On the 16th, the fourth day of walking, a set of photos of Chen Baiwei’s walking scene were also circulated on the island’s social media: After walking all morning, at noon, Chen Baiwei fell to his knees due to exhaustion, and sat on the ground again after a while;

was holding on with his right hand. The knees looked very weak;

Some media said that Chen Baiwei's feet were worn out. In the afternoon, Chen Baiwei appeared in front of the media cameras with his feet wrapped in bandages and a pair of sandals.

A congressman who supports Chen Baiwei interviewed by the dark green media "Liberty Times" said this, "Chen Baiwei has worked really hard. Everyone should have seen that his feet have been injured like this, and his physical strength has reached the limit, but his will He is still very strong and willing to go on.”

Some doctors also said that Chen Baiwei should rest quickly, otherwise the wound will be at risk of worsening.

Regarding all this, many Taiwanese netizens do not buy it. On the PTT forum, many netizens ridiculed, "Don't be miserable", "I'm so weak after walking for a few days, and it seems like I can't handle anything. How about going home?" "Will you cry when you have to perform next?"

Yesterday, At an event in Taichung , Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun directly said that Chen Baiwei was in favor of the import of "Laizhu" so that people can eat poisonous pork, he was in favor of opening up marijuana so that people can eat drugs, and he did not block "Taipower", which caused air pollution in Taichung and made people take drugs. He is the "Three Poison Legislator" and "deleting him is our common goal."

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