Data map: DPP Chairman Zhuo Rongtai (middle), Secretary-General Luo Wenjia (left) and Deputy Secretary-General Lin Feifan (right) (Source: "China Times") Discussion at the DPP Party Congress on September 28 The so-called "Social Collaboration for Generations Win-Win Resolution" w

Data map: DPP Chairman Zhuo Rongtai (middle), Secretary-General Luo Wenjia (left) and Deputy Secretary-General Lin Feifan (right) (Source: "China Times")

html On September 28, the DPP Party Congress The discussion passed the so-called "Social Colleagues for Generations Win-Win Resolution". It is said to be a demonstration of the power of great unity on the occasion of the 33rd anniversary of the founding of the party, and dialogue with society through this "new action program". In fact, what is this “new resolution”?

Let’s take a look at what Lin Feifan, deputy secretary-general of the Democratic Progressive Party, said. He made no bones about it and said that the "new resolution" has several "core spirits", including firmly safeguarding "Taiwan's sovereignty stance" and clearly opposing "one country, two systems"; continuing to deepen "national defense" autonomy and strengthening the legal system related to "democratic defense" ; In the future, Taiwan will not be limited to one side of the Taiwan Strait, but will clearly position itself as "Taiwan of the Pacific, Taiwan of the World", strengthen regional and international economic and trade connections, etc.

opposes "one country, two systems" and positions itself as the "Taiwan of the world". It is very explicit that it remains "independence". This wishful thinking is consistent. However, a closer look shows that the opposition to the "one-China principle" and other undertones, which were included in the "Decision on Taiwan's Future" launched during the Chen Shui-bian period, have not shown the slightest "pioneering" and "innovation" until now. This also reflects the dilemma of the DPP's cross-strait policy discussion - it wants to be "independent" but dare not really be "independent", and can only go around in circles within the inherent framework. The repeated discussion of can only prove the green camp’s deep-rooted resistance to “92 Consensus ”.

As we all know, it is the lack of a correct understanding of the "1992 Consensus" by the DPP authorities that has led to the current extreme coldness in cross-strait relations. But Tsai Ing-wen and others still deceive themselves and others by "maintaining the status quo." Ironically, is the fragmentary idea of ​​the "new resolution", which confirms the bankruptcy of the "status quo theory" of the DPP authorities. In the words of the green camp people themselves, the “new resolution” was issued precisely to respond to the new situation.

From the island's perspective, the Democratic Progressive Party suffered an unprecedented setback in last year's nine-in-one election. It was inefficient and incompetent in economic and social development. The politics of mediocrity has recently caused a series of chaos and controversy. From a cross-strait perspective, the mainland proposed the "one country, two systems" Taiwan plan at the beginning of this year, which made some people feel on pins and needles and felt unprecedented pressure. The one-China principle has become a general consensus in the international community. Recently, Taiwan has continuously "severed diplomatic relations" and has become the Achilles heel of the DPP authorities. At a time when is facing internal and external difficulties, the issuance of the "new resolution" is a key move for the DPP authorities to try to gather supporters while covering up its governance shortcomings.

Therefore, although it lacks new ideas, the "new resolution document" does not lack ideas. Some people always believe that there are opportunities to take advantage of the game between the United States and China, and the chaos in Hong Kong caused by violent radicals also makes them happy. Speaking from a closer perspective, the 2020 Taiwan "general election" is approaching. The Tsai Ing-wen administration, which is suffering from governance anxiety and election anxiety, will naturally spare no effort to win the election. The focus and leverage of the "new resolution" is to use the chaos in Hong Kong to oppose the "1992 Consensus" and "one country, two systems" in order to boost Tsai Ing-wen's electoral support. From afar, by further demonizing "one country, two systems", we can accumulate energy for "Taiwan independence" and kill two birds with one stone. Why not? From this point of view, the so-called "parade" on the island to support Hong Kong on September 29 was just selling dog meat over sheep's heads.

But the abacus should not be too precise. The mainland does not participate in the island's elections, and will not follow the DPP's tricks of trying to win the election by using the "new resolution". However, we must remain vigilant, pay attention, and even respond to the DPP's manipulation of the chaos in Hong Kong, which affects the Taiwanese people's perception of "one country, two systems" and opposes the "1992 Consensus."

"Taiwan independence" is a dead end. Chen Shui-bian said long ago that what can't be done cannot be done. As a predecessor of the violent "Taiwan independence" movement, these words are golden words of wisdom: "Practice brings true knowledge." If the Taiwan authorities think they are getting their own way and continue to play with fire on the issue of reunification and "independence", or even go too far, the mainland will only tighten its noose. There will then be a showdown between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait and even war, and the corresponding consequences will be bitter for all Taiwan. The people will bear it.If the situation becomes uncontrollable, looking back at the DPP's behavior, it is not only a bet on the political fate of the party, but also on cross-strait peace and Taiwan's future development prospects. Thinking about Chen Shui-bian's words, they are really good words that are off-putting. But playing with fire and burning oneself is not something a wise man would do! (Text/Kodak Wang)

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