Recently, the list of "Taiwan independence" elements has been hotly discussed by the media on both sides of the Taiwan Strait. Many netizens have also made various self-made lists, naming all the words and deeds of these "Taiwan independence" elements in an attempt to split China


the list of "Taiwan independence" elements has been hotly debated by cross-strait media.

Many netizens have also made various self-made lists,

pointing out all the words and deeds of these "Taiwan independence" elements

in an attempt to split China.

Some media based on the harm caused by these "Taiwan independence" elements,

produced 13 "Taiwan independence" elements playing cards .

K Lee Teng-hui

The Godfather of "Taiwan Independence"

The Creator of the "Two-Nation Theory"

Lee Teng-hui, who considers himself Japanese at heart, was the leader of Taiwan. During his tenure, he openly clamored for "Taiwan independence", which triggered the Taiwan Strait Crisis in 1996, and then made the infamous "Two-Nation Theory".

Q Tsai Ing-wen

Drafter of the "Two-Nation Theory"


"Progressive Taiwan Independence"

Tsai Ing-wen, the current leader of Taiwan, participated in the drafting of the "Two-Nation Theory" in his early years, and served as chairman of the Mainland Affairs Council During this period, he spared no effort to advocate the "two-state theory" and "one country on each side." After becoming the leader of the Taiwan region, he did not recognize the " 1992 Consensus" and pursued "de-Chinaization" and "gradual Taiwan independence," which froze the booming cross-strait relations.

J Lai Ching-te

"Taiwan independence worker"

Lai Ching-te, as the head of Taiwan's administrative agency, openly promotes the concept of "Taiwan independence" and claims that Taiwan is a "sovereign and independent country", which seriously affects the bottom line of cross-strait relations.

0 Chen Shui-bian

Creator of "One Country on Each Side"

"Referendum on UN Accession"

As a typical speculative "Taiwan independence" element, Chen Shui-bian made the "four nos and one no" promise when he became the leader of Taiwan in 2000, and then openly called out Taiwan It is a "sovereign and independent country" and the relationship between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait is "one country on each side", which has caused extremely bad effects on the island and on both sides of the Taiwan Strait.

Ku Kuanmin

"Taiwan independence" funder

Ku Kuanmin, a die-hard "Taiwan independence" boss on the island, formed the "Taiwan Independence Alliance" in Japan. For decades, Ku Kuanmin actively funded various "Taiwan independence" groups and "Taiwan independence" publications, and frantically advocated "Taiwan independence" "Taiwan independence", claiming that "Taiwan independence was in the past, Taiwan is independent now, and Taiwan will be independent in the future."

Shi Ming

The spiritual leader of the "independence faction"

Shi Ming, whose real name is Shi Chaohui, is the founder of the "Independent Taiwan Association" and the author of the "Taiwan Independence" book "The Four Hundred Years of the Taiwanese People". He is regarded as the enlightenment mentor and spiritual leader of Taiwan's "independence faction".

Su Zhenchang

"Taiwan is already a sovereign and independent country"

During his tenure as chairman of the Democratic Progressive Party, Su Zhenchang publicly declared that "Taiwan is already a sovereign and independent country" and "has long been independent." When the ideological trend within the party demanded that the cross-strait line be revised, he insisted not to abolish "Taiwan is already a sovereign and independent country". "Taiwan Independence Party Platform". And the "Mainland Affairs Department" within the party was renamed the "China Affairs Department."

Lin Yixiong

"De jure Taiwan independence"

Lin Yixiong, former chairman of the Democratic Progressive Party, is a big boss of the "independence faction" on the island and an important spiritual leader of the independence faction. The "independence faction" represented by Lin Yixiong is represented by various parties on the island. This means promotes the so-called "de jure Taiwan independence" and the "referendum on UN membership."

Annette Ann

"Taiwan Name Correcting Movement"

Annette Annette used to be the deputy leader of Taiwan and is a radical and extreme "Taiwan independence" element. It vigorously promotes the so-called "clearing Taiwan's name" campaign and publicly declares that "Taiwan is Taiwan and China is China."

You Xikun

The inventor of the "balance of terror" theory

Yu Xikun, who once served as chairman of the Democratic Progressive Party and head of Taiwan's administrative agency, is the inventor of the "balance of terror" theory. He once threatened that if the mainland launches missiles to attack Taipei, Taiwan will launch missiles. Attack Shanghai.

Guo Beihong

"Independence" media boss

"Hile Island Front Alliance"

Guo Beihong is the chairman of Taiwan FTV and the financial backer behind "Taiwan independence". He once threatened to use Taiwan's most profitable TV station to Help him fulfill his long-cherished wish of "independent founding of the country". Guo Beihong also recruited people who support "independence" to form the so-called "Hile Island Front Alliance" to promote "Taiwan independence" in an organizational way.

Huang Guochang

The man behind the "Sunflower"

Huang Guochang, currently the chairman of the Times Power Party, organized the "Sunflower" student movement behind the scenes in 2014, inciting students to hate the mainland, slandering the cross-strait trade agreement, creating cross-strait confrontation, and seriously damaging cross-strait relations.

A Cai Dinggui

Radical "Taiwan independence" elements

Pulled down the bronze statue of Sun Yat-sen

Cai Dinggui, a former professor at National Cheng Kung University in Taiwan, once organized an independent group to pull down the bronze statue of Sun Yat-sen. During the "Sunflower" student movement, students were called on to oppose trade in services and organized pro-independence activists to set up tents near Taiwan's legislative body to promote "Taiwan independence" for a long time.

Will mainland China announce a list of "Taiwan independence" elements in the future?

Strait TV special commentator Xie Nan said that the words and deeds of "Taiwan independence" elements will be condemned by history. The initiative on whether to publish the list of "Taiwan independence" elements lies with the mainland. If the cross-strait situation reaches a point where the mainland needs to accelerate the process of cross-strait reunification in the future, the mainland will revise the implementation details of the Anti-Secession Law accordingly and prepare a list of "Taiwan independence" elements in accordance with legal provisions. If this list of "Taiwan independence" elements is formulated and announced, the mainland will definitely take a series of political and economic measures to punish them in order to promote the process of peaceful cross-strait reunification.

Commentator Xie Nan

Xie Nan believes that whether the mainland will do this depends on the mainland’s future study and judgment of the cross-strait relations. The Tsai administration and the "Taiwan independence" elements on the island must know that their words and deeds will inevitably be tested by history. The choice lies with the Tsai administration whether to be nailed to the pillar of historical shame or to return to the "1992 Consensus."

An Fengshan, spokesperson of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council,

Just as An Fengshan, spokesperson of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, said, "Taiwan independence" will only bring disaster to Taiwan compatriots. "Taiwan independence" elements should not think that what they have said or done can be ignored. There will be no trace of passing through the water, and any "Taiwan independence" elements who are obsessed with it will be punished by history.

Netizen comments:

"Give it a king!"

poker card picture source | Today's Strait

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Editor: Liu Yimo

Beauty editor: Du Shuyang