Introduction: In recent years, public health awareness in my country has generally increased. iResearch data shows that nearly 90% of consumers rate the importance of nutritional supplements at 4-5 and think it is very important.

Introduction: In recent years, public health awareness in my country has generally increased. iResearch data shows that nearly 90% of consumers rate the importance of nutritional supplements 4-5 and think it is very important. At present, there is strong demand for personalization, diversification and quality among subdivision groups such as the Z-generation punk health party, young and middle-aged women who are the main household nutrition consumers, and the silver-haired population. The market is also taking advantage of the trend to usher in a golden period of development. Mirror Market Intelligence said that throughout 2021, health products achieved online sales of more than 127.4 billion yuan, a month-on-month increase of more than 70%.

Under the spotlight, global giants are vying to lay out China's big health track. Among them, the world-renowned consumer goods company Unilever has accurately grasped the market opportunity and relied on its strong strength to acquire products including OLLY, SmartyPants owl gummies, etc. It is an attractive nutritional supplement brand in market segments and is accelerating its efforts in the Chinese market with the help of e-commerce platforms such as ,, and .

In this year's 618 promotion, Unilever joined hands with JD Health to participate in the "JD Health Nutrition and Health Care Imported Brand Promotion Day" event. With excellent product strength and multiple marketing methods, it was handed over on June 13th. A beautiful report card.

Innovation gathers momentum

Unilever joins hands with JD Health to explore new opportunities in the industry

Today's comprehensive progress in consumption power, industry technology, and consumption concepts has created new characteristics for Chinese consumers in the choice of nutritional products. On the one hand, in the wave of global consumption, users have more diversified choices, and the trend of imports has become more obvious. Countries such as the United States, Australia, New Zealand, and France have become the most popular imported nutritional products among consumers. country of origin; on the other hand, consumers’ demands for scientific and professional nutrition and health products have escalated. In the process of scientific research breakthroughs in the industry, the application of new materials and new technologies continues to promote product innovation and iteration, and also provides product strength, Companies with strong brand power provide greater development opportunities. In the era of scientific and technological innovation in the health and nutrition industry, the outstanding advantages accumulated over the years in R&D, brand and channel construction have driven Unilever to continue to accumulate in the big health track, and its star brands SmartyPants owl gummies and OLLY stand out.

The century-old fast-moving consumer goods giant’s health plan

Among them, SmartyPants owl gummies are committed to optimizing health supplements without sacrificing quality or deliciousness, and provide more targeted nutritional supplement gummies for people of different ages. Each product is approved by Nutritional scientists work hard to develop and produce it in strict accordance with the requirements of FDA. Take SmartyPants children's multivitamin gummies, which are popular in North America, as an example. This product carefully selects pure natural raw materials, does not contain artificial flavors, colors, artificial sweeteners, and is free from 8 major allergens. The formula is rich in 19+ kinds of vitamins and minerals. It comprehensively improves children's self-protection, and also specially adds high-quality DHA extracted from deep-sea wild fish to assist the healthy development of children's brain and eyes. In terms of product form, SmartyPants owl gummies also keep up with consumer trends and meet the parenting needs of young families with a cloud-like soft and waxy taste. Today, SmartyPants owl gummies have long been a well-known children's dietary supplement brand in the United States, ranking first in sales on the Amazon platform all year round.

The current segmented nutritional product market for children aged 3+ is experiencing high growth and attracting more and more brands and channels to invest in it. Since SmartyPants owl gummies entered the Chinese market through cross-border platforms in 2021, its brand reputation has been quickly verified. It has become a popular product recommended by many celebrities and celebrity mothers, and has won multiple major maternal and infant platform awards.

In addition, Another nutritional supplement brand under Unilever, OLLY, has designed its product layout around issues such as insomnia, immunity, stress and other issues of Generation Z to meet the daily energy supplement needs of consumers in different scenarios, among which Sleep gummies are It ranks first among sales of sleep nutrition products in the United States. Public data show that more than 300 million people in my country currently have sleep disorders, among which young people born in the 1990s and 1995s have the most prominent sleep problems. According to the " China Sleep Index Report ", 62% of post-90s consumers have purchased emerging sleep-aid products such as melatonin gummies, and a sleep economy with a market size of over 200 billion yuan has emerged. After entering the Chinese market, OLLY, a good-looking and powerful brand, has led a consumer trend in new health categories.

cooperates with JD Health to deepen the joint development strategy of cross-border nutrition and health care business

Of course, the development of any brand and channels are complementary to each other. In the process of cross-border goods entering the Chinese market, quality and safety are the foundation, while consumer experience and mentality are the biggest barriers. Platform trust endorsement, logistics speed, etc. are also important factors that affect consumer decision-making.

Today, as trade globalization continues to develop, Unilever continues to explore new development paths for growth and win-win with the Chinese market, and uses JD Health as a key development platform. In recent years, has continuously improved its global routes and local warehouse network. By building a stable and efficient new global cross-border infrastructure, it has greatly improved the speed of international freight and the quality of cross-border goods and services, becoming an overseas brand. An important bridgehead into the Chinese market. Under the great health consumption boom, JD Health focuses on nutrition and health care, and provides full-link support and empowerment for brands that are both high-quality and have accumulated reputation overseas. From the core business propositions such as reach, traffic, and sales, it helps brands continue to Improve operating efficiency. Leveraging JD Health’s huge user resources and platform advantages, Unilever’s health category is experiencing accelerated development.

Seize the main promotion day activities

Jointly promote industry change

In the new stage, new lifestyles, new groups of people, new needs and other multiple factors are driving the entire health consumption industry to accelerate change and upgrade. We see that as more and more brands and platforms, led by Unilever, join forces to meet consumers' more sophisticated and diverse nutritional and health care needs, and bring more quality choices to Chinese families, the trend is also accelerating. Promoting new growth in nutrition and health categories.

During this year’s 618 period, Unilever and JD Health entered a new level of cooperation with the help of the “JD Health Nutrition and Health Care Imported Brand Promotion Day” event.

In the preparation process for the main launch day, Unilever joined hands with JD Health Nutrition and Health Care Division to integrate brand, platform and channel resources to the greatest extent and establish a global communication matrix. In addition to the introduction of JD Health's powerful high-quality traffic, the brand has also made in-depth arrangements for various other channel resources, including through cooperation with WeChat vertical experts, as well as Douyin head experts Heng Xiaozhi, Luo Yonghao , Liu Fangxing Etiquette, Myojin Guoyu, etc. have established cooperation to attract fans in an all-round way and trigger fission communication, achieve exponential growth in brand voice, and store water and divert traffic to the main venue of Unilever's main promotion day.

Based on the full-scenario and full-link marketing form of both parties, it accurately reaches target consumers and achieves the win-win goal of increasing traffic, sales and membership of SmartyPants owl gummy candies and OLLY brands. On the day of the event on June 13, Unilever Health's overall growth increased 6 times year-on-year. Among them, the sales volume of SmartyPants owl gummies on that day even exceeded the total brand sales in 2021. At the same time, its high-customer unit price also broke a new industry record.Behind the series of outstanding achievements is inseparable from the comprehensive professional event strategy and brand exposure support provided by JD Health Nutrition and Health Care Division to Unilever. It is also the empowerment and mutual benefit achieved by the mobilization of core resources by both the brand and the platform.

With the industry accelerating the survival of the fittest, future brands will need to pay more attention to consumers' needs for innovation, science, and professionalism, provide high-quality nutritional solutions, and work with many parties to promote industrial upgrading, in order to truly benefit the development of the industry. As Unilever continues to delve into China's big health market, it will surely usher in a greater outbreak in the future.