Tomorrow is the last day of Unilever video interviews. Xiaolu asked these students and found that the reasons why they kept procrastinating were similar. They just felt that they were not ready yet, or they had no idea about this AI-led video interview and didn't know how to deal

​Hello everyone, I am Senior Sister Xiaolu.

Tomorrow is the last day of Unilever video interview.

However, Xiaolu understands that many students have been procrastinating after receiving the interview notice from May 8th to May 10th. To this day, they still do not have the courage to open the link in the email for an interview.

Xiaolu asked these students and found that the reasons why they have been procrastinating are similar. They just feel that they are not ready yet, or they have no idea about this AI-led video interview and don’t know how to deal with it.

But classmates!

The video interview must be completed before 23:59 on May 15, 2020! Otherwise, it will be considered as giving up!

Still have no idea about video interviews?

It doesn’t matter. In this article, Xiaolu will tell you step by step how to deal with the video interview for Unilever’s summer internship.

At the end of the article, I will also give you real questions that appeared in the interviews from the 11th to the 14th this year~

No.1 What is the format of the video interview?

The entire Unilever video interview process can be summarized as follows:

Receive the email - Enter the exclusive link in the email - Mock interview - Formal interview

The total duration of the formal video interview is 30 minutes , and the test is There are three situational questions related to the position. Each position is different. There are English and Chinese.

Before the video interview officially starts, the system will give you a simulation question to allow everyone to test the equipment and adapt to the interview environment. During this time, everyone can adjust or replace the equipment in time, and the testing time is not included in the total time.

The total duration of the video interview is 30 minutes . There are a total of three questions . The answer time for each question shall not exceed 5 minutes .

The test questions are divided into two types: Chinese and English. Chinese questions must be answered in Chinese. English questions must be answered in English. The format of answers is speech-to-text.

Chinese questions

English questions

No.2 How to prepare for a video interview?

So how do we prepare for this video interview?

First of all, we must ensure that we are not affected by external factors during the interview:

1. Eliminate external factors

Since the answer is voice-to-text, please be sure to ensure that before the interview:

1. The network is smooth

Absolutely and absolutely cannot be interrupted midway On the one hand, if the system time is exceeded, it will be judged as cheating, and on the other hand, the question being answered will fail to be submitted directly, which is embarrassing...

2, the environment is quiet

If you have naughty children or pets at home, please arrange them first. oh.

3. There is no problem with the equipment.

First try to see if there is any noise in the recording, whether it is intermittent, etc.

recommends that you buy a mobile phone stand so that when recording, the shaking of your hands will not affect the sound reception.

2. Read the real questions in advance

After ensuring that you will not be affected by the outside world, it is recommended that you read the previous real questions in advance.

According to Xiaolu, the pattern of questions and is:

1. Students who are interviewed on the same day are more likely to encounter the same questions.

2. The questions for different positions are different. The questions focus on "three situational questions related to the position."

Example of a market question:

Now as a member of the project team, you are improving the efficiency of our distribution and transportation. For example, the more trucks can be loaded, the better, but it may affect the satisfaction of Xihu, such as worrying about damage due to too much loading. , so the Kito Service Department also expressed objections and asked what should you do?

Example of a financial question:

You work in the sales and finance department of a country and are assigned to work with the field sales team for a week. You find that the promotion of a certain shampoo is lower than expected. Based on your years of experience, consumers do not choose a brand by name, but let the store owner select a product for them.The sales team has more experience than you, but you can bring a new perspective. In this case, how can you better understand the needs of consumers? How can the company capitalize on this opportunity? How to use technology to make field sales teams pay attention to product performance?

3. The questions on the second day and the first day are basically completely different. However, the questions on the third day overlap with the questions on the first day. Students who were interviewed on the 13th reported that they saw the same question on the 11th. topic.

ps. Xiaolu has collected the real video interview questions for each position from 11th to 14th. If you need it, please see the access method at the end of the article.

No.3 Tips for video interviews

Unilever’s video interview, although it is based on AI interviews It's done in a formal way, but it's not entirely dominated by AI.

The answers to the interview will be sent to the interviewer. At the same time, AI will have an auxiliary score. The final score is composed of the above two parts.

However, if the AI interview score is too low, you may directly lose the qualification to be manually reviewed .

Therefore, we must pay attention, we must not let our AI score be too low! How does

improve AI ratings?

1. Reduce the use of modal particles

Some students also like "um", "uh", and "eh". This is a very bad habit. It takes up the number of words, affects speech recognition, and makes sentences broken. Problems arise and scores are reduced.

2. Condensed sentences

Some students only found out after translating the text, "Hey, why do I have so much nonsense..."

There is too much nonsense, the algorithm cannot identify the key points, and the score will be lowered. I suggest you organize it. After thinking well, speak the most concise and powerful sentences.

3. Pointed answers

Pointed answers can make it easier for the AI ​​to grasp the scoring points, and the answers will be pleasing to the interviewer! Clear and organized!

4, professional terms

This is the same as the translation questions when we take CET-4 and CET-6 exams. A word is a score point. Using more professional vocabulary can help the scoring system capture the score points better, and the score will naturally be higher ~

and above The questions can all be summed up as "read more questions"! We are familiar with the real questions, so we naturally have a framework for answering. We can answer more concisely and have clearer ideas. At the same time, we will be more confident about which professional words to score.

So, where can I find real questions?

No.4 Where can I find the real questions?

In order to bring more U family members ashore, Xiaolu has prepared for everyone:

[2020 Unilever Customer Development Department VI Interview Questions]

[2020 Unilever Customer Development Department VI Interview Questions 2]

[2020 Unilever Market Department VI interview real questions]

[2020 Unilever Supply Chain VI real interview questions]

[2020 Unilever Food Planning-Marketing Department VI interview real questions]

[2020 Unilever Marketing Department interview simulation questions]

[2020 Unilever Financial position interview simulation questions]

[2020 Unilever R&D position interview simulation questions]

2020 Unilever interview process analysis

Unilever interview question bank and problem solving ideas

Unilever interview experience collection over the years

2020 Unilever online assessment The assessment question

2019 and the past Unilever written test questions


ps. The bold words are all this year's real questions!

How to obtain screenshots of some questions

? Toutiao account backend reply Unilever