Many students will think that job hunting is a matter for seniors or third-year graduate students. It is too late to start preparations when companies have already started to release recruitment information.

Many students will think that job hunting is a matter for seniors or third-year graduate students. It is too late to start preparations when companies have already started to release recruitment information.

However, when I really started, I found out:

There is a very good company, but the other party requires me to score more than 500 points at level 6; there is a position and work content that I really like, but the other party requires me to have an internship with a relevant famous company. ...

Every year in August and September, such stories happen to countless people.

The vast majority of them are people who study hard and live seriously in college, and deserve a good job with a good annual salary.

However, because knew nothing about job hunting in the first few years of college, they made themselves so passive and regretful. They had never thought about these issues, such as:

On "What kind of job do you want to do?" I rarely think about it, and of course I have never understood it;

What kind of resume do those high-paying jobs with attractive job content need?

To complete such a resume, how will you arrange the entire four or seven years of college?

In fact, finding a job seems to be just a matter of submitting a resume and going for an interview. In fact, it is a very huge project:

Because the stepping stone for famous companies - resume, is written by your college years, and you are in The accumulation, thinking, logic, and conversation presented at the interview are the accumulation of the past 20 years of life.

The Academic Committee once read a particularly good post a few years ago. If I remember correctly, it was written by an undergraduate who had received two top offers from Budweiser Global Management Trainee and Unilever Marketing.

This post is so good that the school committee is eager to share it with everyone. It is so good that I can’t find the original post yet, but I can even memorize some of the words in it. Let’s call the author of the post

as classmate A.

She is a girl majoring in engineering, and her major is machinery, so she doesn't have to worry about finding a job. However, in her freshman year, she discovered: She was not interested in the major..

There are not a few students who are not interested in the major. The choice of the vast majority of students is: suffer the pain and get used to it. It is not difficult to pass the exam and just survive until graduation.

However, as for classmate A, she struggled with pain for a long time and even communicated with her mother many times. Finally, her mother's words woke her up:

"Don't complain, it only shows that you have no ability. Because if you have the ability, You can change the status quo, but you can't. Since you can't change and you're not good enough to walk away, then accept the reality.

Yes: Change what we can and accept what we must. If you can't accept, then improve yourself. , to change the status quo.

Therefore, student A’s choice is: accept it first, and then change it.

A made a decision: learn professional courses first!

She hopes to use this to confirm: Does she really dislike it, or does she regard her dislike as an excuse for not being able to learn well?

When she figured out this relationship, her rebellious mood against her major disappeared. She devoted herself to studying hard and got a scholarship!

Of course, during this process, she also discovered that she really didn't like this major.

However, at this time, she has sufficient confidence: If you can do well what you don't like, then you can definitely do better what you like!

So, what does she like?

Through a lot of understanding, including asking seniors who went to different professions and searching a lot of information online, she finally discovered that she was very interested in marketing.

-What is the best industry for marketing?

-It is the FMCG industry!

So, student A set his goal directly at the highest goal in the industry: FMCG marketing!

Of course, considering that there are too few fast-moving consumer goods marketing jobs and the risks are too high, student A also included the automotive industry related to his major as a target.

In short, her choice idea is: first determine the position, then choose industry, and finally choose company.

However, at this moment, she couldn’t even tell the difference between sales and marketing, let alone what specific preparations to make.

After another round of consultation and searching, I finally realized that finding relevant internships is very important!

So, during the semester of student A’s junior year, he started looking for an internship.

Many students know that internships are important, but they often have some common problems and misunderstandings:

First of all, many students do not know: Internships must be related to the target direction to be useful. Even the vast majority of students do not know what their goal direction is.

They don’t know what other high-quality options there are for their major, apart from the careers that their seniors have gone to? What are the benefits of these options? Which direction suits me best and attracts me?

Secondly, in the specific process of looking for an internship, you will face many specific difficulties:

For example, there is always no feedback after submitting a resume; for example, the coursework is too full and there is no way to meet the company's internship requirement of 3 days a week; another example is , many students even reach the second year of junior year and graduate school without a resume...

Job hunting is a completely new topic. There are too many unfamiliar concepts to learn from scratch, and behind each concept, there is a huge and complete system. .

For example: How to choose a career goal, how to make a career plan, how to find an internship, how to write a resume, how to prepare for an interview...

Most students are blocked by difficulties in a certain link, but those who can really persevere to the end , very few.

And this is the decisive factor that determines your offer level and annual salary level when you are a junior in college.

So, faced with so many difficulties, what did student A do?

It’s very simple, just make a good resume and keep applying, even if you are rejected.

When you make your first resume, you will find that after several years of busy college life, there is nothing you can write on your resume.

But the sooner this problem is discovered, the better. In this way, you still have time to experience some things and fill in some gaps.

You are writing your resume every day in college. When you are busy every day and your schedule is full, you must be vigilant: Is your busyness effective? Have you added value and substance to your resume?

has completed the resume, the next trick is: submit!

Yes, you can rely on your parents and seniors to find an internship, but the meaning of what you spell out by yourself is very different from what others put on your lips.

Because finding an internship is process-oriented, and finding a job is result-oriented. Therefore, it is a good thing to encounter more obstacles when looking for an internship. These will become intangible wealth when looking for a job. How to vote for

? When submitting a resume, in addition to a clean resume, I can also give you some honest suggestions:

) According to different positions, write several templates of cover letter, attach it to the body of the email, and then paste the resume after the body. Put another copy in the attachment.

2) Submit your resume when it is first released, the probability is much higher.

Therefore, you should often visit the employment sections of major schools and submit information before it is released to fresh graduates. The probability is much higher.

Fresh graduates are updated once at noon and once in the evening. Once updated, internship information on major employment boards will be posted to fresh graduates. At that time, there will be many people browsing and submitting, and the probability of HR seeing your resume is very low.

In the end, student A got a marketing internship with L’Oréal.

The next step is to solve the problem of how to get an internship after the class is full.

A students choose: coursework internship, no one gives up.

The class schedule in my junior year is the most full, but I still have to find a way to ensure that I go to L'Oreal for an internship three days a week.

During this period, student A’s class monitor helped her a lot, helping her sign in, ask for leave, and synchronize homework or courseware information. Therefore, during this semester of internship, student A’s grade point score was still 4.4/5!

A classmate’s four years of college were allocated as follows:

-freshman, CET-4 and CET-6. Student union leadership experience.

-Sophomore, BEC Business English Advanced. Award winning.

-junior year, scholarship. Driving license, 3 internships.

During your freshman and sophomore years, are you on the same trajectory as most of your classmates? Therefore, even if you only realize your lack of experience in your junior year or second year of graduate school, it is still too late to start from now on.

As the first step towards your dream, you can just like classmate A, start by finding an internship.

Then participate in famous enterprise business competitions and projects to enrich your resume step by step. Online application, written examination, group interviews, one-on-one interviews... hone your application skills bit by bit.

Put your efforts to the front, so that like classmate A, won't it become a natural thing to get the high-paying offer from the famous company that you most want to get after graduation?

Pay attention to Sicheng internship school recruitment, and share more job hunting information and job hunting stories with you~