Among the top 100 domestic new industries in 2021 authoritatively released by the China Enterprise Evaluation Association, I was pleasantly surprised to find that Huawei and Xiaomi were the only mobile phone manufacturers in the top five, and Tencent and Ali were not on the list.

Among the top 100 domestic new industries in 2021 authoritatively released by China Enterprise Evaluation Association , I was pleasantly surprised to find that Huawei Xiaomi was the only mobile phone manufacturer in the top five, Tencent Alibaba was not on the list.

In the past, we all said that domestic companies are now "fluctuating". Internet industry giants such as Alibaba and Tencent are so popular that the industry in the 21st century is in danger. In fact, with the continuous iteration of technology, the boundaries between the Internet and entities have become increasingly blurred. For example, the new industries we are talking about now. At present, experts believe that to be designated as a new industry, three things need to be met: "substantiality", "technological nature", and "ecological inclusiveness". Looking at it this way, it is no wonder that Tencent and Ali have not been included. New entity enterprises must directly Participating in production and circulation must be an important part of the industrial chain and supply chain.

However, I still didn’t expect Xiaomi to be ranked fourth. As an old rice fan who has followed Xiaomi as an Internet company from the beginning. , I know how difficult it is to transform. Xiaomi now has its own smart "black light" factory and technology laboratory. Xiaomi has made a lot of efforts to transform itself into a smart technology enterprise, from designing its own mobile phones to manufacturing its own mobile phones. .

On the just-released Xiaomi 12 series, Xiaomi used the industry’s first fast-charging chip Pengpai P1, which was developed and manufactured by itself. Chip research and manufacturing, no matter how big or small, as long as you participate, it will be an advancement in domestic technology research and development. Xiaomi has resolutely chosen to embark on the long and arduous road of chip research

. It is this indomitable momentum that makes Baimi Feiren Su Bingtian choose to become Xiaomi’s brand spokesperson. Becoming a Xiaomi brand spokesperson is not just about Xiaomi choosing Su Bingtian, but also Su Bingtian choosing Xiaomi.

In the last few days of 2022, Su Bingtian followed Lei Jun and came to Xiaomi Technology Park to experience Xiaomi first-hand. Now as the strength of the technology industry, Lei Jun told Su Bingtian in the Xiaomi laboratory that every new machine in the laboratory must be tested 300,000 times, and it will conduct continuous testing before it is released, striving to give users the most stable product. New machine. #雷君和苏平天新娱场#

Will Xiaomi become a more powerful technology industry company in the future? Let’s wait and see.