There are three classic questions in the gaming circle. Generally speaking, the first two questions are fixed. For example, today, I just want to ask, it’s already 2021, who is still playing “Terarraria” every day?

There are three classic questions in the gaming circle. Generally speaking, the first two questions are fixed.

First, when will Fatty G learn to count to three? Second, when will GTA 6 be released?

As for the third question, refer to the Four Heavenly Kings and Five Laws. It is usually a cloze. Which game is involved depends on your personal situation. For example, today, I just want to ask, it’s already 2021, who is still playing “Terraria” every day?

This is really outrageous. "Terraria" was first launched on the PC platform in May 2011. It has been 10 years now, and the daily number of Steam online users is still easily over 30,000. It is estimated that several online game manufacturers nearby are almost crying. There is a small update every week and a big update every month. The traffic is not as high as that of a small independent stand-alone game that has updated 4 versions in 10 years.

This is "Terriaria", an old game with new players every day. It's very mysterious.

In fact, if you take a closer look at Steam's online player rankings, you will find that, except for the ancestor of "Team Fortress 2"-level multiplayer games, "Terraria" is generally older than other evergreens. 4 or 5 years old, it can be regarded as the oldest work among the games that are still active today.

Like other enduring legends that began in childhood, the history of Terraria is also full of dramatic moments.

Strictly speaking, the development team of "Terriaria" has only two people. Among them, Andrew Spinks is responsible for programming and gameplay design, and the other member Finn Bryce is responsible for world view and art construction. The game was started as a project in January 2011 and launched on the PC platform in May 2011, which took only 5 months.

html It takes 12 people, 5 months, to make a game that lasts for 10 years. If this was released in China, it would be included in the "Jinguo Wealth Book", right?

Not only that, the vitality of "Terraria" is different from some daily popular games. It is not lingering, but is living very vigorously, and even seems to be getting younger as it lives. Although the official updates of "Terraria" are slow compared to player mods, as soon as something is released, it will definitely cause waves in the player community. This has even developed into an objective law.

As long as you look at Steam's long-term daily activity data, you can even clearly feel the frequency of official fishing in "Terraria" over the years. The concentrated expression is three days of fishing and two years of drying nets. But even so, players still buy this little game very much.

The historical peak of the popularity of "Terriaria" occurred in May 2020 - the number of people online in the game in a single day reached a terrifying level of nearly 500,000. You know, even for a brand new popular independent game, it is difficult to achieve this scary online data on the day of release. Not to mention that "Terriaria" at this time has reached the end of its life - its entire ninth anniversary.

is a blockbuster update that has detonated major game communities. It not only pushes "Terraria" to its peak, but also indicates that the journey of "Terraria" is about to come to an end. Game designer Andrew Spink personally previewed the game's last update on Twitter . They gave this update an unpretentious title: "Terarraria: Journey's End."

In other words, in May last year, the official held an official "funeral" for "Terriaria".

However, both the process of the funeral and the effects after the funeral showed a bit of a happy funeral. One year has passed, and instead of becoming a Dead Game, Terraria has continued to go its own way on the popularity lists of major game platforms by virtue of its strong vitality.

This is starting to get weird. Who is "Terraria"? Isn't it just a small pixel game? How can it be so stubborn?

The answer is actually very simple.Because of this game, although the tutorial is basically useless, the UI is basically non-existent, and the graphics are even more difficult to understand, it is really fun to play, and it is the kind of game that can be played all the time. After that, I still want to have fun.

A single map of the world of Terraria. Do you feel the pain of exploration?

Any player who has played "Terriaria" will not deny its status as a "powerful faction". A negative example can be given here. In other game communities, veterans lead newcomers and cherish each other. When it comes to Terraria, questions from newcomers are generally ignored. When encountering something unclear, veterans usually just point out an encyclopedia link and that's it. Why is

so unfriendly? First, "Terriaria" has a very complete and systematic wiki information. As long as you are willing to delve into it, all problems can be easily solved; second, there is so much content in the game that even an experienced player will not know what your specific question is. Which formula is it. There is no other way. Instead of checking the wiki for others, it is faster to let the newcomers figure it out themselves.

In addition to the huge sandbox world that is randomly generated, completely destructible and reshapeable, the massive RPG content and the unexpected world view are also important reasons why Terraria is so huge and complicated.

For example, Terraria, which has been updated to this day, has a total of 515 weapons with different materials and different effects, accessories, fashions, and armors, which add up to thousands of pieces. It is not suitable to use them purely as a grinding game. greasy. Among them, most of the rare weapons and suits need to be unlocked through specific game modes or plot points. The reward mechanism is also quite charming, and there is something to do every moment.

is just the formula of the jewelry. Feel it

. Moreover, the world view setting of "Terraria" has a very contrasting impact. Once you play it, you will be very addicted. When I look at it casually, I just think it is a farming and development game with a bright style. However, in fact, this 2D pixel sandbox with two heads and body style is an out-and-out masterpiece.

Don’t be fooled by the immature pixel disguise of this game. “Terriaria” is a Lux world with fragmented narratives. In the game, the first person you meet is a strange guide with unknown origins and identity. In addition to liking BB, he also always likes to occupy the first matchbox you build.

Here are the world's most annoying fisherman brat with a bad mouth, the engineer A-mei who tries to use machinery to resurrect the old gods, and the black coach who sells you a complete golf set and golf equipment. Players can find these NPCs with unique personalities and stories while exploring the entire world. Gather them together in the small town they built, and fight together against the corruption and collapse of the entire "Terraria".

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Moreover, the world of "Terriaria" is more intense and chaotic than most sandbox games. Strong winds, sandstorms, meteor showers, these different weather phenomena will affect the environmental elements and enemy generation of the entire map, causing the world where players are constantly changing.

In addition, there will also be fixed triggered script events. For example, players can place a hundred torches in an underground room to summon the god of the torches. After defeating them, they can obtain an artifact. The tide of invasion by enemies of all kinds is even more numerous.

All in all, the content of "Terriaria" has indeed achieved the level of "more is beautiful". The randomly generated sandbox world provides excellent exploration experience and replay value. As the massive collection and growth elements of RPG, it also makes the overall gameplay mechanism of the game reach an outrageous depth.

Moreover, these are only the main contents of "Terriaria", not counting the various MODs made by players. After adding them, it will be a whole new world.This 10-year vitality is indeed not a joke. As long as the world of "Terraria" still exists, there will always be new players joining the queue of exploration and continuing to write "The End of the Journey" together. .

Obviously, players have not been affected at all by the official suspension of the PC version of "Terriaria". After all, when we were waiting for the update, everyone had been playing this ever-changing game for two years, year after year. We have been through this all the way, and now we can’t be considered to have suffered any major grievances.

What's more, the mobile game version of "Terriaria" is about to be launched, and the content is exactly the same as the PC version of "Terraria". The same world, different platforms. I believe that players who have restarted Terraria countless times will not let go of this completely different experience.

is different from the third parties that performed rough simulations in the past. This time the "Terraria" mobile game is a regular army with orthodox specifications. It not only inherits all the content after the PC version 1.4, but also reasonably optimizes the mobile terminal in terms of screen size and operation. You can take out the liver anytime and anywhere to check the progress, and you don’t have to worry about suffocating needle-level operations.

The mobile game content of "Terriaria" this time has been synchronized to version This version adds two new game modes: Traveler and Master.

The former is equivalent to a god sandbox gameplay. In this mode, players can call the wind and rain and control the growth and decline of all things. In addition to being able to copy and generate any items and blocks, players can also control the weather and events of the entire large map, adjust the regeneration speed of specific resources and enemies, and customize the difficulty of local gameplay.

And the master mode is the official final difficulty. All enemies in this mode have 3 times the health and damage of standard mode, and have an additional 20% knockback effect. After turning on the difficulty mode, the monster's combat power is even more incredible.

The duration of DeBuff for players will be 25% longer than in expert mode, and all gold coins will be dropped after death. Corresponding to the hard-core challenge difficulty, the master mode will also give players an additional master accessory slot, expanding the player's available accessory slots to 7. At the same time, the rewards for defeating BOSS in master mode have become more generous, including top-level equipment of new rarity, master commemorative statues, and BOSS-exclusive pets and mounts. Members of the land development team of "Terarraria", if you haven't finished playing yet, please take action now.

I’m afraid that playing alone will hurt my liver. It doesn’t matter. The official server on the mobile side also supports 8 people online. Compared with the official PC server abroad, the server of the “Terraria” mobile game will be smoother, and 6 people can be connected online smoothly. The days of dogs are going to be gone forever. Moreover, the "Terraria" mobile game is fully integrated into TapTap's friend system. Players can find friends in the game community who can explore the wasteland together at any time.

In addition, the new "Terriaria" mobile game has a built-in map downloader function. Randomly found your favorite map seed, but there is no way to save and share it? Do you have a favorite player map archive, but are you struggling with the lack of a convenient import channel for mobile games? Now with just one click, you can easily play excellent homemade maps from major player communities.

The most awesome thing is that the mobile game "Terriaria" solves the previously mentioned difficult problem of strategy. The embarrassing experience of just opening a web page to look up information while playing has become a thing of the past. Now mobile games have built-in the entire Chinese wiki information site directly. They don’t know where to click. Newbies no longer have to provide information to experienced players. Examination question.

As a real buy-out game, why not have a mobile game be the icing on the cake based on the original client game?

On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of "Terraria", its mobile version will also be officially launched on August X, 2021 - this time the national server "Terriaria" mobile game is finally justified.With the original content of the PC version in one step, veteran players can use another way to start a long-lasting adventure on their mobile phones; new players can also experience the unique vitality of PC independent games on their mobile phones.

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Whether you have been exposed to this world full of unknowns or not, this 10-year journey condensed in the "Terriaria" mobile game is a game journey worthy of passion and careful savoring. Isn't
