As for the name Bian Que, even friends who have no knowledge of history can see it in some film and television works and games. According to "Historical Records", Bian Que was a native of Zheng, Bohai County. His surname was Qin and his name was Yue.

As for the name Bian Que , even friends who have no understanding of history can see it in some film and television works and games. Maybe they just heard about his reputation and knew that he was a miracle doctor, but they didn't take a closer look at Bian Que's true life.

Bian Que

According to "Historical Records ", Bian Que was a native of Zheng, Bohai County. His surname was Qin and his name was Yue. In his youth he was a hotel manager. One day by chance, he met a divine man, who taught Bian Que his medical skills, and Bian Que embarked on the road of saving lives and healing the wounded. He sometimes practiced medicine in the state of Qi, and sometimes practiced medicine in the state of Zhao. When he was in Zhao State, his name was Bian Que.

[Original text: Bian Que was from Zheng, Bohai County. His surname was Qin and his given name was Yue. When I was young, I sacrificed myself for others. When Sang Jun passes by, Bian Que is unique and strange, so I always want to meet him. Chang Sangjun also knows that Bian Que is very human. After more than ten years in and out, Bian Que asked Bian Que to sit in private, and said to him: "I have a forbidden recipe. I am old and want to pass it on to you. Don't let me know." Bian Que said: "I respect you." Then he took out the Chinese medicine in his arms. He said to Bian Que: "Drink the water from the above pond, and you will know everything in thirty days." Then he took all the forbidden prescriptions and gave them to Bian Que. He suddenly disappeared, and he was definitely not a human being. Bian Que drank the medicine according to his words for thirty days and saw people on one side of the wall. This way of looking at the disease can reveal all the symptoms of the Five Tibetans, and it is especially famous for diagnosing the pulse. He worked as a doctor either in Qi or in Zhao. The person in Zhao was named Bian Que. (Selected from: "Historical Records·Bian Que Cang Gong Biography ")]

In addition to "Historical Records", there are many records about Bian Que's medical deeds in ancient books before the Han Dynasty, such as " Warring States Policy ", "Han Feizi" ", "Huainanzi" and many other historical books have records. However, based on the records of Bian Que's activities in various historical books, the time span is as long as three or four hundred years. Here we have to ask: "Can Bian Que really live for more than 300 years? Or is Bian Que not just one person or a group in historical records?"

Bian Que

First of all, let's examine these historical materials. Later, it should be the record in "Warring States Policy Volume Four and Qin Er" that "Medical Bian Que met King Wu of Qin ", "Medical Bian Que met King Wu of Qin , and King Wu showed the disease, and Bian Que asked him to cure it." Left and right said : "Your disease is in front of the ears and under the eyes. It may not be cured, but it will make the ears deaf and the eyes unclear. "The king sued Bian Que. Bian Que was angry and threw a stone at him, saying: "You plan against those who know, but defeat those who don't know. If you let this person know the politics of Qin, your country will be destroyed in one fell swoop! "According to records, King Wu of Qin was born in 329 BC, succeeded to the throne in 311 BC, and died in 307 BC. It is assumed that Bian Que visited King Wu of Qin in the year when King Wu of Qin died, which was 307 BC. "Historical Records" also records that Li Xi knew he was "not as good as Bian Que", so he became jealous and secretly killed Bian Que. From this, it is speculated that Bian Que died around 307 BC.

[Original text: Bian Que was famous all over the world. When he passed through Handan, he heard about the noble lady, so he was treated as a doctor. When he came to Xianyang, he was treated as a doctor. Hearing that the people of Qin loved children, he became a pediatrician and followed the custom. The imperial physician of Qin ordered Li Xi to know that he was not as good as Bian Que, so he ordered Bian Que to treat his illness.

Then let’s explore when Bian Que was born in BC? First, Bian Que treated the doctor Zhao Jianzi . Zhao Jianzi’s original name was Zhao Yang. According to records, we also assume that Bian Que was born in 476 BC. The year when Que visited the doctor Zhao Jianzi was the year of his death, which was 476 BC. ["Historical Records·Bian Que Biography": "When Duke Zhao of Jin Dynasty, all the officials were there. Strong and the public family is weak. Zhao Jianzi was a doctor, specializing in state affairs. Jian Zi was ill and had not known anyone for five days. The officials were all afraid, so he summoned Bian Que. Bian Que comes in, sees the disease, and comes out. Dong An asked Bian Que in , and Bian Que said: "Bloodline treatment, why is it strange? In the past Duke Mu of Qin experienced this, and he died in seven days. Now the king's disease is the same as that, and he will be seen within three days. "Having stayed for two and a half days, Jian Ziyuan. "]

Bian Que Temple

After that we continue, Bian Que is treating Prince Guo.The Prince Guo here is most likely the Prince Guo when the Nanguo Kingdom was destroyed. According to records, the Nanguo Kingdom may have been destroyed in 655 BC. Then we continue to follow the above algorithm. The year of diagnosis is the year of the destruction of the country, so the time span is about 348 years.

[Original text of "Historical Records": Later Bian Que passed Guo. When the prince of Guo died, Bian Que came to the gate of the palace of Guo and asked the concubine who liked the medicine: "What is the prince's disease? Why is it so important to govern the country?" The concubine said: "The prince is ill and his blood and energy are intermittent. Externally, it is harmful. The spirit cannot stop the evil energy, and the evil energy accumulates and cannot be released. Therefore, the Yang is slow and the Yin is urgent, so it collapses and dies. "Bian Que asked: "How can he die at the right time?" He said, "Have you received it?" He said, "I haven't died for half a day." "I heard that Qi Bohai was from Qinyue, and his family was in Zheng. I didn't expect him to pay me a visit." The prince unfortunately died, but I can resurrect him. "The concubine said: "How can you say that the prince is alive?" I heard that in ancient times, doctors had Yu Tu , and they did not use soup to cure diseases. , mortar the stone, remove the poison from the case, and iron it. If you see the disease, you should cut the skin and relieve the muscles due to the loss of the five Tibetan organs. Pulse the veins and knot the tendons, pull out the marrow and brain, pull out the tentacles of the claws, wash the intestines and stomach, and rinse. The five treasures can be easily transformed into shapes. If the teacher can do this, then the prince can be born; if he can't do it, he can't tell the child who is coughing. "One day, Bian Que looked up to the sky and sighed: "Master, this is the way. Also, if you use a tube to peer into the sky and use a qie to see the text, you don't have to feel the pulse, look at the color, listen to the sound and describe the shape, and tell the yang of the disease, and judge the yin of the disease; Its yang. The disease should be seen on the surface, not far away, and it can't be cured. I thought my words were dishonest. I tried to treat the prince. I heard his tinnitus and his nose was dilated. When the stock is yin, it should still be warm. "][Shocked][Shocked][Shocked]

And in "Han Feizi·Yu Lao", there is a record of "Bian Que met Duke Huan of Cai": "Que met Duke Huan of Cai. Li Youjian. Bian Que said: "You have a disease in the body, and if you don't treat it, you will be afraid of it." Huan Hou said: "I have no disease." Bian Que said: "It is good to treat the disease." After staying for ten days, Bian Que came back and said, "Your disease is in your skin, and if it is not cured, it will get worse." Bian Que came out. After staying for ten days, Bian Que came back and said. Your illness is in the intestines and stomach, and if it is not cured, it will get worse. "Hou Huan did not respond. Bian Que was unhappy after staying there for ten days, so Bian Que came to ask about it." Que said: "The disease is in the interstitium, where the soup and iron can reach it; in the skin, where the needle and stone can reach; in the intestines and stomach, where the fire Qi can reach; in the bone marrow, where the command of life belongs, there is nothing to do now." , The minister did not ask for it. After five days of residence, Huan Hou suffered from body pain and sent someone to seek help from Qin. He then died. Struggle with the small ones. There are also reasons for the misfortunes and blessings of husbands, so the saint is engaged in it. "

According to research, Cai Huangong here should be the third Qi state after Tian's generation in the Warring States period. The monarch's posthumous title is " Qi Huangong", and his historical name is " Qi Huangong " or "Qi Huangong Wu". Born in 400 BC and died in 357 BC. Because according to experts' research, there has never been a person called 'Cai Huan Gong' in Chinese history, but there was a person called 'Cai Huanhou'. However, this person called 'Cai Huanhou' was in A.D. He died in 695 BC.

From the above we can see that Bian Que’s earliest footprints were around 700 BC or around 650 BC, and then he died around 307 BC. No matter how calculated, it is consistent with our modern people’s age cognition. Huge difference, nearly three or four hundred years old. Is this really a person? Or a group? Or even an immortal person? ? ? As an atheist, I personally prefer that Bian Que is a group, and I welcome all readers to speak freely. [laughing evilly][laughing evilly][laughing evilly]