Reporter Zhao Ziqiang Trainee reporter Chu Lijun Affected by news such as the Russia-Ukraine conflict and Europe and the United States excluding Russia from SWIFT, the U.S. stock market experienced a sharp correction on March 1, Eastern Time. Specifically, as of the close, the th

Reporter Zhao Ziqiang Trainee reporter Chu Lijun

Affected by news such as the Russia-Ukraine conflict and Europe and the United States excluding Russia from SWIFT, the U.S. stock market experienced a sharp correction on March 1, Eastern Time. Specifically, as of the close, the three major U.S. stock indexes collectively fell by more than 1.5%. The Dow Jones index fell 597.65 points to 33294.95 points, a decrease of 1.76%; the Nasdaq index fell 218.94 points to 13532.46 points, a decrease of 1.59%; the S&P 500 Index fell 67.68 points to 4306.26 points, a decrease of 1.55%.

In terms of individual stocks, U.S. technology stocks generally fell, with AMD falling 7.71%, Qualcomm falling 4.83%, NVIDIA falling 3.72%, Microsoft falling 1.29%, and Apple falling 1.16%. Precious metals and oil and gas stocks bucked the trend and rose, with Harmony Gold rising 13.41% and Hecla Mining rising 12.67%.

Regarding the market performance of U.S. stocks, Yin Xinxin, founder of Benniu Investment, who was interviewed by a reporter from Securities Daily, said that the global stock market has fallen recently due to the impact of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. Several major U.S. stock indexes have experienced significant declines recently, with all three major indexes reaching new lows in the past six months. Geopolitical conflicts have intensified the turbulence of the international financial market. In particular, the unhappiness of the first meeting between Russia and Ukraine after the outbreak of the conflict further increased the uncertainty of the future. As for the market outlook for U.S. stocks, in this range, which has hit a new low in half a year, it is recommended that investors should remain calm and not trade blindly. They should wait for the market to show signs of stabilization before making investment decisions. Hu Bo, manager of Rongzhi Investment Fund under

Private Equity Pai Pai Network, told reporters that the Fed's interest rate hikes and balance sheet reduction will have a great impact on U.S. stocks, especially growth stocks. Therefore, there has indeed been a certain degree of correction in U.S. stocks recently, but the overall risk is not large. .

"Since the beginning of this year, U.S. stocks have been hit hard by the expectations of the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates and shrink its balance sheet and the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, and have shown a volatile downward trend. But the situation may improve in one or two months: U.S. inflation will slow down after April, and tightening expectations will It will slow down to a certain extent. In addition, the past seven geopolitical conflicts have shown that the impact of risk aversion on the stock market is often only about one month," Zhao Yuanyuan, investment director of Jianhong Times, told reporters.

In addition, international oil prices continued to rise, with Brent crude oil standing at US$110/barrel, continuing to hit a new high since 2014; WTI crude oil standing at US$109/barrel. Flush data shows that the main Brent crude oil futures contract has reached a new high. As of 11:00 on March 2, Beijing time, the main Brent crude oil futures contract was at $110.63/barrel, and the main WTI crude oil futures contract was at $109.02/barrel.

Yin Xinxin pointed out that the fundamental reason for the recent continued rise in oil prices is still investors' concerns about the uncertainty of the future situation. If the conflict further intensifies, there is a risk that the international energy supply chain will be cut off, and global oil, natural gas and commodity prices may continue to rise.

Zhao Yuanyuan, who holds a cautious view, said that oil prices will accelerate in the short term due to the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. In the medium to long term, as the economic impact of the epidemic in Europe and the United States subsides, crude oil production capacity will exit faster than new energy production capacity increases, and the energy supply and demand gap will exist for a long time. However, the recent Iranian nuclear negotiations are nearing completion, and investors should be prepared for a possible correction in oil prices in the short term.

Hu Bo believes that oil prices are mainly caused by poor supply caused by geopolitical influences, which drives oil prices to soar. At this current position, oil prices have actually gradually accumulated risks, and the upward space is limited, and there is a greater possibility of later adjustments. , and then after the epidemic fully recovers, the supply of crude oil may become relatively balanced, thus driving oil prices back to rationality.

(Editor Bai Baoyu Planning Zhang Ying)