According to reports from Taiwan media such as China Times on the 9th, the Biden administration announced a new wave of arms sales to Taiwan on the 8th local time, including US$120 million worth of naval ship parts and accessories and related technical support.

Source: Global Network

[Global Network Report] According to Taiwanese media such as China Times News Network on the 9th, the Biden administration announced a new wave of arms sales to Taiwan on the 8th local time, including naval ship parts and accessories worth US$120 million. and related technical support. Taiwan's foreign affairs department spokesman Ou Jiangan claimed today (9th) that "this is the fourth time since the Biden administration took office one and a half years ago and the third time this year that it has announced arms sales to Taiwan" and that Taiwan's foreign affairs department "expresses its gratitude." In response, some netizens on the island commented, "Pay the protection fee!"

The United States announced a military sale of US$120 million worth of naval ship parts and accessories to Taiwan, including Taiwan Navy warships (data map). Picture from Taiwanese media

Ou Jiangan claimed on the 9th that Taiwan’s foreign affairs department “welcomed” the U.S. government’s announcement of a new round of arms sales to Taiwan and “thanked” the U.S. government for implementing the “Taiwan Relations Act” and the “Six Assurances” to Taiwan. safety commitment.

Taiwan's defense department said today that the U.S. government will conduct a "notification to Congress" process on June 8, local time, regarding the arms sales of "naval ship parts and accessories and related technical support" totaling US$120 million to Taiwan. It is expected to be completed in 1 It will officially take effect in a month.

"China Times News Network" stated that the U.S. Defense Security Cooperation Agency issued a press release today stating that the "Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States" has requested the purchase of unclassified spare parts and repair parts for ships and ship systems, logistics technical assistance, and logistics and other related elements supported by the program, the total project cost is expected to be $120 million.

In response to this, some netizens on the island commented, "Pay the protection fee!" ↓

Some netizens sarcastically said, "The United States sells junk military products to Taiwan, and (the Democratic Progressive Party authorities) kneel down to express gratitude as usual." ↓

Some netizens joked, "Taiwanese (people's) money is flooding Americans' feet! It's so profitable!" ↓

The mainland reacted strongly to the U.S.-Taiwan arms sales. Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Zhao Lijian criticized the United States at a press conference on April 6 for its actions that seriously undermined China's sovereignty, Sino-US relations, and peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait, and seriously violated the one-China principle and the three China-U.S. joint communiqués Special This is stipulated in the August 17 Communiqué of . China firmly opposes this and strongly condemns it. He asked the United States to cancel the above-mentioned arms sales plan, stop arms sales to Taiwan and military ties between the United States and Taiwan, and said that China will take resolute and powerful measures to resolutely defend its sovereignty, security and interests.

Ma Xiaoguang, spokesman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, also stated at a regular press conference on April 13 that we have repeatedly reiterated our firm opposition to the United States selling weapons to Taiwan, China. We urge the US to earnestly abide by the one-China principle and the provisions of the three Sino-US joint communiqués, especially the "August 17 Communique", and stop all sales of arms to Taiwan. The U.S.'s arms sales to Taiwan are tantamount to tying bombs on every Taiwan compatriot, and the DPP authorities taking people's hard-earned money to bomb them will only push the Taiwanese people into disaster.