How to order at a salty crispy chicken stall. I love eating salty crispy chicken. In order to benefit all my friends, I have compiled a set of tips for ordering at a salty crispy chicken stall: 1. Never add the nine-story pagoda, because the nine-story pagoda absorbs oil, and if

How to order at the Salted Crispy Chicken Stall

I love eating Salted Crispy Chicken. In order to benefit all my friends, I have compiled a set of tips for ordering at the Salty Crispy Chicken Stall:

1. Never add the nine-story pagoda, because the nine-story pagoda absorbs oil very much and will eat if you add it. A lot of oil is added, so it can’t be added ( must not add the nine-story pagoda, as adding it will destroy everything )

2. Do not add additional sauce, some salty crispy chicken stall owners will mix something similar to barbecue sauce, this sauce contains sugar It has a high oil content, so it cannot be added.

3. Without adding plum powder, The plum powder from the salty crispy chicken stall is not only unnatural, but also contains a lot of sugar. . Sugar is the main culprit of obesity, so it cannot be added.

4. I don’t eat vegetables. Nowadays, salty crispy chicken stalls are introducing new products and sell everything, such as fried green peppers, fried green beans, fried cauliflower, fried glutinous rice peppers, fried cabbage, fried corn, these things are very good at absorbing oil, and are very salty. Eating fried vegetables at a crispy chicken stall is a very unhealthy behavior. Do not eat vegetables.

5. I don’t eat starch . My favorite things to eat at the salty crispy chicken stall before were fried pork blood cakes, fried taro cakes, fried potato fries, sweet potato fries, fried potato cakes, fried carrot cakes, and fried glutinous rice sausages. , fried silver rolls, fried glutinous rice balls, , these are all items with high refined starch content, so they cannot be eaten.

The above are not edible

Next, let’s take a look at the edible ones

Basically, most of the chicken at the salty chicken stall is chicken breast, and the chicken steak is also chicken breast. Chicken is rich in protein and low in fat. Good food, but I don’t like food with a lot of flour. It absorbs too much oil when fried, so if I want to eat it, I always look for stalls with less flour.

1. You can eat meat, especially the salty crispy chicken, which is the highlight. Remember not to add nine-story pagoda . Just use pepper and chili for seasoning. I usually ask the boss to use less pepper.

Like chicken steaks, chicken legs, and chicken cartilage, these are all edible. Remember to eat them in moderation, just one portion at a time, don’t eat too much. If you eat chicken steaks or chicken legs, remember to peel them off. Chicken wings are very oily, so it’s best not to eat them. The first priority is to eat the most traditional salty crispy chicken. In fact, as long as there is not too much flour and not too much smoke Oil, the calorie content of a portion of salty crispy chicken is not too high, usually it should not exceed 300 calories.

2. You can eat seafood. Basically, most seafood is rich in protein. If you don’t coat it in too much flour and don’t add the nine-story pagoda, most of it is ok. Except for the salty crispy chicken, I sometimes Eat fried squid, fried squid, and fried flower balls. These are all edible seafood. Just remember not to eat too much.

You can eat some sweet and spicy food occasionally. Sweet and spicy food and salty crispy chicken are a must-order combination. It will be sad if you don’t eat it. But because we are losing weight, we can’t be so extravagant. If you have to eat it, you have to laugh. So if you are a little bit If you order Sweet and Spicy, you can’t order anything else . Although Sweet and Spicy is fish paste, it usually contains a lot of potato starch. Plus, it’s considered a processed food. Just eat a small amount. Remember not to add Basil.

But you must not eat it just because Douma said that salty crispy chicken is edible. You can only eat it once a week at most, and it should be within a medium portion. Then keep in mind the principle of what I said above about not eating, and eat what is edible. , even if you are losing weight, you can still happily order salty crispy chicken. Also, if you want to eat, eat it earlier, at 4 to 5 pm. If you eat it at 12 o'clock in the middle of the night, you will still gain weight. Oh~