If the calorie intake is too few, the body will not have enough basic metabolic nutrients, which will make it more difficult to burn fat. Under the same calorie standard, junk food such as potato chips will

Eating too little can lead to obesity

Calorie intake is a part of weight loss, but remember it is not the whole story. If the calorie intake is too few, the body's basic metabolic nutrients will be insufficient, which will make it more difficult to burn fat. Moreover, under the same calorie standard, junk food such as potato chips has a greater potential to gain weight than raw food such as fish and vegetables, so we should not pay attention to it. Instead of calorie and weight numbers, pay more attention to body fat and basal metabolic rate, which will help maintain a healthy and graceful figure.

First understand the body's basal metabolic rate

The basal metabolic rate refers to the minimum calories required to maintain life such as breathing, heartbeat, digestion and absorption, and gland secretion without exercise. The basal metabolic rate varies according to an individual's age, height, and weight, and is directly proportional to the amount of muscle tissue in the body. It accounts for nearly 70% of daily calories consumed, and the rest is consumed by general activities. You can do more weight training to grow muscles and improve basal metabolism. It is more effective than simply cutting calories.

Be careful not to eat enough and you may gain weight.

Many people are afraid of absorbing too many calories, so they often combine 3 meals into 2 meals, or even only eat 1 meal. Not only will they make them hungry easily, but once they return to a normal diet, the yo-yo effect will make people more susceptible to obesity. Gain weight. Studies have shown that if you only eat one meal a day, your body will adjust the absorption rate of food calories and increase fat accumulation.

More exercise can help increase the metabolic rate.

Exercise can help burn body fat, increase muscle content and increase the basal metabolic rate. It can increase the efficiency of weight loss without deliberately dieting. It is recommended to do aerobic exercise and muscle strength exercise in parallel every week. For more than 3 days, aerobic exercise such as cycling, jogging, walking, etc. should last for 30 to 40 minutes each time. Strength exercise such as dumbbell lifting, sit-ups, push-ups, etc. should be done according to individual load. Implement it step by step.

Same calories, different nutrition

A pack of fried biscuits has about 200 calories, which is about the same as a bowl of high-fiber brown rice. However, the biscuits lack nutrition and only absorb sugar into the body, which can easily be converted directly into fat accumulation. Excess fat is produced in the waist, buttocks, and thighs. Brown rice, which is rich in dietary fiber, can not only increase intestinal peristalsis, but also delay hunger and help weight loss.

Fat loss is not weight loss.

Calories affect the numbers on the weight machine. Paying too much attention to weight and ignoring the hidden body fat will make it harder to lose weight. Body fat cannot be reduced by dieting or consuming fewer calories. It is also possible to lose muscle due to excessive dieting and increase the body fat rate. It is recommended to do more muscle strength exercises such as lifting dumbbells, sit-ups, etc. to reduce body fat.

Sleep stabilizes endocrine

The human body secretes growth hormone during sleep, which helps stabilize metabolic functions and burn fat. It is recommended to establish a regular sleep habit, which is 7 hours a day for adults. In addition, if the quality of sleep is poor, the secretion rate of leptin, which suppresses appetite in the human body, is likely to slow down. Like people who stay up late, they often feel hungry and want to eat, and are more likely to gain weight as a result.

Supplement dietary fiber

During weight loss, you must still maintain a balanced diet. Beans, fish, meat, eggs, fruits and vegetables, grains and roots are all essential to avoid hunger, which may lead to bad temper and even overeating. It is recommended to supplement foods rich in dietary fiber. , such as fruit tomatoes, black vegetables such as kelp, shiitake mushrooms, black fungus, black beans, etc., can not only aid digestion, but also increase satiety and help maintain a healthy body.

Staying up late increases appetite.

Staying up late without rest increases the body's ghrelin and decreases leptin . The increase in ghrelin leads to an increase in appetite. The decrease in leptin can easily cause fat decomposition to slow down and lead to fat accumulation, so stay up late and eat snacks. , it is easy to gain weight, and when sleep is reduced, metabolism will also decrease, which may even affect hormones and cause endocrine disorders, leading to symptoms such as acne and irregular menstrual periods in women.

Comprehensive nuts should be limited.

If you must eat something if you stay up late, it is recommended to eat composite nuts. Because they contain monounsaturated fatty acids, they can help the body metabolize bad fats. However, some nutritionists remind you to only eat 1 per night. plastic spoon, and choose unflavored mixed nuts. If you think it tastes too monotonous, you can sprinkle the nuts on the Japanese lettuce salad to increase the flavor.

Do not add additional sauce to braised food.

Eating vegetables is less burdensome on the body, so braised food is a good choice. It is recommended to choose king oyster mushrooms, enoki mushrooms, cauliflower, cabbage, , etc., with vegetables 2: meat 1 Eat in proportion, and because the braised food itself has a salty soup, you can drink lemonade containing potassium ions to help metabolize the sodium retained in the body. However, be sure not to add additional sauce or sauerkraut, otherwise the braised food will become too salty and cause edema.

Big taboo snacks!!

Popcorn makes you fat

Whether it is sweet or salty popcorn, a large bag of popcorn in a general cinema of about 800 grams has about 1100 calories, and a small bag of about 65 grams has about 250 calories. , and popcorn is high in sugar and oil. Office workers always sit still at the end of the day, which can easily turn into fat and prevent it from accumulating in the body.

Potato chips causes edema

Potato chips and instant noodles are often the first choice in the snack list, but potato chips not only contain trans fatty acids and other additives, but also contain a large amount of sodium. Instant noodles are fried because they contain fat. , high salt content, as well as saturated fatty acids, trans fatty acids, etc., which will not only cause obesity, but also cause severe edema in the body when you wake up the next day. It is a food without any nutrition.

Don’t eat Salty Crispy Chicken

Salty Crispy Chicken is one of the Chinese people’s favorite delicacies, such as fried chicken nuggets, fried chicken skin, etc., which not only have high fat content, but also have the problem of high cholesterol. And during the frying process of food, many free radicals will be produced, causing chronic inflammation in the body. If you are a long-term constipation patient, it may make the symptoms more serious.

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