A 330 ml can of easy-to-open beer has about 100-150 calories. The stereotype that beer has empty calories may make you blame all the fault of your beer belly on the beer;

Drinking beer makes you gain weight? In fact, the fattest thing is not the wine, but the food that goes with the wine! A 330 ml can of easy-to-open beer has about 100-150 calories. The stereotype of beer as empty calories may make you blame the beer for your beer belly. But it’s unfair... In fact, the real culprit is alcohol. The snacks next to the bottle are high-calorie and dangerous!

If you think that beer and beer belly are equated, this concept is only half correct; because beer has empty calories. Commercially available 330 ml aluminum cans of beer have about 100-150 calories per can! This number does not seem scary, but why does drinking beer lead to obesity? It turns out that the problem lies in the "dishes"!

Appetizers are the most evil source of obesity! Think about the side dishes you must order when drinking beer, such as: salty crispy chicken, grilled squid, French fries, fried dragon balls, fried large intestines... etc. These are all foods high in oil and salt. A sip of wine is paired with a sip of vegetables. It's your beer belly that's fattening you.

Having said that, you must be thinking, "Without the side dishes, this beer just doesn't taste right." So what should you do? I will teach you the five principles of drinking beer, which will help you lose weight without being a disappointment!

Master the 5 principles of drinking beer and not be afraid of getting fat

1. Drink milk before drinking beer

I believe many people have heard the saying "Drinking milk before drinking will not make you drunk." As long as you drink some milk or yogurt in the first half hour, put your foot down It can prevent the body from absorbing alcohol, nourish the stomach, and prevent symptoms of drunkenness and dehydration. Of course, drinking milk before drinking alcohol will create a feeling of satiety and prevent you from overeating.

2. Choose low-calorie original beer

In addition to drinking moderate amounts, it is also important to choose alcoholic beverages. Different alcoholic beverages have very different calories; simply speaking, the higher the alcohol concentration of alcoholic beverages, the higher the relative calories. Judging from the table below, for the same 165 ml of alcohol, ordinary plain beer is about 60 calories, wine is 150 calories, vodka is 380 calories, and sorghum wine is close to 700 calories! It can be seen from this that if people who are losing weight really want to drink a drink, beer is the first choice for low calories, but not drinking it is the smartest way to control calories.

However, the types of beers on the market are becoming more and more diverse, including pineapple, grape, lemon... and other fruit flavors. These sour and sweet flavored beers have low alcohol concentration and are not easy to get drunk. You can enjoy a tipsy feeling and be influenced by Many women love it. But, pay attention! Compared with ordinary beer, flavored beer has relatively higher sugar and calorie content. The calories are close to 200 calories, which is equivalent to 2 bottles of original beer!

3. When you have a drink, drink slowly

KTV, have a dinner, or go to a party, you often see a group of people competing to drink, competing to see who can drink all the wine in one breath. This is not only bad for the body, but also makes you gain weight. Because studies have shown that drinking a bottle of beer within an hour will slow down the body's rate of burning fat and store more fat in the body. Therefore, it is recommended to take small sips and drink slowly. The slower you drink, the more time your body has to metabolize. Quickly get rid of the bad habit of drinking beer in one sip.

4. Avoid greasy and heavy-tasting snacks

Fried foods, skewers, barbecue... and other snacks are all high in calories. If you can't eat them, just eat them. If you just don't eat them and it's disappointing, you can only start with "picking and eating" . For example: edamame, melon seeds, cold seaweed, raw onions, etc. Dietary fiber will increase satiety and help digestion. It is very suitable for taking a few more sips before drinking.

In addition, food that needs to be chewed for a long time is also recommended, because biting a few more times will also produce a feeling of fullness, such as: jellyfish skin, original flavored squid shreds, these foods also go well with wine; when drinking, the body's Protein will be lost, so it is recommended to supplement some protein foods before or during drinking, which will also help curb the amount of beer you drink.

5. Drink tea and beer alternately

Because drinking beer is a diuretic and can easily lead to dehydration. Drinking tea and beer alternately can promote alcohol metabolism and prevent hangovers. It can also replenish the water needed by the body in a timely manner to prevent alcohol from staying in the body for too long. For a long time, the heat is converted into fat.

Drinking beer is also good.

Studies have confirmed that drinking beer is good for human health. In addition to mastering the above five tips, drinking beer in moderation can reduce the risk of five major diseases. Including:

. Reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease

. Reduce the chance of diabetes

. Fight cancer

. Prevent kidney stones

. Prevent Alzheimer’s disease

However, even though beer has its benefits, not everyone is suitable to drink it. Especially the following four groups should drink beer with caution:

. Patients with digestive tract diseases (stomach disease patients)

. Patients with liver diseases

. Patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases

. Pregnant women

You must know the good and bad of beer. You know, after all, "excessive drinking is harmful to health." Even if beer drinkers reduce the chance of cardiovascular disease and diabetes, such research results are definitely not to encourage you to drink more beer;

Because numbers can speak, a bottle Beer in aluminum cans adds 150 calories to one can, which means you have to run for 20-30 minutes to consume it. In addition, the high-calorie snacks are high in calories. I don’t want to repeat the vicious cycle of “losing weight and paying off debt”. I don’t want to drink it if I can. If you really have a beer party and don’t want to spoil the fun, then choose low-calorie original beer as your first choice. Drink one can at a time, don’t indulge your beer belly, and have unlimited development!