In the knowledge of companies, we often come into contact with the three categories of corporate legal persons, legal representatives and legal representatives. A person who holds a certain position or is designated by the legal representative to represent a legal person in exerc

In the knowledge of companies, we often come into contact with the three types of corporate legal persons, legal representatives and legal representatives. If they are not distinguished carefully, they may be easily confused. So what are the differences between them? Today I will introduce Let me give you some answers.

The differences between the legal person, legal representative and legal representative of a company

Legal representative

It refers to a person who holds a certain position according to the internal regulations of the legal person or is appointed by the legal representative to represent the legal person to perform civil rights and obligations externally in accordance with the law. Its behavior is regarded as the behavior of a legal person, and all legal rights and obligations arising from its behavior are enjoyed and borne by the legal person it represents. A legal representative refers to a natural person who acts on behalf of an enterprise as a legal person. There are three categories of legal representatives: legal representatives, legal agents and authorized representatives. The legal representative refers to the natural person who acts on behalf of the corporate legal person. There are three major categories of legal representatives: legal representative, legal agent and authorized representative. The rights of the legal representative are valid from the beginning and are directly granted by law. The remaining two types are natural persons who are granted rights by the company and represent specific actions in the form of the company. The responsibilities and obligations of the legal representative of an enterprise are to bear different legal responsibilities on different occasions, and they are of various types.

Legal representative

It refers to the main person responsible for exercising civil rights and performing civil obligations on behalf of a legal person in accordance with the law, such as the director of a factory, the chairman of the company, etc.

Corporate legal person

It refers to an organizational form of an enterprise, a corporate legal person with the purpose of profit. Also known as commercial directors in capitalist countries, they are business organizations established in accordance with commercial law or relevant laws for profit-making purposes, including unlimited companies, limited companies, limited liability companies, joint stock companies, joint stock limited liability companies, etc. Corporate legal persons in Anglo-American law are different from those in civil law, including both for-profit and non-profit ones, and only refer to limited liability. The current forms of companies in our country are diverse, and they are generally divided into two types: fund-raising and non-fund-raising. Fund-raising companies are similar to companies in Western countries. They are established with investment from shareholders and are an important form of corporate association. Non-fund-raising companies are single enterprises. The characteristics of legal persons in my country are that they are established by legal acts by investors or shareholders for the purpose of profit. The founder is not limited. It can be a state-owned property authorized investment or operating unit, other types of legal persons and individuals. Its normative basis is, for example, the "Company Law" wait. There are two types of corporate legal persons, one is a limited liability company and the other is a joint stock limited company. A limited liability company is a corporate legal person established by less than fifty shareholders, while a joint stock limited company is a corporate legal person established by sponsorship or fundraising.

According to the general principles of my country's civil law, a legal person refers to an organization that has the capacity for civil rights and civil conduct, and independently enjoys civil rights and assumes civil obligations in accordance with the law. A legal person is an organization, not an individual. The legal representative refers to a person who holds a certain position according to the internal regulations of the legal person or is appointed by the legal representative to represent the legal person to perform civil rights and obligations externally in accordance with the law. It is not an independent legal concept. The legal representative is a definite legal concept.

Generally speaking, the legal representative is the responsible person, and the legal representative of the company is the backend organization of the legal representative, but the legal representative can appoint a legal representative. This is a summary of the legal person issues, and I believe it will be of some help to you.