Real estate tax is really not far away from its introduction this time. On October 23, 2021, the state gave relevant departments the power to carry out pilot real estate tax reform in some areas. In other words, there will be relevant laws and regulations within this year. Once t

Real estate tax, this time is really not far away from its introduction. On October 23, 2021, the state gave relevant departments the power to carry out real estate tax reform pilot work in some areas. In other words, there will be relevant laws and regulations within this year. The pilot policy has been introduced, and some cities will be listed as pilot cities, and the pilot period will be five years.

Those most affected by real estate tax are families with multiple suites. So how many such families are there in our country? The central bank has released data that 31% of households have two houses, and 10.5% have three or more houses. In other words, about 40% of households in my country's cities and towns own at least two houses.

So many people have bought multiple apartments, not all of which they live in, because many families now have a "two-one" structure, that is, the couple adds a child, so some houses will be idle. . In order not to be idle, these people will rent out the houses they cannot live in, and they can also rely on the rent to finance the mortgage loan.

For tenants, there are two biggest worries. One is whether the landlord will suddenly refuse to rent the property one day, and the other is whether the landlord will suddenly increase the rent. Especially in the context of the upcoming real estate tax, in order to make up for the loss in paying real estate taxes, will landlords increase rents and transfer the pressure to tenants?

In fact, on August 31, 2021, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development once said that the annual increase in housing rents should not exceed 5%. But looking at it on the other hand, this is actually equivalent to setting a standard for landlords to increase rent every year. If it only increases by 4.9% every year, it doesn't seem to be illegal.

So, can landlords really increase rents like this every year? In fact, even if the landlord wants to increase the rent, he cannot do so casually.

Not long ago, some major Internet companies announced an increase in housing subsidies for employees. As soon as the news came out, landlords around the major companies increased their rents. The implication of this incident is that if the landlord wants to increase the rent, it must be based on the tenant's income. Otherwise, if the rent is increased casually, the tenant will not be able to afford it and will cancel the lease. Leaving the house vacant is a waste of money. In order not to waste money, the landlord does not dare to raise the rent casually.

Judging from the current situation, except for rental houses around major Internet companies, it is actually difficult for other rental houses to keep raising rents because the tenants' income cannot afford it.

According to data released by the National Bureau of Statistics, in the first three quarters of 2021, the per capita wage income of residents nationwide was only 14,917 yuan, and the disposable income was only 26,265 yuan. Let’s do the math. The equivalent of a month’s wage income is only 1,657 yuan. The disposable income is only 2,918 yuan.

’s income is only this small, and he still cannot make ends meet. If the rent increases arbitrarily, it will force the tenant to evict. If the tenant is forced to leave, the landlord will actually suffer a huge loss. Therefore, even if the real estate tax is officially introduced, landlords cannot easily increase the rent. At least the rent cannot be much higher than the current rent level, nor higher than people's actual income level, otherwise they will have to prepare for long-term vacancy. get ready.

Moreover, the tenants are forced to leave, and the landlord has to pay the real estate tax out of his own pocket. Now the losses are even greater. Moreover, if rents are too high and tenants are forced to return to their hometowns, companies will be unable to recruit people and will either have to raise wages or have to move out of big cities because operating costs are too high. By then, there will be fewer tenants in the city, and it will be these landlords who will be directly affected.

In addition, another very important situation is that affordable rental housing will also be supplied in large quantities in the future.

According to the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, 40 cities have already planned to build 930,000 units of affordable rental housing in 2021. Shanghai has decided to plan to supply more than 420,000 units of rental housing during the 14th Five-Year Plan period. Many people say that affordable rental housing is just talk and cannot be achieved at all.

In fact, that is a misunderstanding of the current situation. Nowadays, housing prices have forced many young people not to get married or have children. In order to break this situation, maintain a good population structure, ensure the long-term development of the country, and allow young people to have houses to live in, it is imperative.

The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development has also said that it will work hard to ensure that all people have a place to live. This time it is no joke. There will definitely be a large number of affordable rental housing on the market in the future. By then, tenants will have more options for renting. If the landlord increases the rent, they can also rent affordable rental housing. Moreover, the rent of this kind of house will be lower than that of market rental houses in the same location, making it very cost-effective and stable.

In short, even if the real estate tax is introduced, landlords will not be able to raise the rent if they want. Since it is difficult to increase the rent, if the taxes and fees paid are also large, it means that speculating and hoarding houses will do more harm than good, so For those of you who still want to stock up on housing, please think twice before doing so!