I've been really hurt lately. No matter what time of day, the phone keeps ringing, but I don't answer it because I'm afraid it's because of work, and it says "Hello, sir, I'm..." Where do these unsolicited calls come from? !Recently, the Shenyang Public Security Bureau uncovered

I’ve been really hurt recently

No matter what time, the phone is always ringing

I don’t answer it because I’m afraid it’s work.

I answer it, and it’s “Hello, sir, I’m...”

These calls from unknown sources

Where did it come from? !


Shenyang Public Security Bureau uncovered a case of

infringement of citizens’ personal information,

eliminated three criminal gangs and arrested 47 suspects.

A total of more than 5 million pieces of personal information were resold

Illegal profits of more than 3 million yuan

It's really scary. Unknowingly, more than 5 million pieces of personal information were resold!

Since August this year, Shenyang police have received reports from citizens one after another, saying that after registering personal information during real estate transactions, they continued to receive sales calls, and personal identity information was suspected to be leaked, which seriously affected daily life. In response to this situation, the Shenyang Municipal Public Security Bureau immediately ordered the Internet Security Detachment to set up a task force to fully carry out investigation work.

After more than two months of investigation, the task force comprehensively identified three individuals headed by Liu (female, 33 years old), Tian (male, 40 years old), and Zhang (male, 30 years old) who had infringed on citizens’ personal information. The organizational structure and personnel of criminal gangs. The task force found that in each criminal gang, there are both "insiders" who take advantage of their positions to resell personal information, "middlemen" who resell information at various levels, and many decoration companies, real estate companies, etc. who are seeking to purchase personal information. Buyer".

After verification, since this year, the above three criminal gangs have resold more than 5 million pieces of citizens’ personal information, making illegal profits of more than 3 million yuan. After obtaining sufficient evidence, on November 3, the task force mobilized more than 280 police officers to launch a centralized network closing operation, and successively arrested all 47 suspects from three criminal gangs. After interrogation, 47 suspects including Liu confessed to the crime of illegally buying and selling citizens’ personal information. These criminal suspects have been subject to criminal coercive measures by the Shenyang Municipal Public Security Bureau in accordance with the law for suspected crimes of infringing on citizens' personal information, and the case is under further processing.

It turned out that these people did it!

Taking advantage of work

Real estate development company employees reselling customers’ personal information

According to reports, some people with ulterior motives will take advantage of their work to sell membership information of some high-end shopping malls, information of high-end car owners, and corporate information. What interests criminals the most is the information of community owners.

In some cases of personal information leakage, the source of the information leakage comes from real estate development companies - that is, the home purchase information registered after the customer purchases the house flows out from the real estate development company. Once the information is leaked, it will spread throughout the "market". "This information is in the company's computers and cannot be accessed by outsiders. Only the company's employees can access it. These people took advantage of the convenience of working in the company and stole the information while others were not paying attention." said the relevant police staff.

First-hand information has the highest price on the black market

It can be resold four or five times within two or three days

House buyer information is then sold to decoration companies, home furnishing stores, real estate agencies, mortgage loan and other industries without anyone noticing. In this gray industrial chain of buying and selling information, first-hand information has the highest price, and every time it changes hands, the price depreciates. The transaction process is usually that the home buyer's information is sold to the decoration company, then resold to the home furnishing market, and then sold to the real estate agency or mortgage company. The flow of personal information sales is so fast that information often changes hands four or five times within two or three days.

Many victims of information leakage find it difficult to defend their rights. In fact, the Ninth Amendment to the Criminal Law has clarified that units have supervisory responsibilities in protecting citizens’ personal information. For example, when an owner buys a house, he has already established a contractual relationship with the developer. The accompanying obligation of the contract is that the developer should protect the owner's information. If protection is not done well, developers will be held responsible.

When filling in information in public places,

you must pay attention!

Otherwise it is easy to suffer losses!

What are the dangers of personal information being leaked?

1. There is a constant stream of spam text messages.

2. Harassing phone calls come one after another: including insurance sales, decoration sales, baby products sales, etc.

3. Spam is overwhelming: After personal information is leaked, personal email boxes will receive more than a dozen spam emails every day, mainly sales promotions, and some messy and uncreative advertisements.

4. Apply for a card under false pretence and overdraft the balance: Someone pretends to be someone else to apply for an ID card through purchased personal information, defrauding the bank’s credit online, applying for various credit cards, malicious overdraft consumption, and the bank may directly issue a reminder for the arrears. Send it to the owner of the ID card.

5. Case accidents fall from the sky: criminals use other people's personal information to commit crimes. Once a crime is committed or consequences are caused, the public security agency or traffic management department may find you based on your identity information.

6. Unscrupulous companies come to defraud: Some unscrupulous companies will make up some sensational news, and even know the details of a friend, classmate or relative of the victim, and can also report the name and unit. Once a wrong judgment is made, it is likely to be in In a panic, I fell for the scammer.

7. Pretending to be a police officer and requesting a transfer: Some bold criminals will pretend to be the public security bureau, report the victim’s personal information, and then talk about recent fraud cases, remind you that a certain account is not safe, and ask you to transfer money, and also tell you Call a police consultation phone number for confirmation. Although not many people are fooled, similar cases are still heard from time to time.

8. Deception and abduction take advantage of the situation: Because they know the victim’s personal information, those hiding in the dark will try their best to deceive the victim. They may pretend to be your friend, relative or classmate, or even fake it.

9. Account money disappears: Some criminals will apply for a fake ID card, then report the loss of the victim's bank account or credit card account, apply for a new card, and then set a password. If the victim does not use the card for a long time, , the money inside may have been transferred away long ago.

10. Personal reputation is damaged for no reason: Criminals will use your name falsely, and all the bad things they do will be attributed to your name. Even if you are cleared in the end, your personal reputation will still be damaged and irreparable.

When encountering such personal information,

it is best to fill it in carefully! How does

prevent personal information from being leaked?

1. Four types of documents must be kept carefully, including ID cards, social security cards, passports, and household registration books.

2. Be especially cautious when copying personal ID cards. When using a copy of the ID card, the consumer must indicate its purpose on it, for example: "This copy of the ID card is only provided to a certain bank, and we are not responsible for its invalid use by others." Whether it is a credit card, fund, mobile phone... application form, as long as it requires a copy of the ID card, it is best to handle it accordingly, and the same goes for government forms. In addition, for unfilled blanks in the application form, such as: applying for additional cards, purchasing additional insurance, purchasing a second fund, applying for a mobile phone number, etc., please mark ** in the blank fields to avoid being filled in by criminals.

3. It is best for consumers to ask for a receipt when providing personal information, so that it can be used as a basis for inquiry and search when problems arise.

4. Once infringement occurs, the victim should record relevant information in a timely manner to provide valuable clues for the investigation work of the relevant departments. For example: record the phone call with the infringing party, and guide the other party to reveal the ways to illegally obtain information, and ask the other party to express their position on this; keep the leaflets sent by the other party, evidence of door-to-door sales, recordings of face-to-face negotiations with the other party, and the other party's information. Computer pages, call records, alarm records, etc. in the system.

is bombarded with messages and calls are constantly coming!

To prevent fraud, be careful!

Source: Shenyang Evening News