There are many patients with urticaria in daily life, and this disease seriously affects the patients' daily life and work. Many people don’t know how to relieve this disease. Let’s learn about the methods to relieve urticaria. I believe it will be of great help to you.

There are many patients with urticaria in daily life, and this disease seriously affects the patients' daily life and work. Many people don’t know how to relieve this disease. Let’s learn about the methods to relieve urticaria. I believe it will be of great help to you.

What are the symptoms of urticaria?

The characteristics of the onset of this disease are very obvious. The symptoms of the disease appear very quickly and disappear very quickly, leaving no trace. In the early stage of an urticaria attack, there may be obvious skin itching, and then wheals will appear. The wheals are red or pale in color and skin color. A few patients may develop edematous erythema, and the duration and onset time are uncertain. .

How to relieve urticaria?

1, drugs. There are many types of drugs for treating urticaria. All anti-allergic drugs have a certain alleviation effect on this disease. For example, loratadine has a good effect, especially for urticaria. If the situation is special, it can also be treated with antibiotics.

2, diet. You should pay more attention to your eating habits. Diet plays a very important role in alleviating urticaria symptoms . If the patient is allergic to a certain food, he should avoid contact with it again, such as fish, shrimp, seafood, or foods containing artificial colors and preservatives. As well as canned and pickled foods and beverages with artificial additives such as yeast , etc., may induce urticaria.

3, hygiene. Pay attention to skin cleanliness and avoid adverse irritation. If you have a history of urticaria, you should pay more attention to keeping indoors and outdoors clean and hygienic. It is also best not to keep pets such as cats and dogs at home. Some people are prone to pollen and dust allergies and need to reduce exposure. In addition, you must maintain a good lifestyle. Frequent drinking, exposure to heat, and emotional excitement may aggravate the dilation of blood vessels in the skin, thereby worsening urticaria. On the other hand, you should also pay more attention to the hygienic care of clothes and other body contact items. Reduce exposure to items such as rubber gloves and hair dye, as well as fragranced soaps and detergents, as well as synthetic and wool clothing.

4, keep warm. Patients with urticaria should pay attention to keeping warm, do not let themselves catch a cold, and do not allow the body to be overheated. People with cold urticaria should not go to sea bathing beaches, let alone take cold baths, especially when the weather is cold. .

5, mentality. Maintain a good attitude, don't worry too much, and learn to relieve your own stress, especially for many people who have high work pressure and study pressure. Excessive long-term stress can easily cause the onset and aggravation of chronic urticaria .

The above are some methods for urticaria relief. Due to the influence of each person's physical fitness and other reasons, the effect of the same method may be very different for each person, so be sure to choose a treatment method that suits you. Finally, I hope the above content will be helpful to you, and I wish you a speedy recovery.