Taiwanese actress Ouyang Jing does not seem to be in the public eye very much, but because her mother is also a famous celebrity, she is included in the fourth-tier celebrities. Ouyang Jing has not only participated in the movies "Alice's Mirror" and "The Finest Days", she is an

Taiwanese actress Ouyang Jing does not seem to be in the public eye, but because her mother is also a famous celebrity, she is included in the fourth-tier celebrities. Ouyang Jing has not only participated in the movies "Alice's Mirror" and "The Finest Days", she is an actress, she has also published books and worked as a model. She was born in 1983, but she thinks about it every day because of depression. Go commit suicide. Today, we gossip about Ouyang Jing's depressed life....

Cause: Obtained due to grievance

Taiwanese media reported that Ouyang Jing had a 6-year history of depression, had panic disorder in elementary school, and often cried. I passed out and thought about committing suicide every day. When talking about why she suffered from depression, public information stated that she got the disease because she was bullied and wronged at school.

According to news, when Ouyang Jing was studying in a rural primary school, his mother Tan Aizhen was loved by his teachers because he was a celebrity. Therefore, he aroused the jealousy and dissatisfaction of many classmates. He was often bullied and suffered a lot of grievances.

Tan Aizhen has starred in dramas such as "Destined to Love You", "Betta", "Bao Qingtian", "Fairy Wife" and other dramas. She is a well-known senior actress in China. Therefore, her daughter Ouyang Jing is also a natural Star II. But this second-generation star was initially a treasure in the eyes of his teachers, but he was a thorn in the eyes of his classmates. Classmates often found trouble and caused trouble. At worst, they put dog feces in Ouyang Jing's drawer, or at worst, he teamed up with more than 10 classmates to beat Ouyang Jing. I lived like this for 5 years, and depression slowly developed.

Symptoms: Insomnia, pessimism and suicidal thoughts

Ouyang Jing, the second-generation star, did not tell her teachers or her family about her experiences and grievances. She chose to endure it alone in silence. Five years had made her soul cloudy. , depressive symptoms also significantly increased. When he was in his first year of high school, Ouyang Jing began to suffer from sleep disorders. His insomnia became more and more serious. He was often depressed, felt guilty, and thought about committing suicide every day.

Treatment: Taking medicine indiscriminately leads to treatment misunderstandings

When Ouyang Jing was suffering from illness, he often made his own decisions, acted as his own doctor, and bought his own medicine for treatment. Because he took medicine randomly, the treatment of depression was not standardized and systematic. , serious side effects and complications occurred. The most serious ones are hallucinations and temporary amnesia.

In addition, there was a period of time when she was overeating and looking for raw meat to eat. Gaining weight became an inevitable result, and the ridicule and ridicule from her classmates worsened her depression.

Rehabilitation: Mother and friends healed her with love

Mother Tan Aizhen later learned about her daughter Ouyang Jing’s condition, and began to give up her acting career to stay with her and treat her together, through traditional Chinese medicine, self-conditioning, the help of friends, and Regain health through the intervention of multiple factors such as music regulation and traditional diet therapy.

Nowadays, Ouyang Jing, who has recovered, often shares her optimistic and positive ideas on social networks and in public, as well as her methods and experiences of getting out of depression. She hopes that people with depression can also use traditional Chinese medicine, self-regulation, and the help of friends like Ouyang Jing. There are also methods of intervening with multiple factors such as music adjustment and traditional diet therapy to regain health!