India will surpass the United States this year to become the world's second-largest photovoltaic solar power market, with installed capacity reaching 11 gigawatts. The current global photovoltaic installed capacity is 113 GW. IHSMarkit said that the global fourth quarter is expec

According to market research firm IHS Markit, India will surpass the United States this year to become the world's second-largest photovoltaic solar power market, with its installed capacity reaching 11 gigawatts. The current global photovoltaic installed capacity is 113 GW. IHSMarkit said that the global fourth quarter is expected to be the largest installation season in history, and is expected to reach 34 GW.

IHSMarkit’s previous prediction was that the installed photovoltaic capacity this year would be 108 GW. Now this number may reach 113 GW, thanks to China’s substantial growth in the field of distributed photovoltaics.

China still continues to lead the market with 47% market share of 53 and 60 GW, with two installation peaks expected in the second quarter and fourth quarter before the tariff deadline.

At the same time, India will replace the United States this year to become the world's second largest photovoltaic market. Before tariffs are imposed, more photovoltaic installation equipment can arrive in India. IHSMarkit has learned that India is expected to install 11 GW of photovoltaic power generation installations this year, surpassing the 11 GW of the United States. However, following the recent trade conflict, India installed only 6 GW of power generation in 2018, down from 9.3 GW in 2017.

Polaris Solar Photovoltaic Network learned that if the above data is accurate, this will be the second time within a year that the United States has been "crushed" in the field of photovoltaic equipment installation. Previously, according to market research agency GTM Research data, Latin America has surpassed the United States to become The largest photovoltaic installation market in 2017.

In addition, emerging markets will also increase the installation of photovoltaic power generation devices this year. In particular, Mexico and Egypt will replace South Korea and the United Kingdom and enter the top 10 photovoltaic solar market ranks. These two countries occupy 1.8% and 1.3% of the global photovoltaic market share.

Overall, the top 10 countries have a total installed capacity of 92 GW in the PV market. The new top ten are: China, India, the United States, Japan, Australia, Germany, Mexico, Brazil , Turkey and Egypt.

Despite the recent increase in import tariffs on and , the United States continues to import photovoltaic installation units. In emerging markets, countries such as Egypt, Brazil and Mexico have large-scale photovoltaic projects that require the deployment of a large number of units. However, due to price reasons, the installation progress was delayed in 2017 and the project will be promoted this year.

Europe is expected to install 11 GW of PV in 2018, compared with 9 GW in 2017, suggesting that the remaining 102 GW will be installed in the world's leading solar PV region. In addition, the Spanish market is expected to become the fifth largest photovoltaic market in Europe this year, followed by Germany, Turkey and France.

expects the final quarter of 2018 to be the largest photovoltaic equipment installation season in history, with installed capacity expected to reach 34 GW.

In contrast to late 2017, demand in 2018 will be between 94 and 111 GW due to expected stabilization of the polysilicon market, improved upstream cost efficiencies, and increased efforts to meet Europe's 2020 energy targets.

Source: Polaris Solar Photovoltaic Network