Sharing educational experience with Zhang Hanya, parent of Class 4, Grade 7. I am the parent of Zhang Hanya, Class 4, Grade 7. I am very happy to have the opportunity to share my experience in educating my children. Below I will briefly talk about my feelings. Please correct me i

Sharing educational experience

Parent of Zhang Hanya, Class 4, Grade 7

I am the parent of Zhang Hanya, Class 4, Grade 7. I am very happy to have the opportunity to share my experience in educating my children. Below I will briefly talk about my feelings. Please correct me if I am wrong. I believe that to educate children well, we must do the following basic aspects:

Parents must realize from the bottom of their hearts the importance of their children's education. We don’t talk about big principles, and we don’t talk about how much contribution a good education will make to the country and society, but we must realize two points: First, our parents work so hard, work hard from dawn to dusk to make money, for what purpose, besides ourselves, our parents , and everything else is not all for the sake of the children. Secondly, every parent definitely hopes that their children will excel and live happily in the future. But let’s think about it, if our parents don’t pay attention to education, or even indulge in it and arrange for their own children, what will happen more than ten years later? Who will they become? One can imagine!

Lead by example. Parents should restrain themselves, regulate their own behavior, and use a good environment and role models to influence and nurture their children. This is actually a kind of "silent education" for parents.

Parents should pay more attention to their children's academic performance, communicate more, and don't turn a blind eye. In this way, he will feel that he is not interested in learning. At the same time, through communication, we will discover the children's strengths and weaknesses, and help them use their strengths to make up for their shortcomings and correct their shortcomings. My children and I would spend ten minutes on the way home from school talking about what happened at school. From the conversation, I can discover her progress or problems, and give her timely praise or serious criticism. Therefore, children know what they can and cannot do, what is right and wrong, beauty and ugliness in their daily study and life.

creates a good home learning environment for children. As parents, we try not to smoke, drink or play mahjong with our friends at home. This is why those who are close to red are red and those who are close to ink are black. Last semester, the teacher told us: We should not watch TV or play with mobile phones next to our children when they are doing homework. This is really not good. Not only will the children not be calm when spending time with them, but they will also be distracted when answering their questions.

Children must develop good living and study habits and strict requirements. As the saying goes: "Three years old looks older, seven years old looks old." I think habits can play a key role in whether a child becomes an excellent person. Parents should be aware that with good living and studying habits, parents can save worry and effort. Our kids are doing pretty well at this point. If the meal is not ready when she comes home from school, the order of her arrangements is: wash hands, drink water, and do homework. Her study table is relatively tidy, because I often say that preparations should be made before studying and the battlefield should be cleaned after studying. When she encounters a word she doesn't know when studying or reading, she will look it up in the dictionary by herself, do her own thing, and do the day's work that day. Also, whether you are learning to eat or watching TV, you need to stand or sit down, and you need to be careful and cautious when doing things, and don't panic.

Parents should actively cooperate with teachers. During the study period, the teacher plays a very important role. Parents should contact teachers more often to know if there are any mistakes in their children's performance in school and they can correct them in time with the help of teachers.

I think children's healthy growth is inseparable from encouragement. When speaking to children, do not use language such as "Are you so stupid that you don't understand this?" "Look at other people who are better than you." This will destroy the child's self-confidence, cause a huge psychological burden to the child, and prevent the child from functioning normally. Growth and progress. But encouragement must be paid attention to method. Don't regard encouragement as worthless things. Say yes to everything, otherwise it will become unattractive in the long run. I think the way to encourage is less material and more variety. For example, good performance and good grades can be rewarded by going out to play, watching TV for a while, etc.

There are rewards as well as punishments. I don't agree with the view that "you can't succeed without success". To be honest, I still fought a few times.I won't punish small mistakes or shortcomings with my hands, but I will use reason to deal with the consequences, but I won't forgive them easily for matters of principle. I might be reasonable the first time or the second time, but I might punish him the third time. For example, lying or taking other people's things without their consent.

The above is my experience in educating children. Every child has different personalities and characteristics. I believe that every family also has successful experiences and methods in educating children, so we must learn from each other in the future. I believe that as long as we parents have patience, perseverance, and pay attention to methods, our children will have an independent and outstanding life! ‍