The location is at various baseball stadiums. Not only must he have good physical strength, but he must also know how to greet people with a smile. He has attracted so much attention that he even attracted an interview on a popular Japanese TV show.

It is said that among young Japanese girls, there is a kind of part-time job that is very popular. The location is at various baseball stadiums. Not only must they have good physical strength, but they must also know how to greet people with a smile. The level of attention they have even attracted an interview on a popular Japanese TV show. She is so popular, but she is not working as a cheerleader for a sports team. Can you guess what she is?

That’s right, it’s the “beer girls” selling alcoholic beverages who run up and down the seats at Japanese stadiums like bees! It is called "売り子" (URIKO) in Japanese. Japanese people like to drink beer. It is not surprising to drink it everywhere, especially drinking it with sports events, which can increase the atmosphere. Therefore, beer girls have a heavy responsibility!

What kind of job is this that attracts a cute girl from Japanese high school and college to work part-time? Check out Kintoki's in-depth interview at the MetLife Dome, home to the Seibu Lions in Japan!

"売り子" (URIKO) Beer girls are not sexy liquor sales girls

In China, we often see liquor sales girls wearing sexy uniforms selling alcoholic drinks in places like nightclubs, but in Japan they are at baseball stadiums You can see girls who look like wine sales girls walking through the seating areas in each area, offering to sell beer, cava, whiskey and soda and other alcoholic beverages. But the difference is that they are selling and not promoting!

Beer girls will wear their baseball caps high so that their faces can be clearly exposed. At the same time, they fold the second half in and fix it with hairpins. Some even have flower decorations and pockets. Wearing a towel or handkerchief, wearing a cheerleading uniform, half-socks, and sneakers is to make people feel energetic at first glance!

What is the job of a beer girl?

This time I specially visited Miss Aika Nakajima, who is responsible for selling KIRIN Kirin Beer at the MetLife Dome, the home of the Seibu Lions. Let’s follow her work and find out more about it!

Ms. Nakajima initially liked baseball and went to Seibu Stadium (now the MetLife Dome) with her family to watch games since she was a child, so she decided to join the ranks of the Little Bees at this stadium since she was a child. It has been six years since high school. , considered an experienced senior among beer girls.

Every time you go to work, you must report in about two and a half hours before the start of the game. In addition to changing clothes, you also have to understand which area you will work in and how to sell better. Because how much beer can be sold in this game and in which area it is easier to sell will have different results depending on the customer base, ticket sales conditions, weather, etc. As for the end time, it also depends on the conditions of the game, but it is about They are all around 9 to 10 pm, and the working time is about 5 to 6 hours at a time.

Based on Ms. Nakajima’s experience, she can be regarded as an experienced veteran, so she usually stays at 1st base and 3rd base. If you are a newcomer, there is no fixed area. You can adjust according to the situation. Usually there are about 10 beer girls in a game. Of course, there will be more beer girls depending on the popularity of the team.

Good physical strength and a smiling face are the most important!

As soon as he starts working, there is no rest time in between. He just shuttles back and forth in the stadium. In addition to the stairs up and down the grandstand area, he also has to go back and forth to replenish goods. On average, he has to replenish goods more than ten times. Each beer keg weighs about 10 kilograms (the weight varies depending on the type of wine). A beer keg can sell about 14 cups of beer. Ms. Nakajima’s highest record is that she sold 340 cups a day, which means that she has to make up for it. I have shipped goods at least 24 times. It seems like a simple job, but it is actually not easy at all! Ms. Nakajima said that after her first day at work, her muscles were sore for 4 days! If you want to do this job well, you need some strength and stamina.

Ms. Nakajima said that when she was first admitted, she had to undergo training on how to pour delicious beer without too much foam. And the poured beer must be delivered to the guest's hands steadily without slipping.The change must be returned to the guest's hand steadily, and the most important thing is to wear a smile at all times, shouting "Beer? Does anyone need a beer?" up and down the stairwell, with a bright smile and The guests who come to watch every game maintain a good relationship, and some of them even become regular customers because they see them so often on the court. They not only buy a beer, but also chat with them casually, as cordial as friends. How is the salary of

? ?

This job is calculated based on hourly salary + commission or fixed salary + commission. KIRIN's salary is hourly salary + commission, so each salary is related to the weather and the game conditions of the day. For example, when the weather is cold, beer sales will be worse, or when the team you support falls behind in points. , the performance will be relatively poor. However, Ms. Nakajima said that he actually prefers chatting with customers than performance. They can discuss various things about baseball together. If they are female customers, they can even talk about finger lottery. I think the hardest part is the competition that starts in early spring, because at that time, the weather is still very cold, you can't wear a jacket, and it's hard to sell beer, but no matter what, the most important thing is to keep smiling and full of emotions at all times. Thank you very much, this is a professional beer girl.

MetLife Dome (Seibu Lions home stadium)

If you want to say that the stadium in Japan that can be integrated with nature and is closest to the station should be the MetLife Dome at Seibu Lions home stadium! In the spring, not only is the large park next to it full of cherry blossoms, the pink color is romantic, but in the autumn when the football season is about to end, there are incredibly beautiful maple leaves. Think about it, watching the game while watching the maple leaves is so exciting. Enjoyable!

Okay, that’s all the content of this “Kintoki Takes You to See Japan”! If you want to know more about Japan's customs, fresh information and cultural history, you are welcome to follow "Kimshi Takes You to See Japan" and "Kimshi Takes You to See Japan" and "Kimshi Takes You to See Neon" on other platforms oh! At the same time, I also hope that everyone will repost, comment and collect it~ See you in the next issue!