Speaking of milk tea, every young person doesn’t like drinking it! Especially girls, which flavor do you like best? In fact, milk tea is a necessary drink for the nomadic people on the Mongolian plateau to drink daily and entertain guests. In pastoral areas, they are accustomed t

Speaking of milk tea, every young person doesn’t like drinking it! Especially girls, which flavor do you like best? In fact, milk tea is a necessary drink for the nomadic people on the Mongolian plateau to drink daily and entertain guests. In pastoral areas, they are accustomed to "tea and meal three times a day." But Mongolian milk tea is different from other milk teas. Its taste is salty, and it is made from green brick tea or black brick tea plus fresh milk and salt. On the Mongolian Plateau, people drink salty milk tea. In addition to quenching thirst, drinking hot salty milk tea can drive away the cold, so it is also an important way to supplement human nutrition.

I remember when I was in college, there was a pure Mongolian girl in our dormitory. Every year during the winter vacation, she would bring us a lot of specialties from her hometown, such as milk tea, milk skin, milk tofu, etc. We all had other things. I'm used to eating it, but I feel uncomfortable drinking milk tea. Maybe it's because I'm used to drinking sweet drinks!

So today I will teach you how to make sweet "pearl milk tea"! Pearl Milk Tea not only pays more attention to the taste, but its most attractive part is to suck up the pearls inside through a large straw and eat it. gives people a "QQ" feeling after one bite, and it feels very enjoyable immediately. .

The pearls in authentic pearl milk tea are made from tapioca starch, and their full name is "pearl rice balls". Pearl milk tea first originated in Taiwan Province of my country, but there are different opinions on who invented it. One theory is that it is It was invented by Mr. Tu Zonghe of the "Hanlin Tea House" in Tainan City. It is said that he was inspired by seeing the white tea and pink round tea in Yamuliao market around 1987. Therefore, early pearls were white, and later changed to black.

Another theory is that it was invented by Lin Xiuhui, a female employee of "Chun Shui Tang". She likes to prepare drinks with tea, especially milk tea. By chance, when she went to the market to purchase, she saw "fengyuan" and bought a pack back to the store. She tried to combine pink balls with milk tea, and cups of delicious pearl milk tea were born.

Nowadays, "pearl milk tea" has been spread all over Europe, the United States, Japan, Australia, Southeast Asia and other countries. It is one of the mainstream leisure drinks and is widely welcomed by consumers. Because we are still in a special period, the milk tea shop here is not open yet, so if you want to drink milk tea, you can make it at home. From making the pearls to drinking it, the whole process only takes half an hour, and the taste is no better than outside. Let’s take a look at the production process!

[Pearl milk tea]

Pearl ingredients: 50 grams of tapioca starch, 5 grams of cocoa powder, 40 grams of brown sugar, 120 grams of water

Milk tea ingredients: 5 grams of black tea, 15 grams of white sugar, 120 grams of water, 500 ml of pure milk

Specific Method

(1) First make pearl . Weigh 50 grams of tapioca starch in a bowl, then pour in 5 grams of cocoa powder and stir evenly.

tips: When making foods such as pearls or taro balls, tapioca starch is the first choice, because tapioca starch has better production effects than other starches, and is soft, waxy and transparent, and elastic and smooth.

(2) Add 80 grams of water and 20 grams of brown sugar to the pot, bring to a boil over medium heat, heat until the brown sugar melts and then turn off the heat.

(3) Pour the well-stirred tapioca starch into the pot while it is hot, stir until there is no dry powder, pour it on the chopping board and knead it into a ball.

(4) Prepare a plate, pour an appropriate amount of tapioca starch, and spread it evenly on the plate to prevent the prepared "little pearls" from sticking together. Next, break the dough into small pieces, knead it into a round ball with your hands, about the size of a pearl, and put it on a plate.

(5) After everything is done, shake the plate to evenly coat it with tapioca starch to prevent it from sticking to the bottom of the pot when cooking.

(6) Add an appropriate amount of water to the pot. There should be a little more water here, otherwise it will stick.After boiling, pour in the "little pearls". They may sink to the bottom when you first pour them in, so stir constantly. Wait until all the "little pearls" float and cook for 15 minutes, then turn off the heat. Cover and continue simmering for 20 minutes.

tips: Because boiling the pearls over high heat for too long will cause the surface of the pearls to become rotten and the inner core to be undercooked, cooking for too short a time will not work. The pearls will be too hard and will not be soft and waxy. Generally, boil them over medium-high heat for about 15 minutes and then simmer. 20 minutes, the pearls cooked in this way are the best.

(7) After that, prepare a bowl of water, take out the pearls and put them into cold water, soak them for about 5 minutes, take them out and rinse them with water.

tips: Boiled pearls must be placed in cold water, so that they will not soften and will be stronger.

(8) Pour the pearls into the pot, add 20 grams of brown sugar, and 40 grams of water in sequence. Turn on low heat and simmer until the brown sugar melts. Stir occasionally to prevent the bottom from sticking.

(9) Heat for about 2 minutes. When the sugar water inside becomes thicker and the color of the pearls becomes darker, take it out and put it into a bowl.

(10) Next, make milk tea. Add 15 grams of white sugar and 5 grams of black tea to the pot, turn on low heat and stir-fry until the white sugar melts slightly and turns into caramel color. Add 120 grams of water, turn on medium heat and cook until a slight aroma of tea comes out and the inside of the pot The water begins to boil.

tips: Why do most pearl milk teas use black tea? Black tea is a fully fermented tea that does not contain theophylline and theocyanins, and reacts well with milk fat. Black tea also contains enzymatic ammonia, including thearubigins, theaflavins and other ammonia oxidation products, giving it a unique aroma. and color .

(11) At this time, turn to low heat and pour the milk into the pot, stir again, and cook for about 2 minutes. When the milk boils, turn off the heat.

(12) Use a slotted spoon to remove the tea leaves, and our milk tea is ready. Prepare a cup, put the pearls on it, and pour the milk tea into it.

A cup of "pearl milk tea" with a mellow taste and long aroma is completed. The aroma of tea, milk and caramel blend together, coupled with the delicious pearls, it is so delicious that I never want to go out and buy it again. If it's summer, you can also add some ice cubes to it for a better taste.

This article was edited/original by John Fantexi. Welcome to pay attention and take you to gain knowledge together! If there is anything you don’t understand, I hope you will ask it in the comment area below. If you also like my article, remember to "like" + "follow" + "forward".