But after all, the base is only the foundation. What’s more important in making pizza is the creative toppings with the ingredients. Most pizza style names come from the pizza toppings, which shows its importance.

In the preface of I wrote "Commercial Pizza Textbook Topping Configuration and Modeling", there is this passage---Since ancient times, human beings' pursuit of delicious food has never stopped! Except for some classic inheritance, there is no standard answer to food! What this book teaches you is not a fixed recipe, but a broad vision and innovative spirit !

I have emphasized the importance of the pizza base countless times. The quality of the pizza base determines 50% of the taste of the entire pizza. But after all, the base of the pie is only the foundation. What is more important for making pizza is the creative topping of the combination of ingredients. Most pizza style names come from the pizza toppings, which shows its importance.

Taiwan Province is my country’s famous “Gourmet City”. It is no exaggeration to say that the pizza in Taiwan Province of my country is the best pizza in China. Why do I say this? Because it adheres to the base techniques and baking methods of Naples' orthodox pizza, as well as refreshing topping creativity. Inheriting rather than sticking to tradition is an important reason why Taiwanese pizza is loved by everyone.

Now let’s talk about the pizza with pearl milk tea as the raw material and the creative toppings from Taiwan.

Pearl Milk Tea

It is impossible to tell whether Chun Shui Tang in Taichung or Hanlin Teahouse in Tainan invented pearl milk tea. For pearl milk tea to become popular all over the world, it no longer matters who invented it. This is a result that everyone is happy to see.

The pearls of pearl milk tea have developed into a variety of colors and tastes. For example, as shown below

Pearl milk tea pearls

The raw materials for making pearl milk tea can also be used in pizza and other delicacies. Let's take a look at a few ideas.

, Brown Sugar Pearl Pizza

Brown Sugar Pearl Pizza

Top ingredients with : Brown Sugar Pearl, Taiwanese Mochi, honey, etc.

, QQ Brown Sugar Pearl Milk Tea Large Pizza

QQ Brown Sugar Pearl Milk Tea Large Pizza

Top ingredients with : Q-bombed brown sugar pearls, milk tea sauce, fresh milk cap, etc. This is a pizza that tastes more like bubble milk tea.

, Pink Sweetheart Pizza

Pink Sweetheart Pizza

Pink Sweetheart Pizza

Topping combination : Strawberry flavored pink pearls, mixed with rich and smooth milk tea mousse, decorated with cranberries and mint, full of girly style.

4. Sweet Star Pizza

Sweet Star Pizza

toppings are paired with : brown sugar pearls, fresh fruits, milk tea sauce, etc. How about

, is it full of creativity?

Pearls are an ingredient that you can use to bake egg tarts, and they are also delicious.

Brown Sugar Pearl Egg Tart

Our ancestors taught us that reading thousands of books is not as good as traveling thousands of miles; traveling thousands of miles is not as good as reading countless people; reading countless people is not as good as showing the way by famous teachers; showing the way by famous teachers is not as good as understanding by yourself. Only by being well-informed and familiar with the application and combination of various ingredients can we eventually develop our own creativity.

Nowadays, pizzas with Chinese elements such as roast duck pizza, Kung Pao chicken pizza, spicy chicken pizza, and pickled fish pizza are also constantly appearing.

Every city or region will have its own special food. It would be great if you can add it to pizza to form your own creativity and application. There is nothing terrible about borrowing doctrines, but you must have a deep understanding and be able to create your own creativity. If you can have one or two styles widely circulated, you have become a master.