Although milk tea originated from the nomadic people on the Mongolian plateau, the best developed and most famous one is Taiwan milk tea. Although the history of milk tea culture in Taiwan is not very young, only a few decades, it has developed rapidly, successfully attracted cou

Milk tea, although it originated from the nomadic people on the Mongolian plateau, the best developed and most famous one is Taiwan milk tea. Although the history of milk tea culture in Taiwan is not very young, only a few decades, it has developed rapidly, successfully attracted countless fans and became popular all over the country, and Taiwan is worthy of being regarded as a major milk tea province in the eyes of everyone.

In Taiwan, it is not surprising that there are milk tea shops in the streets. Not only that, especially at night markets, there are many shops selling milk tea. This shows how much Taiwanese residents like to drink milk tea. Night market stalls full of snacks are perfect if they have milk tea as a companion. Generally speaking, Taiwanese people are accustomed to having several cups of milk tea whether they are taking a break in the afternoon or getting together with friends in the evening.

Among all varieties of milk tea in Taiwan, pearl milk tea or boba milk tea is the most representative. Although the flavors of Taiwanese milk tea have been constantly innovating over the years, pearl milk tea is still the most popular among the public today. Pearl milk tea has both a tangy milk aroma and a pleasant tea aroma. It also has a very elastic and smooth texture in the mouth. It has a unique taste and a lingering fragrance on the lips and teeth, which is unforgettable.

However, there is quite a controversy in Taiwan about who is the inventor of pearl milk tea. Chun Shui Tang and Hanlin Tea House are mainly competing with each other, but there is no conclusive evidence to prove each, so it is still doubtful. However, it is unanimously recognized that the birthplace of pearl milk tea is Taichung City. After all, the first official cup of pearl milk tea was first sold in Taichung City, and it was also in Taichung that pearl milk tea became popular.

Speaking of how Taiwanese milk tea has become popular in Taiwan, this is mainly due to the introduction of automatic sealing machines and the expansion of the take-out beverage business. At that time, the audience for Taiwanese milk tea was mainly students and office workers. The advantage was that their high professional mobility made it easy to attract customers for milk tea shops. In addition, Taiwanese milk tea was indeed delicious and easy to carry.

As a result, Taiwanese milk tea quickly became popular through mutual recommendations among students and office workers. Later, investors seized the business opportunities, and naturally many milk tea shops appeared throughout Taiwan, and many well-known milk tea brands have been formed to this day.

In fact, most of the milk tea brands in mainland China are now from Taiwan, and the milk teas are very popular. They can earn more than one billion from the mainland a year. As a high-fat and high-calorie product, milk tea is very popular. Too much will make you gain weight. It can be said that milk tea is "indispensable" for the increase in weight among Chinese people today. Not only that, even Taiwanese milk tea has a very high reputation internationally. Whether it’s in Japan, Korea, Europe, America or Southeast Asia, you can always see Taiwanese milk tea on the streets.

Taiwan, China, not only has beautiful and charming natural scenery, but also has authentic and authentic Taiwanese milk tea waiting to conquer your tongue and taste buds. If you are a friend who loves milk tea very much, then your trip to Taiwan will definitely make you very satisfied.