​Outdoor barbecue is a standard feature of American families in summer, and the must-have barbecue delicacy is hot dogs! Today’s program is going to talk about the delicious Hot Dog. 01. Hot dog is two separate words in English: Hot dog: Hot dog Hotdog ✘Hot dog originated in Germ

Outdoor barbecue is a standard feature of American families in summer.

One must-have barbecue delicacy is hot dogs!

Today’s program will talk about the delicious Hot dog.


Hot dog

The English name of hot dog is two separate words:

  • Hot dog: Hot dog
  • Hotdog ✘

Hot dog originated in Germany, and this delicacy was also introduced to the United States when a large number of German immigrants entered the United States. Americans believe that Germans love to eat dog meat, so the meat in this sausage must also be made of dog meat, and the name hot dog "hot dog" continues to this day.

  • Accusation: accuse, accuse

The term dog has been used as a synonym for sausage since the 1800s, possibly from accusations that sausage makers used dog meat in their sausages.



The most important part of a hot dog is the sausage inside, the saying goes for sausage. There are many:

  • Sausage: Sausage
  • Weiner: Sausage, Vienna sausage
  • Frankfurter: Sausage, Frankfurter sausage, also known as frank


Ballpark frank

In addition to sausages made from meat, there are also sausages suitable for vegetarians Vegan Hot Dogs:

  • Veggie dog: Vegan Hot Dogs

How can you watch baseball without eating a hot dog? In the United States, hot dogs have developed from street snacks to American culture related to baseball, so hot dogs also have an alias:

  • Ballpark frank: hot dog
  • Ballpark: baseball stadium

The bread outside the hot dog is not called bread:

  • Bun: bread

Similar ones are also There is a hamburger bun, the bread on the outside of the burger.


Grill barbeque or roast?

Before eating hot dogs, you must grill sausages, similar to sausages, by touching a very hot surface:

  • Grill: Barbeque
  • Barbeque: Barbeque

If you bake it in the Oven:

  • Roast: Grilled


Hot dog sauce

The classic red, yellow and green sauce for hot dogs, red:

  • Ketchup: Ketchup

Don’t call it tomato sauce.

A milder, slightly sour sauce than Japanese mustard wasabi:

  • Mustard: Yellow mustard

Less common green sauce in China:

  • Relish: Appetizer sauce made with onions, lettuce, pickled cucumbers, etc.


When where

In North America, many families will hold barbecue parties in the summer, and hot dogs are indispensable among the many delicacies:

  • Summer BBQ: Summer BBQ

When sports venues hold competitions, you can also see hot dog stalls:

  • Sports games: Sports games

In addition, hot dogs are Common street food in the United States:

  • Street food: Street food

Therefore, there is an additional nickname:

  • Street meat: Hot dog
  • I'm gonna get a street meat. I'm going to buy a hot dog to eat.

Finally, hot dogs can also be bought at convenience stores:

  • Convenience stores: Convenience stores

Do you like hot dogs?

What is the best street food you have ever eaten?

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