Many schools in Tianjin, Beijing and other places have introduced measures to improve the incentive mechanism, encourage outstanding counselors, full-time party cadres, and professional teachers to transfer to serve as ideological and political course teachers, and independently

The first anniversary of the symposium for teachers of ideological and political theory courses in schools

On March 18, 2019, General Secretary Xi Jinping presided over a symposium for teachers of ideological and political theory courses in schools and delivered an important speech.

Over the past year, education departments and schools across the country have conscientiously implemented the spirit of the General Secretary’s important speech and promoted the construction of ideological and political teachers. What specific progress has been made? Follow the education micro-blog to read the report "Forging the key force for casting souls and educating people in the new era" ↓↓↓

Forging the key forces for casting souls and educating people in the new era

- A review of the construction of ideological and political teachers in schools across the country

" The key to a good ideological and political theory course is the teacher, and the key is to give full play to the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of the teacher." On March 18, 2019, at the symposium for teachers of the school's ideological and political theory course, General Secretary Xi Jinping taught earnestly and thoughtfully: "Thinking. Political teachers should sow the seeds of truth, goodness and beauty in students’ minds, and guide students to buckle the first button of life. "

Politics must be strong, feelings must be deep, thinking must be new, vision must be broad, self-discipline must be strict, and personality must be upright." The requirements of "Six Essentials" and the insistence on "eight unifications" are General Secretary Xi Jinping's hopes for the vast number of teachers of ideological and political courses and requirements for the reform and innovation of ideological and political courses. It is also the height from which General Secretary Xi Jinping stands in realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. , a solemn answer to the fundamental questions of who to train, how to train, and for whom.

General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that ideological and political theoretical courses are key courses to implement the fundamental task of cultivating morality and cultivating people. The adolescent stage is the "jointing and booting stage" of life, which needs careful guidance and cultivation. When we run education on socialism with Chinese characteristics, we need to teach ideological and political courses with confidence, educate people with the thoughts of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, and guide students to strengthen their confidence in the path, theory, system, and culture of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and build a solid foundation for Plant patriotism and consciously integrate patriotism, ambition to strengthen the country, and service to the country into the struggle to uphold and develop the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics, build a modern and powerful socialist country, and realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. The role of ideological and political courses is irreplaceable, and the teachers of ideological and political courses have a heavy responsibility.

General Secretary Xi Jinping focuses on cultivating socialist builders and successors. He speaks highly of the important role of ideological and political teachers in cultivating souls and educating people and cultivating moral integrity. He has pointed out the direction and direction for strengthening the construction of ideological and political teachers in the new era. path.

Ideological and political teachers, as students’ ideological guides and faith-builders, bear the important responsibility of guiding young people to “button the first button of life”. Over the past year, all localities have conscientiously implemented the spirit of the conference, adopted practical and effective measures, and made great efforts to create a team of ideological and political teachers with strong politics, deep feelings, new thinking, broad vision, strict self-discipline, and upright personality.

Comprehensively promote the construction of ideological and political course teachers


"The spring of ideological and political education is coming!" After the school's ideological and political theory course teachers' symposium was held, from the country to the school, ideological and political education has been recognized and valued as never before , which makes ideological and political teachers feel excited and inspired, and many teachers sigh like this.

This is both a clarion call and an accelerator for the construction of a team of ideological and political teachers across the country. Over the past year, the central and local governments have strengthened the construction of ideological and political teachers, relevant supporting policies have been introduced in full swing, and a series of major measures are also taking root.

In August 2019, the General Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the General Office of the State Council issued the "Several Opinions on Deepening the Reform and Innovation of Ideological and Political Theory Courses in Schools in the New Era", standing on the basis that "education is a major plan for the country and a major plan for the Party, and it is responsible for establishing "The fundamental task of cultivating people with morality" and "Ideological and political courses are key courses to implement the fundamental task of cultivating people with morality and play an irreplaceable role", and will "build a team with strong politics, deep feelings, new thinking and broad vision". "A team of ideological and political teachers with strict self-discipline and upright personality" is clearly a key link in the reform and innovation of ideological and political courses in schools in the new era, giving the construction of a team of ideological and political teachers a new mission of the times.

Accelerate the expansion of the team of ideological and political teachers in schools, effectively improve the comprehensive quality of ideological and political teachers, effectively reform the evaluation mechanism of ideological and political teachers, increase incentives for ideological and political teachers, and vigorously strengthen the training of reserve talents for the ideological and political teachers, " "Several Opinions" closely focus on the pain points and difficulties in building a team of teachers for ideological and political courses, improve the top-level design, promote and enhance teachers' sense of professional identity, honor, and responsibility, and select and train high-quality talents to engage in Marxist theory study, research, and education and teaching.

Previously, in July 2019, the Ministry of Education and other five departments jointly issued the "Opinions on Strengthening the Construction of Ideological and Political Theory Teachers in Primary and Secondary Schools in the New Era", focusing on the shortcomings in the construction of ideological and political teachers in primary and secondary schools, and focusing on the ideological and political teachers in primary and secondary schools. Put forward clear requirements for teacher allocation management, quality and ability, evaluation and incentive mechanisms, etc.

"The overall idea of ​​the "Opinions" is very clear, which is to be guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, fully implement the party's education policy, adhere to the guiding position of Marxism, adhere to the direction of socialist school running, and implement the fundamental principles of cultivating morality and cultivating people. The task is to comprehensively strengthen the construction of ideological and political teachers in primary and secondary schools and provide a strong guarantee for cultivating socialist builders and successors with comprehensive development of morality, intelligence, physical education, and art,” said the relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Education.

For a long time, the shortage of teachers has been a shortcoming in the construction of ideological and political teachers. Extensive "lobby classes" with hundreds of people at every turn directly affect the teaching effect and the quality of education. With the gradual advancement of ideological and political work, schools in various places have accelerated the introduction and training of teachers, and continue to move towards the goal of equipping teachers with strong talents.

In the "Regulations on the Construction of Ideological and Political Theory Course Teachers in Colleges and Universities in the New Era" recently issued by the Ministry of Education, it is clearly stated that "the full-time ideological and political teaching positions shall be determined strictly in accordance with a teacher-student ratio of no less than 1:350" and "public Colleges and universities must allocate sufficient funds within their establishments and must not use them for other purposes.”

20 people, this is the quota for recruiting teachers for 2019-2020 announced by the School of Marxism of Central China Normal University. It is understood that there are many colleges and universities that have issued similar "talent seeking orders".

Guangdong Province issued the "Action Plan for the Construction of Ideological and Political Theory Courses in Schools in Guangdong Province (2019-2021)" which proposes that the teacher-student ratio of full-time ideological and political course teachers will reach 1:350 by the end of 2021.

Nankai University has invited senior experts from the School of Economics, Law School, Institute of Financial Development, etc. to serve as doctoral tutors in the subject of Marxist theory through "double employment" and "special appointment" to form an open, flowing and growing team throughout the school. Marxist theory discipline teaching team.

Today, it has become a consensus to increase the training, recruitment, and motivation of ideological and political teachers and enhance their professional identity, honor, and responsibility in building ideological and political teachers in schools across the country.

"It is the political responsibility and mission of the times of normal universities to cultivate batch after batch of good teachers with the 'Four Haves' for the party and the country, especially ideological and political teachers with the qualities of the 'Six Essentials'." Beijing Normal University Party Secretary Cheng Jianping said.

Beijing is the first city in the country to issue job subsidies to all ideological and political teachers at an average of 2,000 yuan per person per month, and select a group of special professors and special teachers for ideological and political courses.

Qinghai Province issued "Several Measures on Strengthening the Construction of Ideological and Political Theory Courses in Schools in the New Era", which clarified "improving the professional status of ideological and political workers" as one of the 10 aspects of fully promoting the construction of ideological and political courses in schools in the new era.

Shanghai has launched a special action plan, investing nearly 100 million yuan every year to support the two national "key horse racing academies" of Fudan and East China Normal University, 15 municipal "demonstration horse racing academies" such as Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Tongji, and more Marxist colleges and universities. Construction of academic disciplines in theoretical disciplines.

Shandong, Gansu, Heilongjiang and other provinces have successively established ideological and political teacher training bases in schools across the province, training nearly a thousand ideological and political teachers, head teachers, counselors, etc. every year.

Lay a solid foundation

Do everything possible to improve the "guide" quality of ideological and political course teachers

The key to running ideological and political courses well lies in teachers. “To maintain integrity is a sacred achievement.” General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out at the symposium that teachers of ideological and political courses must have an upright personality.

The first anniversary of the symposium for teachers of ideological and political theory courses in schools

On March 18, 2019, General Secretary Xi Jinping presided over a symposium for teachers of ideological and political theory courses in schools and delivered an important speech.

Over the past year, education departments and schools across the country have conscientiously implemented the spirit of the General Secretary’s important speech and promoted the construction of ideological and political teachers. What specific progress has been made? Follow the education micro-blog to read the report "Forging the key force for casting souls and educating people in the new era" ↓↓↓

Forging the key forces for casting souls and educating people in the new era

- A review of the construction of ideological and political teachers in schools across the country

" The key to a good ideological and political theory course is the teacher, and the key is to give full play to the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of the teacher." On March 18, 2019, at the symposium for teachers of the school's ideological and political theory course, General Secretary Xi Jinping taught earnestly and thoughtfully: "Thinking. Political teachers should sow the seeds of truth, goodness and beauty in students’ minds, and guide students to buckle the first button of life. "

Politics must be strong, feelings must be deep, thinking must be new, vision must be broad, self-discipline must be strict, and personality must be upright." The requirements of "Six Essentials" and the insistence on "eight unifications" are General Secretary Xi Jinping's hopes for the vast number of teachers of ideological and political courses and requirements for the reform and innovation of ideological and political courses. It is also the height from which General Secretary Xi Jinping stands in realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. , a solemn answer to the fundamental questions of who to train, how to train, and for whom.

General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that ideological and political theoretical courses are key courses to implement the fundamental task of cultivating morality and cultivating people. The adolescent stage is the "jointing and booting stage" of life, which needs careful guidance and cultivation. When we run education on socialism with Chinese characteristics, we need to teach ideological and political courses with confidence, educate people with the thoughts of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, and guide students to strengthen their confidence in the path, theory, system, and culture of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and build a solid foundation for Plant patriotism and consciously integrate patriotism, ambition to strengthen the country, and service to the country into the struggle to uphold and develop the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics, build a modern and powerful socialist country, and realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. The role of ideological and political courses is irreplaceable, and the teachers of ideological and political courses have a heavy responsibility.

General Secretary Xi Jinping focuses on cultivating socialist builders and successors. He speaks highly of the important role of ideological and political teachers in cultivating souls and educating people and cultivating moral integrity. He has pointed out the direction and direction for strengthening the construction of ideological and political teachers in the new era. path.

Ideological and political teachers, as students’ ideological guides and faith-builders, bear the important responsibility of guiding young people to “button the first button of life”. Over the past year, all localities have conscientiously implemented the spirit of the conference, adopted practical and effective measures, and made great efforts to create a team of ideological and political teachers with strong politics, deep feelings, new thinking, broad vision, strict self-discipline, and upright personality.

Comprehensively promote the construction of ideological and political course teachers


"The spring of ideological and political education is coming!" After the school's ideological and political theory course teachers' symposium was held, from the country to the school, ideological and political education has been recognized and valued as never before , which makes ideological and political teachers feel excited and inspired, and many teachers sigh like this.

This is both a clarion call and an accelerator for the construction of a team of ideological and political teachers across the country. Over the past year, the central and local governments have strengthened the construction of ideological and political teachers, relevant supporting policies have been introduced in full swing, and a series of major measures are also taking root.

In August 2019, the General Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the General Office of the State Council issued the "Several Opinions on Deepening the Reform and Innovation of Ideological and Political Theory Courses in Schools in the New Era", standing on the basis that "education is a major plan for the country and a major plan for the Party, and it is responsible for establishing "The fundamental task of cultivating people with morality" and "Ideological and political courses are key courses to implement the fundamental task of cultivating people with morality and play an irreplaceable role", and will "build a team with strong politics, deep feelings, new thinking and broad vision". "A team of ideological and political teachers with strict self-discipline and upright personality" is clearly a key link in the reform and innovation of ideological and political courses in schools in the new era, giving the construction of a team of ideological and political teachers a new mission of the times.

Accelerate the expansion of the team of ideological and political teachers in schools, effectively improve the comprehensive quality of ideological and political teachers, effectively reform the evaluation mechanism of ideological and political teachers, increase incentives for ideological and political teachers, and vigorously strengthen the training of reserve talents for the ideological and political teachers, " "Several Opinions" closely focus on the pain points and difficulties in building a team of teachers for ideological and political courses, improve the top-level design, promote and enhance teachers' sense of professional identity, honor, and responsibility, and select and train high-quality talents to engage in Marxist theory study, research, and education and teaching.

Previously, in July 2019, the Ministry of Education and other five departments jointly issued the "Opinions on Strengthening the Construction of Ideological and Political Theory Teachers in Primary and Secondary Schools in the New Era", focusing on the shortcomings in the construction of ideological and political teachers in primary and secondary schools, and focusing on the ideological and political teachers in primary and secondary schools. Put forward clear requirements for teacher allocation management, quality and ability, evaluation and incentive mechanisms, etc.

"The overall idea of ​​the "Opinions" is very clear, which is to be guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, fully implement the party's education policy, adhere to the guiding position of Marxism, adhere to the direction of socialist school running, and implement the fundamental principles of cultivating morality and cultivating people. The task is to comprehensively strengthen the construction of ideological and political teachers in primary and secondary schools and provide a strong guarantee for cultivating socialist builders and successors with comprehensive development of morality, intelligence, physical education, and art,” said the relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Education.

For a long time, the shortage of teachers has been a shortcoming in the construction of ideological and political teachers. Extensive "lobby classes" with hundreds of people at every turn directly affect the teaching effect and the quality of education. With the gradual advancement of ideological and political work, schools in various places have accelerated the introduction and training of teachers, and continue to move towards the goal of equipping teachers with strong talents.

In the "Regulations on the Construction of Ideological and Political Theory Course Teachers in Colleges and Universities in the New Era" recently issued by the Ministry of Education, it is clearly stated that "the full-time ideological and political teaching positions shall be determined strictly in accordance with a teacher-student ratio of no less than 1:350" and "public Colleges and universities must allocate sufficient funds within their establishments and must not use them for other purposes.”

20 people, this is the quota for recruiting teachers for 2019-2020 announced by the School of Marxism of Central China Normal University. It is understood that there are many colleges and universities that have issued similar "talent seeking orders".

Guangdong Province issued the "Action Plan for the Construction of Ideological and Political Theory Courses in Schools in Guangdong Province (2019-2021)" which proposes that the teacher-student ratio of full-time ideological and political course teachers will reach 1:350 by the end of 2021.

Nankai University has invited senior experts from the School of Economics, Law School, Institute of Financial Development, etc. to serve as doctoral tutors in the subject of Marxist theory through "double employment" and "special appointment" to form an open, flowing and growing team throughout the school. Marxist theory discipline teaching team.

Today, it has become a consensus to increase the training, recruitment, and motivation of ideological and political teachers and enhance their professional identity, honor, and responsibility in building ideological and political teachers in schools across the country.

"It is the political responsibility and mission of the times of normal universities to cultivate batch after batch of good teachers with the 'Four Haves' for the party and the country, especially ideological and political teachers with the qualities of the 'Six Essentials'." Beijing Normal University Party Secretary Cheng Jianping said.

Beijing is the first city in the country to issue job subsidies to all ideological and political teachers at an average of 2,000 yuan per person per month, and select a group of special professors and special teachers for ideological and political courses.

Qinghai Province issued "Several Measures on Strengthening the Construction of Ideological and Political Theory Courses in Schools in the New Era", which clarified "improving the professional status of ideological and political workers" as one of the 10 aspects of fully promoting the construction of ideological and political courses in schools in the new era.

Shanghai has launched a special action plan, investing nearly 100 million yuan every year to support the two national "key horse racing academies" of Fudan and East China Normal University, 15 municipal "demonstration horse racing academies" such as Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Tongji, and more Marxist colleges and universities. Construction of academic disciplines in theoretical disciplines.

Shandong, Gansu, Heilongjiang and other provinces have successively established ideological and political teacher training bases in schools across the province, training nearly a thousand ideological and political teachers, head teachers, counselors, etc. every year.

Lay a solid foundation

Do everything possible to improve the "guide" quality of ideological and political course teachers

The key to running ideological and political courses well lies in teachers. “To maintain integrity is a sacred achievement.” General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out at the symposium that teachers of ideological and political courses must have an upright personality.Chen Guo, a senior lecturer at the School of Marxism at Fudan University who spoke at the symposium, said: "To establish morality and cultivate people, you must first establish morality yourself, and then you can convince others with morality."

Helping students live a good life While tightening the buttons, teachers need to constantly check whether their buttons are "buttoned correctly." In order to strengthen the guidance of teacher ethics, most universities have established party committee teacher work departments, and teacher ethics evaluation standards have been gradually improved. Political standards and teachers' ethics and style performance are adhered to as the primary criteria for talent introduction, professional title review, tutor selection, and job assessment.

"If the water is not thick, it will not be able to carry a big boat." Wang Xueli, a professor at the School of Marxism of Xinjiang Agricultural Vocational and Technical College who gave a speech at the symposium, has an average of 200 classes per year, and each class is carefully prepared. Wu Youcun, a speaker at the symposium and a senior teacher of Wuhan Jiefang Middle School, has collected more than 20 ideological and political course materials over the years to achieve the effect of drawing from the materials at your fingertips and making reference to them.

gives full play to the leading and training role of famous teachers, allowing a group of key teachers to "emerge" first. The "Plan for Training Teachers of Ideological and Political Theory Courses in General Colleges and Universities (2019-2023)" issued by the Ministry of Education clearly states that efforts will be made to cultivate dozens of famous teachers of ideological and political courses who have wide influence in the country, and hundreds of teachers of ideological and political courses. Leading talents and tens of thousands of ideological and political teaching backbones.

Speaker Xu Chuan, associate professor at the School of Marxism at Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, is committed to turning "I" into "we". The "Continuous Flow" team led by him is open to universities and ideological and political workers across the country. Team members We study courses together, make lesson plans together, and improve our own literacy together.

In order to overall improve the professional ability and educational level of ideological and political course teachers, the Ministry of Education organized a "face-to-face collective lesson preparation", launched the first national ideological and political course teaching exhibition event in colleges and universities, and strengthened the "National Online Collective Lesson Preparation Platform for Ideological and Political Course Teachers in Colleges and Universities" construction.

Those who travel together stay far away. "With the online collective lesson preparation platform, we no longer need to 'fight individually', but have started to move towards a 'group army battle mode', which is great!" commented many teachers of ideological and political courses.

Nowadays, building an interdisciplinary, cross-field, high-quality teaching team and insisting on carrying out layered training for full-time teachers of ideological and political courses is becoming the new normal for building a team of ideological and political course teachers in various places. Henan, Tianjin, Shaanxi and other places use competition to promote teaching, competition to promote reform, and competition to promote construction, which has opened the horizons of teachers and improved the political quality, professional ability, and educational level of a large number of young and middle-aged teachers.

"This competition has changed the ideological and political classroom of our front-line teachers. Not only the students' heads have been raised, but the heads of our ideological and political teachers have also been raised!" Won the first prize in the Henan Provincial College Ideological and Political Theory Course Teaching Skills Competition said Tian Xunlong, a teacher at the School of Marxism at Henan University of Finance and Economics.

The excitement on the podium is not just a matter of teaching techniques, it is also a comprehensive reflection of ideals, beliefs, and educational feelings. Several ideological and political teachers who spoke at the symposium set an example with practical actions.

As an old party member with 70 years of party experience, retired professor Lin Tai from the School of Marxism at Tsinghua University has never forgotten his original intention and mission of "educating people for the party and educating talents for the country". He sticks to the three-foot podium and uses the classroom as a platform to spread Marxism. position.

According to Liu Jianjun, a professor at the School of Marxism at Renmin University of China, ideological and political education workers must have the depth of a thinker, the height of a politician, and the warmth of an educator. "Only through the combination of the three can they undertake the sacred mission of cultivating people with virtue." .

"You are a Chinese teacher, and you must provide Chinese education with a Chinese heart." These words from the old principal of the school have been engraved in the heart of Wang Liang, a second-level teacher at Xinghua Primary School in Xi'an for more than 20 years.

In Zaozhuang City, Shandong Province, primary and secondary schools must organize political theory learning activities at least once a week, and use Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as an important learning content.

At the same time, a large number of ideological and political teachers with strict self-discipline and upright personality, who come from the big social stage, consciously carry forward the main theme and actively spread positive energy, have become people that students like and are willing to follow.

In Shanghai, university party committee secretaries and presidents took the lead in giving lectures. Well-known professors and industry experts took the stage to give lectures. Party and government leaders and role models gave their own opinions. More people with faith stood on the podium to talk about their faith. They come to the classroom to teach students, shift the focus of work down to the grassroots level, and do practical and detailed ideological and political education .

Key breakthroughs

Exploring the innovative path of building a team of ideological and political teachers in the new era

As an information technology expert, Chen Li, a professor at the School of Information Science and Technology of Northwest University, always talks about "algorithms" to students in class.

But this algorithm is not only professional computer knowledge, but also a "life algorithm" related to students' future - she explains to students the significance and value of "artificial intelligence" and "Internet +" that have been included in national strategies, enhancing students' history A sense of mission and responsibility for the times.

explores the ideological and political education resources contained in other courses and teaching methods to achieve all-round education for all staff. This is the ardent expectation put forward by General Secretary Xi Jinping at the school’s ideological and political theory course teachers’ symposium.

To use "salt" well and make fresh "soup", it depends on choosing a "chef" well. Let all teachers take on the "ideological and political responsibility" and "keep a good channel and plant a good field of responsibility" in all kinds of courses. A large ideological and political education system with full participation and joint management is taking shape. .

At Wuhan University, a strong “ideological and political flavor” appears in professional classes. For more than 20 years, the team of six academicians has insisted on offering the professional basic course "Introduction to Surveying and Mapping" to undergraduate freshmen, deeply integrating intangible value education and tangible professional knowledge teaching, and becoming a living carrier of ideological and political education.

Senior teacher Chen Mingqing, a speaker at the symposium, is a regular student at the First Affiliated Middle School of East China Normal University where politics, history, and Chinese teachers prepare lessons together. "As a political teacher, we must work hard to communicate with teachers from different subjects and walk in the same direction so that students can receive all-round and multi-dimensional education." Chen Mingqing said.

Shanghai implements an incentive plan for undergraduate teaching teachers, vigorously implements a classified training system for all employees, and continues to effectively promote the construction of "curriculum ideological and political education" in colleges and universities.

In this process, teachers’ cognition is also quietly changing. Ideological and political work has shifted from the previous "individual combat" of teachers in a single subject to "whole-person education", and "curriculum ideological and political work" is becoming a conscious behavior of teachers.

The core of mechanism innovation is the innovation of the evaluation system, which in turn drives innovation in all aspects of the construction of ideological and political teacher teams. The "Opinions on Strengthening the Construction of Ideological and Political Theory Teachers in Primary and Secondary Schools in the New Era" requires reforming the evaluation mechanism of ideological and political teachers in primary and secondary schools, highlighting the orientation of classroom teaching quality and educational effectiveness, and formulating policies that are consistent with the job characteristics of primary and secondary school ideological and political teachers. Matching evaluation criteria.

Based on the actual situation, various localities have put forward many practical and hard measures in terms of the evaluation and incentive mechanism orientation of primary and secondary school ideological and political teachers, professional title evaluation, evaluation of excellence, and performance reform. Weifang, Shandong Province, has established a qualification system for ideological and political teachers linked to professional title evaluation, evaluation of talents, and performance incentives, as well as an exit mechanism for ideological and political teachers linked to teacher ethics assessment, performance evaluation, etc.

In the teaching of ideological and political courses in colleges and universities, the Ministry of Education has made it clear that it will adhere to the scientific research orientation with the teaching of ideological and political courses as the core, further increase the proportion of teaching and teaching research, and resolutely overcome the problems of only diplomas, only papers, and only hats. Teaching must be Effectiveness is the fundamental criterion for the evaluation of professional and technical positions (titles) of ideological and political course teachers.

"Taking teaching effectiveness as the most critical criterion fully reflects the country's emphasis on ideological and political teaching." Liu Mingming, associate professor of the Teaching and Research Section of the Introduction to Basic Principles of Marxism at Nankai University, said, "Marxist theoretical subjects and ideological and political teachers are at the best in history In this era, as an ideological and political teacher, you must put teaching first."

Regarding the incentive mechanism, the "Several Opinions on Deepening the Reform and Innovation of Ideological and Political Theory Courses in Schools in the New Era" issued by the General Office of the CPC Central Committee and the General Office of the State further requires that outstanding teachers and counselors of ideological and political courses be included in various high-level courses. level talent projects, and increase preferential support in talent projects such as the “Ten Thousand Talents Plan”, “Yangtze River Scholars Award Plan” and “Four Batches”.

Many schools in Tianjin and Beijing have introduced measures to improve incentive mechanisms and encourage excellence. Counselors, full-time party cadres, and professional teachers were transferred to serve as teachers of ideological and political courses, and they independently researched and formulated the professional title evaluation standards for ideological and political course teachers with teaching effectiveness as the core. They set up separate professional title ratios and evaluation groups to independently conduct professional title evaluations. Cultivating people will pay off over time. The construction of ideological and political teachers is a systematic project with a long way to go. Based on the new era, the "construction drawings" have been drawn to cultivate new people of the era who will take on the responsibility of national rejuvenation and use Xi Jinping's new era of China. Characteristic socialist thoughts cast the soul and educate people, and a team of ideological and political teachers who are credible, respectable, reliable, willing, courageous, and promising are marching forward with their heads held high.

Author | Chai Wei Yuzhen

Source | "China Education News"

In Shanghai, university party committee secretaries and presidents took the lead in giving lectures. Well-known professors and industry experts took the stage to give lectures. Party and government leaders and role models gave their own opinions. More people with faith stood on the podium to talk about their faith. They come to the classroom to teach students, shift the focus of work down to the grassroots level, and do practical and detailed ideological and political education .

Key breakthroughs

Exploring the innovative path of building a team of ideological and political teachers in the new era

As an information technology expert, Chen Li, a professor at the School of Information Science and Technology of Northwest University, always talks about "algorithms" to students in class.

But this algorithm is not only professional computer knowledge, but also a "life algorithm" related to students' future - she explains to students the significance and value of "artificial intelligence" and "Internet +" that have been included in national strategies, enhancing students' history A sense of mission and responsibility for the times.

explores the ideological and political education resources contained in other courses and teaching methods to achieve all-round education for all staff. This is the ardent expectation put forward by General Secretary Xi Jinping at the school’s ideological and political theory course teachers’ symposium.

To use "salt" well and make fresh "soup", it depends on choosing a "chef" well. Let all teachers take on the "ideological and political responsibility" and "keep a good channel and plant a good field of responsibility" in all kinds of courses. A large ideological and political education system with full participation and joint management is taking shape. .

At Wuhan University, a strong “ideological and political flavor” appears in professional classes. For more than 20 years, the team of six academicians has insisted on offering the professional basic course "Introduction to Surveying and Mapping" to undergraduate freshmen, deeply integrating intangible value education and tangible professional knowledge teaching, and becoming a living carrier of ideological and political education.

Senior teacher Chen Mingqing, a speaker at the symposium, is a regular student at the First Affiliated Middle School of East China Normal University where politics, history, and Chinese teachers prepare lessons together. "As a political teacher, we must work hard to communicate with teachers from different subjects and walk in the same direction so that students can receive all-round and multi-dimensional education." Chen Mingqing said.

Shanghai implements an incentive plan for undergraduate teaching teachers, vigorously implements a classified training system for all employees, and continues to effectively promote the construction of "curriculum ideological and political education" in colleges and universities.

In this process, teachers’ cognition is also quietly changing. Ideological and political work has shifted from the previous "individual combat" of teachers in a single subject to "whole-person education", and "curriculum ideological and political work" is becoming a conscious behavior of teachers.

The core of mechanism innovation is the innovation of the evaluation system, which in turn drives innovation in all aspects of the construction of ideological and political teacher teams. The "Opinions on Strengthening the Construction of Ideological and Political Theory Teachers in Primary and Secondary Schools in the New Era" requires reforming the evaluation mechanism of ideological and political teachers in primary and secondary schools, highlighting the orientation of classroom teaching quality and educational effectiveness, and formulating policies that are consistent with the job characteristics of primary and secondary school ideological and political teachers. Matching evaluation criteria.

Based on the actual situation, various localities have put forward many practical and hard measures in terms of the evaluation and incentive mechanism orientation of primary and secondary school ideological and political teachers, professional title evaluation, evaluation of excellence, and performance reform. Weifang, Shandong Province, has established a qualification system for ideological and political teachers linked to professional title evaluation, evaluation of talents, and performance incentives, as well as an exit mechanism for ideological and political teachers linked to teacher ethics assessment, performance evaluation, etc.

In the teaching of ideological and political courses in colleges and universities, the Ministry of Education has made it clear that it will adhere to the scientific research orientation with the teaching of ideological and political courses as the core, further increase the proportion of teaching and teaching research, and resolutely overcome the problems of only diplomas, only papers, and only hats. Teaching must be Effectiveness is the fundamental criterion for the evaluation of professional and technical positions (titles) of ideological and political course teachers.

"Taking teaching effectiveness as the most critical criterion fully reflects the country's emphasis on ideological and political teaching." Liu Mingming, associate professor of the Teaching and Research Section of the Introduction to Basic Principles of Marxism at Nankai University, said, "Marxist theoretical subjects and ideological and political teachers are at the best in history In this era, as an ideological and political teacher, you must put teaching first."

Regarding the incentive mechanism, the "Several Opinions on Deepening the Reform and Innovation of Ideological and Political Theory Courses in Schools in the New Era" issued by the General Office of the CPC Central Committee and the General Office of the State further requires that outstanding teachers and counselors of ideological and political courses be included in various high-level courses. level talent projects, and increase preferential support in talent projects such as the “Ten Thousand Talents Plan”, “Yangtze River Scholars Award Plan” and “Four Batches”.

Many schools in Tianjin and Beijing have introduced measures to improve incentive mechanisms and encourage excellence. Counselors, full-time party cadres, and professional teachers were transferred to serve as teachers of ideological and political courses, and they independently researched and formulated the professional title evaluation standards for ideological and political course teachers with teaching effectiveness as the core. They set up separate professional title ratios and evaluation groups to independently conduct professional title evaluations. Cultivating people will pay off over time. The construction of ideological and political teachers is a systematic project with a long way to go. Based on the new era, the "construction drawings" have been drawn to cultivate new people of the era who will take on the responsibility of national rejuvenation and use Xi Jinping's new era of China. Characteristic socialist thoughts cast the soul and educate people, and a team of ideological and political teachers who are credible, respectable, reliable, willing, courageous, and promising are marching forward with their heads held high.

Author | Chai Wei Yuzhen

Source | "China Education News"